Top 100 Reasons why GBH is smiling...

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_A Light in the Darkness
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Post by _A Light in the Darkness »

Tal Bachman wrote:If Coggins7 and the rest of the apologetic crew on this board are not ultimately antagonistic to concepts like thinking, reality, evidence, etc., I should very much like to see them offer up some practical tests, the results of which they would accept as falsifying Mormonism.

Sure. I'll do it once you give me a practical test that will falsify the proposition, "sensory experience is a reliable way to obtain knowledge." Alternatively, you could look up the concept of "naïve falsificationism," explain to me what it is, and why it has that name.
Altogether denounce Kant, Kuhn, and all their works, or else confess that I completely reject the possibility of knowledge?


And this, I suspect, is pretty much what that debate with McCue would have been like, too.

Tee Hee.
_why me
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Post by _why me »

Tal Bachman wrote:
If Coggins7 and the rest of the apologetic crew on this board are not ultimately antagonistic to concepts like thinking, reality, evidence, etc., I should very much like to see them offer up some practical tests, the results of which they would accept as falsifying Mormonism. Until they do, why should they be regarded as fundamentally different as devout believers in astrology, who are likewise immune to every evidence that astrology isn't what it claims? [/size][/color]

No one is antagonistic to concepts like thinking, reality, and evidence. The point is in assuming that only you and Bob McCue and all the other countermos are the only ones thinking. Evidence is a no brainer. There is no evidence that Jesus was the Christ either. Religious belief is built on faith and not evidence. Evidence would be in Lucifer's plan. And reality is a conceptual word. What is reality? Is your reality as a postmo better than a Mormon reality. I doubt it. Mormons can be great thinkers. Mormons are also highly educated people, in general. A person cannot claim with a straight face that lds people do not think.

You need to have a reality check and begin to understand what exactly is a person of faith.
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Post by _silentkid »

why me wrote:Religious belief is built on faith and not evidence.

This is exactly right, Why Me. The problem is when empirical evidence contradicts certain aspects of one's faith. What does one do--allow their faith to adapt to the evidence, or completely discard the evidence in favor of their faith?
_John Larsen
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Post by _John Larsen »

why me wrote:There is no evidence that Jesus was the Christ either.


why me wrote:Religious belief is built on faith and not evidence.

In full agreement.

why me wrote:Is your reality as a postmo better than a Mormon reality. I doubt it.

My reality is unquestionably, beyond a shadow of a doubt better. As someone who was a Mormon for 32 years and an former-Mormon for 3, I can say this with authority. I have tasted both and know the difference. Mormons who have never left cannot make this claim.

Many people have different realities, but can you really say they are all equal? Are the realities of Moonies, Mormons and Astrophysicists all equal?

why me wrote:Mormons can be great thinkers. Mormons are also highly educated people, in general. A person cannot claim with a straight face that lds people do not think.

I agree

_Some Schmo
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Post by _Some Schmo »

Daniel Peterson wrote:And this, I suspect, is pretty much what that debate with McCue would have been like, too.

Yeah, I'm sure that's the real reason you were afraid to debate Bob... The fact that he'd expose your philosophical weaknesses never entered your mind, I'm sure.

Fact is, Bob would kick your butt and you know it (at least, you should). Why else wouldn't you debate him?
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_Some Schmo
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Post by _Some Schmo »

why me wrote: Evidence would be in Lucifer's plan.

Oh yes. Evidence is soooo evil.

why me wrote: What is reality? Is your reality as a postmo better than a Mormon reality. I doubt it.

The fact that you doubt it makes me pity you (well, a little). Reality is simply perception. No more, no less. And my perception as a non-mormon is infinitely better than it was as a Mormon. There's no comparison, really.

why me wrote: Mormons can be great thinkers. Mormons are also highly educated people, in general. A person cannot claim with a straight face that lds people do not think.

I can certainly claim with a straight face that their thinking is highly flawed. Education means nothing if it fails to lead you out of the nonsense of religion and thinking there's value in faith.

why me wrote: You need to have a reality check and begin to understand what exactly is a person of faith.

We all know what a person of faith is, and it has little to do with reality. Pretty funny you'd even dare to mention reality.
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Post by _barrelomonkeys »

Some Schmo wrote:
We all know what a person of faith is, and it has little to do with reality. Pretty funny you'd even dare to mention reality.

I don't know what a person of faith is apparently. My perception of reality (not that I believe perception has much to do with reality) is that people of faith are decent human beings for the most part. What's your perception of them? And if we have differing perceptions whose is real? Egad!
_Some Schmo
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Post by _Some Schmo »

barrelomonkeys wrote:I don't know what a person of faith is apparently. My perception of reality (not that I believe perception has much to do with reality) is that people of faith are decent human beings for the most part. What's your perception of them? And if we have differing perceptions whose is real? Egad!

Well, you don't really know what reality is beyond your own perception. Your reality is clearly different from mine and everyone else's. We, as humans, tend to think that reality constitutes those things we can agree on, and that's a pretty good measure; it's what science is based on. However, it's not completely infallible (it really depends on the quality of the agreement, I suppose). Look at all the Mormons who think some ghost has whispered in their ear. Just because they agree doesn't make it real. For all we know, reality is just a concept needed by human brains so they don't explode, but doesn't really exist at all.

So what's real to me and real to you depends on what we perceive, and you can't really make iron clad claims about reality without keeping this in mind.

My perception of people of faith is that they'd likely be better off if they valued what's more widely agreed upon then the rubbish you can only get a few people to agree on. Sure, many of them are good people, but I don't think it has anything to do with their faith. I think they'd improve as people if they let that impediment go.
God belief is for people who don't want to live life on the universe's terms.
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Post by _silentkid »

Back to the original topic at hand: why GBH is smiling.

I think he's smiling because he farted.
_Some Schmo
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Post by _Some Schmo »

silentkid wrote:Back to the original topic at hand: why GBH is smiling.

I think he's smiling because he farted.

Yep, likely on the elevator, and he knew all the Mormons there would never blame him.
God belief is for people who don't want to live life on the universe's terms.
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