LDS Glenn Beck assails Obama's Christianity

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Re: LDS Glenn Beck assails Obama's Christianity

Post by _Eric »

Droopy wrote:He is without question a Marxist in some sense of believing strongly in principles taken from that thinker.

What is your best example?
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Re: LDS Glenn Beck assails Obama's Christianity

Post by _bcspace »

Obama does not have any Christianity to assail. No Marxist or closet Muslim does.

Do you know anything about Marxism?

Yes. Quite a bit.

Obama is so obviously not a Marxist it's ridiculous.

I've already proven he is in a previous thread.
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Re: LDS Glenn Beck assails Obama's Christianity

Post by _schreech »

So, its NOT ok for "christians" to tell self professed "christians", like Mormons, they are not "christian" but its ok for Mormons to tell self professed "christians", like obama, that they are not "christian"? Isnt there a name for that kind of behavior?
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Re: LDS Glenn Beck assails Obama's Christianity

Post by _Eric »

bcspace wrote:
I've already proven he is in a previous thread.

If such a thread really exists, link me to it. I'd really like to know what your best example of Obama being a Marxist is.

bcspace wrote:
Do you know anything about Marxism?

Yes. Quite a bit.

Please elaborate. What is Marxist about Obama? I'd love to see what a UVSC educated understanding of Marxism looks like.
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Re: LDS Glenn Beck assails Obama's Christianity

Post by _Droopy »

If Droopy wants to avoid Communist medicine, perhaps he should join the Army and bask in that free market warmth.

Have you followed the travails of the VA system in recent years?
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Re: LDS Glenn Beck assails Obama's Christianity

Post by _Droopy »

Wow - you have to have seen it on the brink and weighed the alternatives at the time to understand the decisions made. I don't have time to counter bias, but your view is extreme, very extreme.

Its simply the naked truth, as any modest attempt at self education on the subject will quickly reveal. The points I stated regarding the removing of private shareholders to a position of 1% ownership, with the bulk being divided between the government and the UAW is simply the fact of the matter. That previously binding legal contracts (including CEO pay) were voided by government fiat is simply the fact of the matter.

That the federal government has no constitutional (or other) business colonizing and dominating private businesses - including those whose own behavior is the primary cause of their financial woes - is fundamental to the conceptual framework of our republic and to core principles of political economy.

That the entire GM/Chrysler bailout was primarily a politically motivated payoff to big labor and that TARP and the Obama "stimulus" are primarily political slush funds whose primary purpose is gratuities targeted at political allies is hardly matter of rocket science.

Perhaps you should look into actual changes in resulting governance of these private entities that the government took over, current ROI, the impact on unions (which remain decidedly less powerful than in the past),

Without question, one of the major reason for the unsustainability of GMs business model has been the utterly preposterous wage, benefits and, in particular, pension agreements it has entered into of its own free will with one of the most intransigent, grasping, ravenous unions in America, who had successfully priced their own labor out of GMs ability to sustain and destroyed their own livelihoods.

The only reason the administration and the Democratic congress came to their rescue at all is the fact that they are a unionized corporation. Had this been Toyota, the chips would have been left to fall where they may (as should have been the case with GM).
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Re: LDS Glenn Beck assails Obama's Christianity

Post by _Droopy »

Do you know anything about Marxism? Obama is so obviously not a Marxist it's ridiculous.

Anti-capitalism, class war and large scale wealth redistribution, socialization of entire sections of the economy and and the production, distribution and delivery of resources/services, control of financial markets, domination and regulation of cultural production and information (the Fairness Doctrine, net neutrality etc.), detestation of patriotism and all signs of national pride, the belief that government is the engine of economic prosperity, desire to regulate virtually all aspects of economic life via either legislation or covertly through unaccountable bureaucratic institutions (cap and trade and the proposed regulation of CO2 by the EPA) etc., are all classic leftist approaches to the transformation of a liberal, free market democratic state to a soft totalitarian socialist nanny state.

That Obama has been deeply influenced by Marxian principles is hardly arguable (as his deep intellectual indebtedness of people like Frank Marshall Davis and Jeremiah Wright clearly attest).

There are different schools of Marxist thought, some quite eclectic, and so to call Obama a "Marxist" is not to pin him to any one sect or school of thought in the sectarian Marxist world.

I actually think, Eric, that you don't really know what you're talking about.

But, welcome to the Trailerpark.
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Re: LDS Glenn Beck assails Obama's Christianity

Post by _Droopy »

Eric wrote:
Droopy wrote:He is without question a Marxist in some sense of believing strongly in principles taken from that thinker.

What is your best example?

The expropriation of the means of production (and distribution/delivery of services) of the entire medical industry and profession. That this is done through "evolutionary", incremental means over time and not through rapid revolutionary upheaval does not alter its indebtedness to Marxism as a system of ideas.
Nothing is going to startle us more when we pass through the veil to the other side than to realize how well we know our Father [in Heaven] and how familiar his face is to us

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Re: LDS Glenn Beck assails Obama's Christianity

Post by _Uncle Dale »

Droopy wrote:
If Droopy wants to avoid Communist medicine, perhaps he should join the Army and bask in that free market warmth.

Have you followed the travails of the VA system in recent years?

My younger brother recently traveled a considerable distance
from his home, to file a claim for medical care for an old leg wound
he received while in the Army.

After much red tape, and filling out endless forms, he was at last
examined by the VA doctors. They told him nothing could be done
to alleviate his pain and suffering -- so he is now being treated
by a civilian doctor, for the same condition that the government
doctors said was untreatable -- at his own expense.

My brother's conclusion is that the entire VA medical program should
be privatized (perhaps given to Blue Cross or Kaiser) and that the
VA itself should be given over to the V.F.with.

Perhaps you would agree. How Congress would accomplish such
a massive change is beyond me. But I'm told that Augusto Pinochet
was able to accomplish these sorts of privatizations simply by
issuing Presidential Decrees.

-- the discovery never seems to stop --
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Re: LDS Glenn Beck assails Obama's Christianity

Post by _bcspace »

I'd love to see what a UVSC educated understanding of Marxism looks like.

Me too. What have you got?

The expropriation of the means of production (and distribution/delivery of services) of the entire medical industry and profession. That this is done through "evolutionary", incremental means over time and not through rapid revolutionary upheaval does not alter its indebtedness to Marxism as a system of ideas.

Well, Obama is employing the Marxist doctrine of Creative Destruction. During a turbulent period he creates a massive national health care bill. He now asks for more huge expenditures on top of record deficits, in the midst of a prolonged recession, against record unemployment. The Cloward-Piven Strategy also comes to mind. Not suprising considering his deep rooted association with ACORN.

Eric, probably not being educated at all (don't know where he gets UVSC from) is going to have to look these terms up and do a little research before he's ready to tackle the issue.
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