Mormon Apologetics & Misogyny: The Case of William Schryver

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Re: Mormon Apologetics & Misogyny: The Case of William Schryver

Post by _RockSlider »

Will Schryver wrote:I have never used that revolting term, in any setting, in my entire life.

I know who this reminds me of!
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Re: Mormon Apologetics & Misogyny: The Case of William Schryver

Post by _beastie »

Kevin Graham wrote:Uh huh, didn't you say the same thing about your "bitch" comment towards Emma Smith? You then were forced to fess up once the evidence was thrown in your face. Your history is that you're willing to lie about something so long as you think no one can prove otherwise. This makes MsJack's claim far ore credible than yours. In fact, your denial of it is enough serves to strengthen her claim against you.

But you pretending to be all indignant is just a smoke and mirror show. She could have deleted that one example and her post would still stand as a devastating testament against your character. Most of the other citations you admit saying, so all you're doing here is the typical apologetic maneuver employed by so many FARMS reviewers. You point out one "lie" and then use the guilt by association to suggest the rest of the work is untrustworthy just the same. But you've already admitted saying most of what she attributes to you. How do you respond? Do you apologize to the women you've offended? No. A real man would, of course, but you're only interested in spinning every post in a way to make yourself look more important than you really are, or a victim. I doubt this gambit will work for you any longer. Too many respectable LDS apologists/scholars have denounced you as an abusive and foul person who makes the entire apologetic enterprise look bad.

Not only did he deny his Emma comment, but he also denied calling KA a whore. Supposedly that Book of Mormon citation at the end of his post about whores had nothing to do with what he just posted.

Who knows. Maybe Will put an asterisk in place of one of the letters for future deniability, just like the KA event. I have no reason to doubt Harmony's word, particularly since none of his other vulgarities were deleted. This one had to be particularly offensive, which coincides with Harmony's memory of the event.
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Re: Mormon Apologetics & Misogyny: The Case of William Schryver

Post by _beastie »

You know, when I first considered the possibility that Will might actually be working his way up the apologetic ladder, I found it amusing that, sooner or later, his words would rise from the internet to bite them on the butt. After all, there have been quite a few rude moments from some apologists. But the more I have thought about it, the less inclined I am to find it humorous. While, during heated internet debates, it is true that some apologists engage in less-than-desirable behavior, the same can be said for the other side. What can also be said about both sides, in general, with some exceptions, is that these are all decent people arguing for their genuine beliefs. If apologists really don't know about Will's dark side, then maybe it isn't humorous to think of them having to pay the price for that same dark side. I'd prefer to just deal with their arguments than have them humiliated by the behavior of one bad apple. For that reason, I genuinely hope that apologists will lance this boil.

OTOH, if they don't, and turn a blind eye or even, as Will claims, enjoy his dark side, then they do deserve the negative blow-back that will inevitably occur sometime in the future, probably in a much more public setting than a minor internet board. And at that moment, feeling that they deserve it, I will find it humorous once again.
We hate to seem like we don’t trust every nut with a story, but there’s evidence we can point to, and dance while shouting taunting phrases.

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Re: Mormon Apologetics & Misogyny: The Case of William Schryver

Post by _Ceeboo »

For the most part (and by design) I have decided to not contribute to these types of threads.

for what it's worth, I will make a brief contribution.

Although I may be dispalying an ignorant, outsider, never-Mo, and/or limited experienced opinion. Here it is anyway.

This attention is highly desired and sought after.
It allows further opportunity to widen the divide that exists.
It is, for several reasons, by design and wanted.
It promotes further reasons to draw thick, clear, and stubborn lines.
It eliminates the soft middle and forces hard sides.
It is calculated, measured, tested, and in my opinion works very well.

Bizarre, waste, and in the end, offers very little value for anyone.

Last edited by Guest on Sun May 01, 2011 3:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Mormon Apologetics & Misogyny: The Case of William Schryver

Post by _beastie »

Ceeboo wrote:For the most part (and by design) I have decided to not contribute to these types of threads.

for what it's worth, I will make a brief contribution.

Although I may be dispalying an outsider, never-Mo, and/or limited experienced opinion. Here it is anyway.

This attention is highly desired and sought after.
It allows further opportunity to widen the divide that exists.
It is, for several reasons, by design and wanted.
It promotes further reasons to draw thick, clear, and stubborn lines.
It eliminates the soft middle and forces hard sides.
It is calculated, measured, tested, and in my opinion works often.

Bizarre, waste, and in the end, offers very little value for anyone.


Perhaps you would feel differently had it been your wife or daughter that Will called a bitch, whore, or worse. Or talked about the relative attractiveness of their bodies.
We hate to seem like we don’t trust every nut with a story, but there’s evidence we can point to, and dance while shouting taunting phrases.

Penn & Teller
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Re: Mormon Apologetics & Misogyny: The Case of William Schryver

Post by _Ceeboo »

beastie wrote:Perhaps you would feel differently had it been your wife or daughter that Will called a bitch, whore, or worse. Or talked about the relative attractiveness of their bodies.

Hi beastie,

Did you take my post as support for William?

No, my opinion would not change if my wife or daughter were to be added to the "insult list" (It has nothing to do with my opinion offered)

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Re: Mormon Apologetics & Misogyny: The Case of William Schryver

Post by _beastie »

Will Schryver wrote:Without a sliver of doubt, had I, in actuality, said such a thing, it would have been preserved and made reference to in perpetuity.

It is a blatant lie. I have never used that revolting term, in any setting, in my entire life.

Really. So by this logic, Will must have said something really, really nice about Harmony, because any nasty thing he said would never be deleted.
We hate to seem like we don’t trust every nut with a story, but there’s evidence we can point to, and dance while shouting taunting phrases.

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Re: Mormon Apologetics & Misogyny: The Case of William Schryver

Post by _beastie »

Ceeboo wrote:Hi beastie,

Did you take my post as support for William?

No, my opinion would not change if my wife or daughter were to be added to the "insult list" (It has nothing to do with my opinion offered)


No, I didn't take it that you supported Will, but rather that you thought this thread was pointless and a waste. It is with that I disagree.
We hate to seem like we don’t trust every nut with a story, but there’s evidence we can point to, and dance while shouting taunting phrases.

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Re: Mormon Apologetics & Misogyny: The Case of William Schryver

Post by _Ceeboo »

beastie wrote:
No, I didn't take it that you supported Will, but rather that you thought this thread was pointless and a waste. It is with that I disagree.

Hey again beastie,

I do not, in any way, think this thread is pointless or a waste of time.

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Re: Mormon Apologetics & Misogyny: The Case of William Schryver

Post by _beastie »

Ceeboo wrote:
Hey again beastie,

I do not, in any way, think this thread is pointless or a waste of time.


Thanks for clarifying. It appears I misunderstood your post.
We hate to seem like we don’t trust every nut with a story, but there’s evidence we can point to, and dance while shouting taunting phrases.

Penn & Teller
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