Shout Out to Shulem!

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There must be jackal ears atop the head/mask

Post by Shulem »

Something worthy of note that I think even John Gee would agree, is this: Jackal god Anubis or his earthly representative wearing a mask, will ALWAYS have jackal ears -- absolutely no exceptions.

Do you agree with that, Mr. Gee?

Let's take a stroll to the National Museums Scotland and see for ourselves that jackal ears MUST always be displayed atop the head of one who represents Anubis. In this Roman funerary papyrus (9 BC.), we witness a pair of Anubis's speaking to the deceased Montsuef.

"This image shows Montsuef lying mummified between two jackal-headed figures: embalming priests wearing masks to play the role of Anubis, god of mummification."

Notice that both Anubis priests are wearing the royal Double Crown which is emblematical of Upper & Lower Egypt. But you'll also note, more especially from the figure to the right, the jackal ears are not hidden from view inside the crown but MUST be visible in order to represent the complete form of jackal god Anubis. The ears MUST be visible. That is part of the nature of Anubis and always has been since the beginning of Egypt, even into Roman times.

Isn't that right, John?


Lo and behold, the funerary Papyrus of Montsuef manifests a similar ritual depicted in Facsimile No. 3, as Montsuef is presented to Osiris in like manner as Hor was presented to Osiris in Facsimile No. 3, with Anubis his guide at his side.

"This image shows the jackal god Anubis presenting the mummified Montsuef to Osiris, seated on a throne, followed by Thoth, Isis and Nephthys.

The text tells us about the good life Montsuef lived:"

You passed your lifetime on earth having a full measure of every good thing that your heart desired, no man having become poor because of you and without having done a misdeed.


John, the sculpted relief below is Anubis. What can you tell us about Anubis in Facsimile No. 3?

Do tell. Don't hold back.

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John Gee grades the paper

Post by Shulem »

Dear Professor Gee,

Please grade this paper which identifies the characters depicted in the funerary scene below. Please circle the correct answers and explain why the wrong answers don't apply to the persons represented in this scene.

Thank you!



I approve this message
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Honoring Anubis

Post by Shulem »

The Egyptian priesthood admired Anubis and reverenced the iconic representation of his jackal head with absolute respect. Sacred was the image of Anubis. The Egyptian priest would don the mask and personify the very image of Anubis.

[X] Jackal Ears
[X] Jackal Eyes
[X] Jackal Nose

The bald head of an Egyptian priest would don the mask in funerary ritual whereby the jackal headdress would cover the mortal human head and manifest the power of Anubis depicted with the jackal head.

Without the jackal head, Anubis cannot manifest! The jackal-headed god cannot manifest in the form of a human head. Egyptian funerary spells representing Anubis MUST have a jackal head.

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Re: Honoring Anubis

Post by Shulem »

Shulem wrote:
Thu Mar 11, 2021 9:52 pm
The bald head of an Egyptian priest would don the mask in funerary ritual whereby the jackal headdress would cover the mortal human head and manifest the power of Anubis depicted with the jackal head.

Without the jackal head, Anubis cannot manifest! The jackal-headed god cannot manifest in the form of a human head. Egyptian funerary spells representing Anubis MUST have a jackal head.

Folks, this publication of Facsimile No. 1, in a previous version of the Pearl of Great Price is the absolute WORST depiction of Anubis that has ever been caricatured in ink. It's an abomination and is not authentic, it does not conform to Egyptian priesthood rites and required convention. The Mormons have butchered Anubis and made a mockery of sacred funerary writings and vignettes.

The sustained attacks against sacred imagery of the Egyptian religion is brutally vicious and beyond the pale. The Mormons are a dangerous people who love to lie, cheat, steal, and deceive everyone and anyone who is gullible enough to fall into their web of deception. Beware of the Mormons. They will lie to you.


This uninspired depiction of Anubis is not what was on the original papyrus. It is an atrocious abomination and is NOT true.

Do not believe it.
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Where is the Ear!

Post by Shulem »

Dear Professor John Gee,

Please identify the ear that Hedlock copied from the original papyrus and etched into the character on the lead plate. Where is the ear? Just point it out and describe it for me. Let's talk about that ear. Can you do that? Will you do that?

Why are you hiding, John? A world body of Egyptologists await your reply.

Speak up, John!


It's ironic that an appeal to authority falls on deaf ears. Come on John, speak up. Tell me about that ear and tell about that snout too. I know you can do it.
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Why is he black?

Post by Shulem »

Dear Kerry Muhlestein,

Please explain why this character upon papyrus has black arms and black legs & feet. What is the actual physical characteristic that causes the color black to be portrayed for this body? We can clearly see the leopard skin, straps, and kilt that is adorned upon the body of this person. But I want to know about the black epidermis.

What makes this person black, Kerry? Could it be fur?

Answer me, please.

Last edited by Shulem on Sat Mar 13, 2021 2:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Shout Out to Shulem!

Post by Shulem »

It's time to take this thread to a new level. For those who have been following this thread and have interest in this particular subject, you're going to be rewarded with more insight than perhaps you thought possible. I'm stepping this thread up a notch and will continue to make a case in proving that the characters of Anubis in Facsimiles No. 1 & 3, truly are Anubis, and that the Church must out of necessity make the necessary corrections to the Facsimiles to reflect that truth.

First, let's begin anew with Facsimile No. 3, Fig. 6. I'll forbear with posting a pic. This thread has plenty of pics and I think readers at this point can in their own mind visualize the character that Smith entitled "Olimlah" -- he's the black person at the far right in the Facsimile vignette. So let's concentrate on Anubis in this Facsimile and bring to light more details that ultimately associate him with his other depiction shown in Facsimile No. 1, which is found on the same funerary papyrus roll -- namely, the "Breathing Permit" of Hor.

I now make a general statement and an accusation; it's not a spurious insult but is made in light of academic actions and non-actions of those whom I accuse. BYU Egyptologists John Gee and Kerry Muhlestein are a pair of Mormon white supremacists who are grounded in Mormon traditions of racism that were fathered by several Church Presidents. How so?

BYU Egyptologists have no problem associating the black person as a slave. They find it perfectly acceptable that a black man on this ancient Egyptian document is identified as a slave simply because he's BLACK and Joseph Smith said so. In other words, a racist Mormon has no problem automatically associating a NEGRO with being a slave because negros were common slaves in Smith's time and era. Early Mormon theology and belief associated Africans with the seed of Cain and were a cursed race who would ever serve the chosen race of biblical Shem, the white and delightsome people. This was a standard Mormon doctrine and theology had by the early Mormons and is well documented.

What basis does Egyptologists Gee & Muhlestein have in determining that Fig. 6, is an African slave serving "in the king’s court" which in reality is a divine scene within the starry heavens, far away from planet earth? I think it's reasonable to assume that Smith attributed the dark pigment of the character as dark skin and that the dark-skinned people of Africa were naturally perceived as slaves. I also think it's safe to say that Gee & Muhlestein have latched on to this misconception and have applied their own racists attitudes and beliefs in joining Smith and embracing his false interpretation.

Egyptologists Gee & Muhlestein have made a fatal mistake in accepting Smith's erroneous explanation of Fig. 6, as a slave. Furthermore, these men have clearly demonstrated their ignorance and willingness to allow Smith's interpretations to trump Egyptology and allow Mormon racism to stand unchecked and uncorrected. How so? I think Gee & Muhlestein have ever assumed that the character of Fig. 6, is black solely on the color of his skin! This assumption on their part is fatally flawed. The dark pigment is not just based on skin tone or color but also based on the tone and color of the FUR -- the fur of a BLACK jackal!

Taking this further, it can be proven and demonstrated that the epidermis of Fig. 6, consists of both skin and fur -- and this skin and fur is as black as the black jackal -- Anubis. Take the following into consideration and we have none other than Anubis. No other explanation is possible. The person of Fig. 6, cannot be anyone other than Anubis, a god of ancient Egypt. There is absolutely no grounds whatsoever to associate this character as a negro slave because human African skin color has nothing to do with Anubis!

Proof that Anubis is always Anubis:

[X] Black in color and tone
[X] Jackal head
[X] Black SKIN
[X] Black FUR
[X] Black wet canine nose tissue

So, I reiterate, the character of Facsimile No. 3, Fig. 6, is not a dark-skinned African slave as the Mormons have assumed, being wrongly defended by a pair of racist BYU Egyptologists. It's time to put BYU white supremacy in its place and force it to make the necessary concessions if they want to remain viable members of the world community at large. Faith in something false will not make it true!

More to come. I have more bombs to drop, so stay tuned. Things will never be the same again for Book of Abraham apologetics and the game will forever change. Gee & Muhlestein are on notice.
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Re: Shout Out to Shulem!

Post by Moksha »

The scribbled in face of Anubis looks vaguely like Orrin Hatch. Is this coincidence or a premonition that the jackal-headed God would someday return to Utah? Wonder if Professor Gee would go with the premonition idea.
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He's Black!

Post by Shulem »

I'm quite satisfied with the thread noted in my signature that destroys any argument that Facsimile No. 1, is a Sacrifice Scene when in fact, it is not:

Pearl of Great Price Central Facsimile 1 as a Sacrifice Scene

Let's take another look at ANUBIS in Facsimile No. 1, shall we?

Church scholars, more especially Gee & Muhlestein, are paid to argue and defend Smith's restoration of the head in Facsimile No. 1, and allow this alternative representation to serve as a viable and natural conclusion of the body affixed to the so-called priest. But, I've pointed out rather starkly, the person of Anubis on the PAPYRUS is BLACK in pigment and color.

[X] Black legs and feet
[X] Black arms and shoulders

It's absolutely and abundantly clear that the person on the papyrus is BLACK. Clearly, it's a manifestation of the jackal god Anubis appearing in animal-man form, being fully manifested in the iconic scene of resurrecting Osiris in mythical times. The problem is the head which was restored under Joseph Smith's direct supervision in order to coincide with his revelation that the person was an ordinary priest performing a human sacrifice. But nothing could be further from the truth. Nobody was taking a life! Life was being restored through resurrection, just the opposite of what Smith revealed! The head that Smith placed atop of the body is that of a white man. Thus we have an impossible representation of the most unnatural person ever imagined:

[X] White man's head
[X] Black man's body

Smith's restoration of placing a white man's head atop the body of a black man defies all reason and is in reality the most ridiculous interpretation of Anubis ever proposed by someone who claims to understand and restore Egyptian iconography. The white head is truly a disaster and a tell-tale sign that Smith didn't know what he was doing. Isn't that right, John & Kerry?

The black jackal head of Anubis is the only head that naturally fits the body of the person in the vignette of Facsimile No. 1. It must be a jackal head. The BLACK FUR of the black jackal is indicative of Anubis. There is no other answer in solving the question of the lacuna. That is what was drawn on the original papyrus! There is absolutely no doubt of that. From a professional standpoint of Egyptology, the person in the scene *IS* Anubis, manifested in his jackal-man form. The white man's head is a horrible gaffe -- an absolute monstrosity.

The only Egyptologists in the world today that will defend the white head on Anubis are white supremacists who are employed by BYU and work to undermine Egyptology in defense of Joseph Smith's racist and incorrect interpretations of funerary papyrus which he could not decipher or read. Defending a white man's head atop of Anubis has got to be the worst racial slur I've ever witnessed. It's an utter insult! It's racism to the extreme. It rears the ugly head of Mormonism's past in which the African race was cursed and that those people were less favored of God because Joseph Smith said so. The white head atop of the body of Anubis in Facsimile No. 1, has to go! It's worse than a Confederate flag atop the dome of a state capitol building. It's worse than calling an African American a "nigger"! It's a total slur and a slam on the black race!

Isn't that right, John & Kerry? Or will you continue to support the racist interpretations that Smith promoted and continue to slam Egyptology and defy the truth?
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Re: Shout Out to Shulem!

Post by Shulem »

Moksha wrote:
Sat Mar 13, 2021 2:49 pm
The scribbled in face of Anubis looks vaguely like Orrin Hatch. Is this coincidence or a premonition that the jackal-headed God would someday return to Utah? Wonder if Professor Gee would go with the premonition idea.

You make a good point, Moksha. The doodling does look like Hatch or even Joseph Smith himself. It has the obvious touch of contemporary design of that time and era -- no headdress or wig common with other characters found in the collection. Perhaps, rather jokingly yet intentionally, the very face of a Mormon standing right there in the room. It's obvious the artist was interested in expressing a crude outline and not bother to keep within the obvious conventions of a face in profile as shown in every single face of the papyri collection. The doodle was different and it was not Egyptian in nature. Perhaps the doodler was drawing Joseph Smith and getting a good a laugh at the same time. Do you think?

Crystal ball, who is the fairest of them all?

You are.

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