Vaccines and Therapeutics 2.0 & 3.0 Merge

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Re: Vaccines and therapeutics

Post by Jersey Girl »

Okay it didn't say so in the article so I looked it up. I was right! Why? Because I know crap I don't even wanna know, that's why. :lol:

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Re: Vaccines and therapeutics

Post by ajax18 »

It looks like a person can get Covid more than once. Will we need to be vaccinated every year like a flu shot? Are we going to lockdown three months every year indefinitely? One has to wonder if nonessential workers will ever be permitted to legally work in this country again. Home for the holidays will be a thing of the past. Are you all living in blue states like Californica making sure to eat your Thanksgiving turkey 6 feet away from your family members and being dilligent about putting your mask on and off in between bites?

And next your going to try to tell me that people in red states going back to work too soon caused your social distancing guidelines and lockdowns to show very little improvement in blue states. I can't see where your summer of protest didn't spread this virus but hey burning down federal buildings and property is just too important and needs be done even if it ignores social distancing guidelines. Do your professional protesters complete a fourteen day quarantine before you bus them in to start trashing cities every time a black man gets hurt trying to resist arrest? But this might be a blessing in disguise. Let's just go ahead and build a wall in between our states. You can shelter in place year after year so that 0.04% of those who get COVID every year can live on a few months more that they would have. We can go back to work and achieve herd immunity without any of your people dying because of us.
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Re: Vaccines and therapeutics

Post by canpakes »

ajax18 wrote:
Wed Nov 11, 2020 1:21 pm
it looks like a person can get covid more than once will we need to be vaccinated every year like a flu shot are we going to lockdown three months every year indefinitely one has to wonder if nonessential workers will ever be permitted to legally work in this country again home for the holidays will be a thing of the past are you all living in blue states like californica making sure to eat your thanksgiving turkey 6 feet away from your family members and being dilligent about putting your mask on and off in between bites and next your going to try to tell me that people in red states going back to work too soon caused your social distancing guidelines and lockdowns to show very little improvement in blue states i can't see where your summer of protest didn't spread this virus but hey burning down federal buildings and property is just too important and needs be done even if it ignores social distancing guidelines do your professional protesters complete a fourteen day quarantine before you bus them in to start trashing cities every time a black man gets hurt trying to resist arrest but this might be a blessing in disguise let's just go ahead and build a wall in between our states you can shelter in place year after year so that 0.04% of those who get COVID every year can live on a few months more that they would have we can go back to work and achieve herd immunity without any of your people dying because of us.
As soon as it becomes available, you’ll be the first in line for the vaccine.
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Res Ipsa
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Re: Vaccines and therapeutics

Post by Res Ipsa »

ajax18 wrote:
Wed Nov 11, 2020 1:21 pm
It looks like a person can get Covid more than once.
So far, recurrence is pretty rare. We don't know how common reinfection will be, especially after vaccination. It's a novel coronavirus.
Will we need to be vaccinated every year like a flu shot?
Maybe. it's a novel coronavirus
Are we going to lockdown three months every year indefinitely?
We've never really locked down. The list of "essential" workers is pretty damn broad. And if people will voluntarily follow the recommendations of health experts, we need never have a partial lockdown again. Our choice.
One has to wonder if nonessential workers will ever be permitted to legally work in this country again.
No. One doesn't. If one does, maybe one should talk with a therapist about catastrophizing.
Home for the holidays will be a thing of the past.
More catastrophizing. Is anyone stopping you from going home for the holidays? Or are they just telling you it's a stupid thing to do this year?
Are you all living in blue states like California making sure to eat your Thanksgiving turkey 6 feet away from your family members and being diligent about putting your mask on and off in between bites?
My Thanksgiving will be with the family members I live with. No one advises wearing masks around those people unless one of them shows symptoms with COVID. So, no masks involved. We will eat turkey and be thankful that we haven't lost family members yet because they all take the recommendations of infection disease specialists seriously.
And next your going to try to tell me that people in red states going back to work too soon caused your social distancing guidelines and lockdowns to show very little improvement in blue states.
You're a terrible mind reader. Like most anything in life, the spread of disease is complicated. Not everyone in red states ignores infections disease specialists and not everyone in blue states follows their advice. And you have a basic misunderstanding of lockdowns. If you were actually paying attention when a few states first imposed partial lockdowns, you would understand that no one advertised a lockdown as a permanent solution. When new COVID cases are spreading exponentially and your hospitals are full, a lockdown reduces the rate of spread and allows some capacity to redevelop in your hospital system as people recover or die. That's all a lockdown is for. Once you start to lift the lockdown, the disease returns.

What a lockdown also does is reduce the number of active cases to a point at which the basic, tried and true public health techniques can be used to keep the disease at low enough levels that you don't have to impose anything as drastic as a lockdown to keep your economy open and running. That requires test, isolate, trace, quarantine.

We've gotten better at test. We suck at isolate, because unless one is sick enough to go to the hospital, isolate is at home without medical care. In China and other countries, isolate is in special treatment centers where all cases are medically supervised and have access to medical treatment. To be effective, the at home isolation requires that everyone else in the household voluntarily quarantine at home for two weeks. That requires some system of support to make sure that the quarantined people have what they need in terms of food, medicines, etc. But we aren't willing to spend the time and money to organize a system like that. So what is happening in my county is that people are simply blowing off the isolation and quarantine guidelines.

We also have enough residents in my county that have turned ignoring the recommendations of public health experts into a political statement that they refuse to talk to folks from the public health district when they test positive or are identified as having had close contact with an infected person. When they test positive, they refuse to identify people they have been in contact with. And they continue to gather in groups, especially indoors, and don't wear masks. As a result, areas of my county that were initially COVID free -- smaller, conservative towns along one of our few highways that cross the mountains -- are now hotspots.

But that's not our only problem. Another hotspot is a fairly large Indian reservation, where healthcare is generally poorer and there may be lower levels of trust between tribe members and state/county officials. The third hotspot is probably the most densely populated part of the county where it is easiest to come in contact with lots of people.

I don't think that our current acceleration of cases is due to people traveling to and from red states, although the virus will take every opportunity we give it to spread to new people. In fact, to the extent border crossing played a role, we saw people in the rural areas of our state who didn't want to wear face coverings crossing the border to shop in Idaho, where there was no mask mandate. So, if you have to assign colors, that was red on red infection.

But, red, blue or purple, it all comes down to the same thing: ignoring the advice of people who understand infectious diseases and public health. And so, now, I'm living in a state where the rate of new cases per day has doubled in the last two weeks. The rate of hospitalization has increased by 30% in the last two weeks. And the rate of deaths has increased 50% in the last two weeks. Either a bunch of folks need to start listening and taking the advice of infectious disease specialists seriously or we're going to go backwards in our phased reopening plan.

But if you want to compare our experience with states that haven't taken the measures we have, go to this page ... ant=1_Show and look at the little graphs of all the states. They all show new cases per capita on the same scale. Look at where the states in the first couple of rows are right now. Now, drop down and find Washington. Its hard to call our partial lockdown a "failure" when compared with the Dakotas or Utah or Iowa. Notice that, per person, the current peaks in the worst states are around double the worst spread at the peak in New York. But the distinction isn't red or blue: its the percentage of people who follow the expert recommendations.
I can't see where your summer of protest didn't spread this virus but hey burning down federal buildings and property is just too important and needs be done even if it ignores social distancing guidelines.
First, I didn't have a summer of protest. Never went to a protest. Not even a small, socially distanced one held a couple miles away. I was out collecting census data. But at least we're getting to the source of your ranting: bitter resentment that someone, somewhere may be getting something you aren't. But what you're missing here is a key part of the larger picture. Where's the worst place in the world to be during a pandemic. Answer: jail. Crowded, indoor conditions. No ability to social distance. Limited ability to wash hands. That's why even in a blue state like Washington, no one gets arrested for breaking health restrictions. Putting people in jail is counterproductive in a pandemic. It's also why, when protesters were arrested, they were released fairly quickly.

But you've already beat this strawman of yours to death. List for me the number of federal buildings that were burned down. Estimate for me the percentage of protestors who burned or tried to burn buildings. It's tiny. In my area (Seattle) it was a handful of extreme anarchists mixed among millions of peaceful people. Correct me if I'm missing something, but the total stuff that was actually burned was a couple of police cars (done by exactly one woman) and a shed on a construction site. Illegal, yes. Excuseable, no. Should be criminally prosecuted, yes. The apocalypse you keep trying to turn it into. Laughable.

Did it increase the spread of the disease? Almost certainly. Were they a primary driver of the spread? The evidence suggests, no. Are they the cause of our current surge in cases? The timing suggests not. Are they an excuse for you to fill your need to hate and resent your fellow Americans. Absolutely.
Do your professional protesters complete a fourteen day quarantine before you bus them in to start trashing cities every time a black man gets hurt trying to resist arrest?
I don't have any professional protesters. I've attended protests in the past, but somehow missed out on that sweet, sweet paycheck you seem to think protesters get. My eldest son attended one of our local protests, and then quarantined. I have no idea what anyone else did. But here we are at the core of your hate and resentment: black men. Enough said.
But this might be a blessing in disguise.
I can find no blessing in the fantasy version of the United States you've just described fueled by nothing other than your hatred and resentment of your fellow man.
Let's just go ahead and build a wall in between our states. You can shelter in place year after year so that 0.04% of those who get COVID every year can live on a few months more that they would have. We can go back to work and achieve herd immunity without any of your people dying because of us.
Hell no. I'm an American. There's no "your people" and "our people." I really do feel bad that you choose to both resent and hate your fellow countrymen to this extent. Every time I read one of your unhinged rants, all I can think is how miserable it must be to be you. And to be around you.

Here's a solution that requires no walls. It's cheap and pretty easy.

Stop clinging to resentment and hatred.

And if you can't do that, stop trying to force the rest of us to take action based on your resentment and hatred. Go find yourself a nice little parcel of land where you can dig a well and a septic tank. Stay off grid. Home school. Barter. Or move to a libertarian utopian enclave.

But for the love of God, stop demanding that the rest of us fix your personal problems. Because that's what you have -- a personal problem. And its one you can fix. If you need help, there are lots of people who can help you with that. And it doesn't require turning our country into walled enclaves.

Stop clutching your hatred and resentment so tightly. They are making you miserable. Just. Let. Go.
When a Religion is good, I conceive that it will support itself; and when it cannot support itself, and God does not take care to support, so that its Professors are oblig’d to call for the help of the Civil Power, ’tis a Sign, I apprehend, of its being a bad one.

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Re: Vaccines and therapeutics

Post by canpakes »

Res Ipsa wrote:
Wed Nov 11, 2020 4:05 pm
Are we going to lockdown three months every year indefinitely?
.,, (I)f people will voluntarily follow the recommendations of health experts, we need never have a partial lockdown again. Our choice.
This is what gets me. The folks that complain the loudest about ‘lockdowns’ have oftentimes been the same folks who won’t commit to the minimum efforts (masks, social distancing) required to avoid them. They just want to bitch about the situation while demanding that everyone else fix it for them.
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Re: Vaccines and therapeutics

Post by Dr. Shades »

Jersey Girl wrote:
Tue Nov 10, 2020 8:50 pm
Pfizer agreed to accept funding from OWS for US deliver and production.
How did Occupy Wall Street have any funds at all, much less to finance the delivery and production for the United States?
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Philo Sofee
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Re: Vaccines and therapeutics

Post by Philo Sofee »

Res Ipsa wrote:Here's a solution that requires no walls. It's cheap and pretty easy.

Stop clinging to resentment and hatred.

And if you can't do that, stop trying to force the rest of us to take action based on your resentment and hatred. Go find yourself a nice little parcel of land where you can dig a well and a septic tank. Stay off grid. Home school. Barter. Or move to a libertarian utopian enclave.

But for the love of God, stop demanding that the rest of us fix your personal problems. Because that's what you have -- a personal problem. And its one you can fix. If you need help, there are lots of people who can help you with that. And it doesn't require turning our country into walled enclaves.

Stop clutching your hatred and resentment so tightly. They are making you miserable. Just. Let. Go.
Very well and articulately said.
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Re: Vaccines and therapeutics

Post by Gunnar »

Philo Sofee wrote:
Wed Nov 11, 2020 11:37 pm
Very well and articulately said.
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Jersey Girl
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Re: Vaccines and therapeutics

Post by Jersey Girl »

Dr. Shades wrote:
Wed Nov 11, 2020 10:09 pm
Jersey Girl wrote:
Tue Nov 10, 2020 8:50 pm
Pfizer agreed to accept funding from OWS for US deliver and production.
How did Occupy Wall Street have any funds at all, much less to finance the delivery and production for the United States?
Get off my ass, yo.
We only get stronger when we are lifting something that is heavier than what we are used to. ~ KF

Slava Ukraini!
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Dr. Shades
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Re: Vaccines and therapeutics

Post by Dr. Shades »

Jersey Girl wrote:
Thu Nov 12, 2020 12:47 am
Dr. Shades wrote:
Wed Nov 11, 2020 10:09 pm
How did Occupy Wall Street have any funds at all, much less to finance the delivery and production for the United States?
Get off my ass, yo.
Office of Workforce Services?
"I think the idea of repairing a corpse does not work very well."

--huckelberry, 08-26-2024
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