Sailgirl posts from KA's "Liars" thread

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Post by _Ren »

barrelomonkeys wrote:sailgirl, I just saw this and thought of you.


That's Faith Hill a mother of 3 that looks marvelous. Look what Redbook did with photoshop to her arm, body, and face! It's our culture, not us. :) I the only one who prefers the Faith Hill on the right...?!
The one on the left looks like a Mannequin. I mean - yeah - clothes hang off 'em real nice - but I find it really difficult to strike up a conversation with 'em...
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Post by _sailgirl7 »

Jersey Girl wrote:
Sure, but can I ask you one more question first? When you say you'd like to work in support of disadvantaged children (perhaps like you once were yourself) what do you mean? Try it this way...if you could wave a magic wand and make it happen...what exactly would you be doing to help disadvantaged children?

Gosh, where to begin? There are millions of orphaned children throughout the world. Many are in war-torn countries like Iraq and the Congo, etc. They live in squalor and have no real future. Then there are the millions who don't have access to clean water. Then there are the children sold into the sex slave industry throughout Russia, Romania, and Asia. Then there are the neglected and abused children who are everywhere, who have no advocate. Then there are the less priveleged children who never have an opportunity to get proper educations and become something they want. Then there are the one's who are just ignored and tossed aside who end up drug addicts on the streets. Then there are the one's who come home to empty houses and have no parent to talk to about their day.

Some of my experiences so far include, becoming involved a little with Women for Women International when I lived near Washington D.C. They are an amazing organization that helps women in war torn countries like Iraq, Bosnia, and other places become financially independent through providing micro-loans and support to start their own businesses. This benefits the children because their mothers can have a stable income. The fathers in most of these places are either absent or abusive to their wives. Also many of these women are victims of war-time atroicities like rape.

I have also personally mentored a young woman who came from a very large family and really didn't have a lot of outside social interaction. I taught her how to sew, we made pillows and created a website and planned on selling them, but then I moved.

Right now, I am the neighborhood "mom". Many children in the area come over and I watch them, do crafts and games with them, talk to them. Last night I counted 9 children over at my house. Apparently some parents don't really care where they kids go or what they are doing. I've had kids at my house playing for hours before anyone came looking for them. I teach my kids to be generous, share their things and be selfless. My son has a heart of gold- he willingly has given away some of his toys to other kids.

I have done some pretty extensive research into how to start a NPO. I've studied the legalistic matters involved. I've done some preliminary research into specific organizations to learn their mode of operation. I've talked to several people who I would want to work with me.

I haven't narrowed my focus down sufficiently enough. I haven't secured a method of finance. I haven't written my business model yet. Although I do have some experience doing those.

But see, I am a high school drop-out. (I have my GED). I have only less then two years of college. I'm a stay-at-home- mom and I don't have a great support system.

So is it possible? I don't want to give up. But the odds are not in my favor.
_Bond...James Bond
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Post by _Bond...James Bond »

sailgirl7 wrote:But here's something interesting, the first year of our marriage, we read the scriptures EVERY night. Never missed a day. That year was the absolute worst as far as his temper and control. He even physically would push me down, pin me down, and one time at a store, he shoved me into a display stand.

Alright I'm officially pissed off. If I was your brother or your father I'd crap kick that bastard till he was straightened out. I can abide most things, but hitting women is not one of them.
"Whatever appears to be against the Book of Mormon is going to be overturned at some time in the future. So we can be pretty open minded."-charity 3/7/07
_Bond...James Bond
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Post by _Bond...James Bond »

sailgirl7 wrote:So is it possible? I don't want to give up. But the odds are not in my favor.

So how old are you? Because I'm a current college student and I see people every day who are probably far older than you going to school. I've seen women in their 60s who are going.....not because they're starting a new career, but because they want to continue learning. You don't know what's down the road. At some point when your kids are a bit more grown, perhaps you can start going to school. crap with the way technology is (and will continue to go) odds are you can probably get along way towards an education without leaving the house. Don't give up. You make the odds!
"Whatever appears to be against the Book of Mormon is going to be overturned at some time in the future. So we can be pretty open minded."-charity 3/7/07
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Post by _Blixa »

sailgirl7 wrote:So is it possible? I don't want to give up.

It is completely possible. Bond is right, there are many opportunities for education that are now available. If you want some more suggestions, I can think about it and post again...
From the Ernest L. Wilkinson Diaries: "ELW dreams he's spattered w/ grease. Hundreds steal his greasy pants."
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Post by _sailgirl7 »

Bond...James Bond wrote:
Alright I'm officially pissed off. If I was your brother or your father I'd crap kick that bastard till he was straightened out. I can abide most things, but hitting women is not one of them.


Thanks for sticking up for me- I appreciate that a lot. Thankfully, like I said, he hasn't done that to me for years now. I'm hoping he has truely changed. But he is still pretty obsessed with guns which makes me feel so weird. What is up with guys and guns? Does it make you feel more manly to own them? Despite my protests- we currently have more guns in our house than people. Seriously- what is the point of that? Luckily they are stored unloaded, way out of reach with no ammo near by- but really- I don't understand it.

So how old are you? Because I'm a current college student and I see people every day who are probably far older than you going to school. I've seen women in their 60s who are going.....not because they're starting a new career, but because they want to continue learning. You don't know what's down the road. At some point when your kids are a bit more grown, perhaps you can start going to school. crap with the way technology is (and will continue to go) odds are you can probably get along way towards an education without leaving the house. Don't give up. You make the odds!

I'm 29! AAAAAHHHHHHH. I hate saying that. It's not fair! But thanks for your encouragement - I guess I just need to be more patient, I know my time will come eventually- I just want to begin NOW. Ya know- I'm impatient like that. :)
_Bond...James Bond
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Post by _Bond...James Bond »

sailgirl7 wrote:Bond,

Thanks for sticking up for me- I appreciate that a lot. Thankfully, like I said, he hasn't done that to me for years now. I'm hoping he has truly changed.

I hope so too....glad to hear he hasn't been like that for a while.

But he is still pretty obsessed with guns which makes me feel so weird. What is up with guys and guns? Does it make you feel more manly to own them? Despite my protests- we currently have more guns in our house than people. Seriously- what is the point of that? Luckily they are stored unloaded, way out of reach with no ammo near by- but really- I don't understand it.

Me neither. *shrugs*

Some people just like their guns....this is America after all.

I'm 29! AAAAAHHHHHHH. I hate saying that. It's not fair! But thanks for your encouragement - I guess I just need to be more patient, I know my time will come eventually- I just want to begin NOW. Ya know- I'm impatient like that. :)

I think some of the ladies on the board will come along and say "29!!!!!!!! You're a toddler!!! An infant!!!" You got plenty of doesn't end when you hit 30 (I hope :)
"Whatever appears to be against the Book of Mormon is going to be overturned at some time in the future. So we can be pretty open minded."-charity 3/7/07
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Post by _barrelomonkeys »

sailgirl7 wrote: Apparently some parents don't really care where they kids go or what they are doing. I've had kids at my house playing for hours before anyone came looking for them.

This has been my experience.
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Post by _barrelomonkeys »

Bond...James Bond wrote:
I think some of the ladies on the board will come along and say "29!!!!!!!! You're a toddler!!! An infant!!!" You got plenty of doesn't end when you hit 30 (I hope :)

Bond, I LOVE my 30's!

Sailgirl, there is a lot of financial assistance. There are also specific scholarships for certain disciplines. What are you interested in studying? There are a lot of community colleges and 4 year colleges that offer financial aid as well as a lot of online courses. I'm a current student (well I'm taking the summer off) and can tell you that you won't be the only one that's a Mom or untraditional.
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Post by _sailgirl7 »

barrelomonkeys wrote:Sailgirl, there is a lot of financial assistance. There are also specific scholarships for certain disciplines. What are you interested in studying? There are a lot of community colleges and 4 year colleges that offer financial aid as well as a lot of online courses. I'm a current student (well I'm taking the summer off) and can tell you that you won't be the only one that's a Mom or untraditional.

Book of Mormon,

The thing I'm really interested in studying is cultural anthropology. I would want to focus on community development in third-world countries and human services organizations. I would love to start my own NPO but I would also love to get experience working with a NGO say in Africa or somewhere.

When I tried to find scholarship opportunities- I couldn't find any that really applied to my situation- so maybe I just don't know where to look-

But I have looked into the online courses- Liz- has helped me with some ideas too- it's really just a matter of me getting the finiances worked-out. And I have the issue about finding someone to watch my kids. My husband can't because he is never here.

Thank you so much for your help and encouragement- it gives me hope.
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