Should we shut down FAIR/MADD?

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_why me
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Post by _why me »

Polygamy Porter wrote:
why me wrote:I am afraid that MAD is here to stay and rightly so. Now lets face, MAD is a thorn is the side of the critics and of the exmos who are hostile to the lds church. And in fact, MAD is doing a good job in answering questions for lds lurkers. You see, what you all must realize is that there are answers to critic questions. And nothing about the lds church has been proven false. In fact, although the lds church has taken some hits from the internet, I do believe that lds sites are now preventing some people from exiting because such lds posters can post a comment and receive an answer or have realized that some lds people had the same questions, and stayed in the lds church.

I know that MAD is a problem for some critics. But by and large, it is very successful in defending the lds faith. And that is what it is meant to do.

And my lds friends on that board are very good people behind the cyberwall...oh and by the way, sethbag is a critic, trust me, he is a critic and He and I have posted many posts to eachothers' comments. I know a critic when I read one. But seth is a good guy.
Wow, the more I read from you, the more I wonder if you aren't the sister of Gazlam.

for what it's worth, many of us "exmos who are hostile to the lds church" cut our truth teeth on that very board. There are so many chapel Mormons. I was one of them. Once I realized all of the crap I was reading was in fact true history, it was the dancing around these issues and the pious poumpous pontificating pukes of the Fboard that help me realize the under belly of the beast.

I hope that board stays up. It helped me see the light. Denial C. Peterson is an asset to the exmormon movement.

Well, porter I never had a testimony of lds history. It matters very little to me just what men and women did during the early part of the lds church. But I will say, that those times must have been exciting times. To be with the early saints and experience what they experienced and yes, even to make the mistakes that they did, would have been rather exciting. I for one, would have loved to have met Joseph Smith just to get a feel for what this man is or was. Some who joined the lds church at that time were just a little disappointed in him as prophet...he seemed to be to human for them. Who knows...maybe I would have thought the same.

And besides what is true history? So much is left open to interpretation. And this is what can make history class so exciting.
_Who Knows
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Post by _Who Knows »

why me wrote:And many critics seem to have come here to roost for a while. But the loyal critics who stay at MAD seem to be a decent bunch of individuals who have or are coming to terms with the lds church. It can be a good place to have a conversation, if the critic so desires.

Most of the critics here would probably also still post at MAD - IF THEY WERE ABLE TO. Most of us were banned - some justified, some unjustified.
WK: "Joseph Smith asserted that the Book of Mormon peoples were the original inhabitants of the americas"
Will Schryver: "No, he didn’t." 3/19/08
Still waiting for Will to back this up...
_why me
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Post by _why me »

Who Knows wrote:
why me wrote:And many critics seem to have come here to roost for a while. But the loyal critics who stay at MAD seem to be a decent bunch of individuals who have or are coming to terms with the lds church. It can be a good place to have a conversation, if the critic so desires.

Most of the critics here would probably also still post at MAD - IF THEY WERE ABLE TO. Most of us were banned - some justified, some unjustified.

I think that I am going to make a suggestion that those critics who were excommunicated be reinstated. Of course, it will depend on their sins...but maybe some of the less serious 'sinners' can come back. Who knows?

However, I was also banned from an exer forum and I didn't even break the rules. I suppose it is just a part of cyberlife.
_Who Knows
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Post by _Who Knows »

why me wrote:I think that I am going to make a suggestion that those critics who were excommunicated be reinstated. Of course, it will depend on their sins...but maybe some of the less serious 'sinners' can come back. Who knows?

Don't bother - for me at least. Even if i was able to, I wouldn't post there - as long as that a-hole Dan_G is in charge. In case you didn't know, Why Me, you have a narcissistic 16 year old running your board.

However, I was also banned from an exer forum and I didn't even break the rules. I suppose it is just a part of cyberlife.

Well, maybe you can understand where we're coming from - at least, maybe a little.
WK: "Joseph Smith asserted that the Book of Mormon peoples were the original inhabitants of the americas"
Will Schryver: "No, he didn’t." 3/19/08
Still waiting for Will to back this up...
_The Dude
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Post by _The Dude »

Who Knows wrote:Don't bother - for me at least. Even if i was able to, I wouldn't post there - as long as that a-hole Dan_G is in charge. In case you didn't know, Why Me, you have a narcissistic 16 year old running your board.

Since Sput is re-posting the things you say, I guess you've found a way to get your posts back on the FAIR/MAD board. Is there anything else you'd like to contribute, Who Knows?
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Post by _moksha »

If you shut down MAD, what would we have to talk about here?
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_Dan Vogel
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Post by _Dan Vogel »

I'm glad FAIR/MAD exists. It's hard to have a one-sided dialogue. I would rather have the apologists improving their arguments in response to our criticisms than ignoring us altogether like they used to. I would suggest that we critics created the need for apologists to improve their game. It gives us legitimacy and an indirect voice to those listening to the apologists. It lets them know there are two sides to the issues and that there are real problems to work on. Shutting MAD down or not participating only diminishes your opportunity to voice your opinion to those who need to hear it--and I don't mean the apologists. When you debate with the apologists, it's not them you have to convince--it's the disinterested or questioning lurkers. The apologists' goals are to create reasons to keep members from leaving the church, but our goal should be to keep people from joining and validate those who want to leave anyway. So, when you think the apologists' always have convenient excuses to get out of problems, don't struggle too hard to win the debate. Part of what you do is to highlight the weaknesses and let the readers decide. If some decide the apologists are convincing, that's OK with me. Personally, I don't care how many Mormons are in the world. The most I can hope for is to help people make up their own minds by giving them a choice. A side benefit might be that scholarly and apologetic discussions continue to change the church in a positive direction.
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Post by _beastie »

I admit that I intensely dislike the poisoning of the well against critics that takes place on a regular basis by very vocal and influential posters. When I went back to address Juliann's misuse of Bromley, I never intended to stay and continue posting. However, reality is that it is the only place where I can directly address some of the apologia that I believe ought to be addressed for the sake of lurkers, because I agree with Dan - that's the only point.

LDS are already handicapped in having to defend some of the issues they're forced to defend - the misfit of the Book of Mormon in Mesoamerica, the Book of Abraham papyrii, Joseph Smith' polyandry - I guess it makes sense they need extra moderator protection in order to be induced to post at all.

by the way, I had to laugh at charity's horror that some poster here made a joke by altering someone's screen name. If I had a penny each time Pahoran twisted my screen names into something else, I'd probably have more than a buck. ;) And, If I recall correctly, Juliann used to do the same thing. They loved to call me "trickster" or "trickie trixie". I believe Pahoran also has called me beastly.

I used to take offense at it, but eventually decided to ignore it and join in the fun.
We hate to seem like we don’t trust every nut with a story, but there’s evidence we can point to, and dance while shouting taunting phrases.

Penn & Teller
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Post by _harmony »

The Dude wrote:
Who Knows wrote:Don't bother - for me at least. Even if i was able to, I wouldn't post there - as long as that a-hole Dan_G is in charge. In case you didn't know, Why Me, you have a narcissistic 16 year old running your board.

Since Sput is re-posting the things you say, I guess you've found a way to get your posts back on the FAIR/MAD board. Is there anything else you'd like to contribute, Who Knows?

Does that mean MAD is indirectly copywriting Who Knows' words, since Sput is moving them around from board to board?
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The Dude wrote:
Who Knows wrote:Don't bother - for me at least. Even if i was able to, I wouldn't post there - as long as that a-hole Dan_G is in charge. In case you didn't know, Why Me, you have a narcissistic 16 year old running your board.

Since Sput is re-posting the things you say, I guess you've found a way to get your posts back on the FAIR/MAD board. Is there anything else you'd like to contribute, Who Knows?

Sput is well weird kinda.....but then again people think I am weird...will he post my posts also.
Sput can't have an original thought on his own so he will use that is interesting isn't it???

Hellllooooooo Sputty boy!!!!!!!!!!!!
When I wake up I will be hungry....but this feels so good right now aaahhhhhh........
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