Biden Takes Georgia; Violence on Horizon

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Re: Biden Takes Georgia; Violence on Horizon

Post by Res Ipsa »

Dr Exiled wrote:
Fri Nov 13, 2020 8:10 pm
Res Ipsa wrote:
Fri Nov 13, 2020 7:50 pm
Of course. Conspiracy theory concern troll is concerned. The firm couldn't have moved to withdraw after recognizing its client had sold it a pig in a poke. Or that the case was frivolous. No, it must be the dreaded CANCEL CULTURE.

The central feature of conspiracy theorists is that they interpret every piece of evidence, no matter what, as evidence of the conspiracy. Pretending that frivolous cases are real to placate conspiracy theorists is a waste of time and resources. No matter who is representing Trump, when the [vulgarity] cases are thrown out (or withdrawn, as the Sharpiegate case was today after a hearing showed it was a complete farce) the conspiracy theorists will claim that the judges are part of the conspiracy or the lawyers are part of the conspiracy. That's how it works.

The client agreed to withdraw, right? The client still has legal representation, right? If the case is strong, then why the need for an elite class law firm to represent it. (See how that works?)

Just save us all some time and cut straight to the part where you think we should investigate the crap out of claims that a ring of Democrat Jew pedophiles is kidnapping, raping, and drinking the blood of children because, gee whiz, wouldn't we want to know if it were true?
Just disregard my posts if they hurt your eyes so much. Carry on a$$hole.

Oh, and when do you think the firm all of a sudden found out that the position was frivolous? Don't you think they reviewed the case prior to filing anything?
Porter Wright is a firm of over 200 lawyers in eight different offices. It is headquartered in Ohio, with a branch office in Pennsylvania. I don't believe for a second that they were intimidated by the Lincoln Project or that they would withdraw from a case with a legal basis. If I were to guess, I would guess that yesterday's motion to dismiss demonstrated some fundamental problems with the case and precipitated some serious disagreements between the law firm and the client over how to respond. Lawyers don't always do the due diligence they are supposed to, which is why firms get hit with Rule 11 sanctions from time to time. The last week has been driven by emotions, and lawyers are only human. The lawyers who filed the complaint wouldn't be the first to seriously misjudge a case and they won't be the last. I know that's not as exciting as CANCEL CULTURE OMGBBQ!!!! But excitement does not equal truth.
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Re: Biden Takes Georgia; Violence on Horizon

Post by canpakes »

Dr Exiled wrote:
Fri Nov 13, 2020 7:15 pm

Maybe there is something to the cancel culture angle? ... l-campaign

Why does the Lincoln Project feel it is necessary to attack the lawyers? It will only fuel right-wing conspiracy theories. I thought the idea was to accept the results and supposedly come together. Trump should be allowed to be Trump and make his claims. Assuming they fail, perhaps that will show the Trump faithful that their faith is misplaced? Perhaps that will aid the people in coming together? However, seeking to cancel the lawyers will only raise questions as to why that was even necessary when the claims were supposedly so weak?

If I remember correctly, the LP - while certainly lauded by many on the Democratic side of the voting aisle during this election - is composed of rather well-known Republicans of long standing. Given this, just who should receive the blowback from their action?
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Re: Biden Takes Georgia; Violence on Horizon

Post by subgenius »

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Re: Biden Takes Georgia; Violence on Horizon

Post by canpakes »

Try harder. Include the context.

Here you go:
“The three vendors -- Election Systems & Software, Dominion Voting Systems, and Hart InterCivic -- collectively distribute voting machines and software that facilitate voting for over 90% of all eligible voters in the United States. Private equity firms reportedly own or control each of these vendors, which "have long skimped on security in favor of convenience," leaving voting systems across the country "prone to security problems."

These vendors make little to no information publicly available on how much money they dedicate to research and development, or to maintenance of their voting systems and technology. They also share little or no information regarding annual profits or executive compensation for their owners.

"(with)e have concerns about the spread and effect of private equity investment in many sectors of the economy, including the election technology industry--an integral part of our nation's democratic process." wrote the lawmakers in their letters to the firms. "These problems threaten the integrity of our elections and demonstrate the importance of election systems that are strong, durable, and not vulnerable to attack." ... ate-equity

ETA: The letters went to all three of the parties manufacturing ballot counting machines in use in the States ... and not specifically to just any one company.
Last edited by canpakes on Fri Nov 13, 2020 11:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Biden Takes Georgia; Violence on Horizon

Post by Icarus »

Subs is just relaying a headline from the Washington Examiner, which is about the most intellectually lazy way to try to debate anything. That basically puts him on the same level as Ajax.
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Re: Biden Takes Georgia; Violence on Horizon

Post by canpakes »

Here’s the ultimate reference from the letter written by Warren and others: ... -611652645

This comes out of Richland County, South Carolina, in 2018, where ‘several’ people reported ‘switched votes’. It was ultimately determined that no votes were ‘switched’, although the possibility of a touchscreen calibration issue could occur.

I note that Trump won South Carolina by a wide margin in this election; if there was an issue with actual ‘vote switching’, then perhaps Trump benefited? ; )
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Re: Biden Takes Georgia; Violence on Horizon

Post by Some Schmo »

Res Ipsa wrote:
Fri Nov 13, 2020 9:11 pm
The last week has been driven by emotions, and lawyers are only human. The lawyers who filed the complaint wouldn't be the first to seriously misjudge a case and they won't be the last.
This is exactly what I suspected of every case that has been thrown out so far.

But forget about the most obvious explanation... it's got to be cancel culture instead. You know how disparate judges in different states are all ideologically the same, right? And how they all know that when there's a good conspiracy going on, they just have to jump in. I mean, that's a typical judge if I've ever heard of one.

Or maybe it's worse than that. Maybe the Consortium of Conspiratorial Judges(tm) met last Tuesday and all decided what they were going to do in these voter fraud cases. We all know how deep the state is, and how our ally Russia is trying to help us battle them.
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Re: Biden Takes Georgia; Violence on Horizon

Post by Gunnar »

The longer these legal challenges to the election continue, the more obvious it becomes how weak and ridiculous they are. Perhaps, in the long run, this can be regarded as an upside to their persistence.
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Re: Biden Takes Georgia; Violence on Horizon

Post by Res Ipsa »

Yes, who could ever forgive or forget Pocohantas and her communist minions brazen attempt to steal Trump’s landslide in the 2019 presidential election! Remember the Bowling Green Massacre!!!!!
Last edited by Res Ipsa on Sat Nov 14, 2020 4:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Biden Takes Georgia; Violence on Horizon

Post by Gunnar »

Gunnar wrote:
Fri Nov 13, 2020 9:00 pm
Dr Exiled wrote:
Fri Nov 13, 2020 8:10 pm
Oh, and when do you think the firm all of a sudden found out that the position was frivolous? Don't you think they reviewed the case prior to filing anything?
I think it extremely likely that the firm knew from the start that the position was frivolous, but they couldn't resist the opportunity to enrich themselves by humoring Trump and his cronies. As long as Trump is willing to pay them handsomely to file frivolous lawsuits on his behalf, they are content to profit from his narcissism and self delusion as long as they can get away with it, or until they realized that the cost to their ethical reputation is more than they are willing to pay. I am convinced that at least some of the lawyers representing Trump merely unethical opportunists who are eagerly and unethically taking deliberate advantage of Trump's glaring deficiencies and incompetence as long as they can, with little or no regard to how much this will damage our democracy.
Already some lawyers are worrying about losing their licenses after filing Trump's fraudulent lawsuits.
The lawyers who are filing the phony voter fraud claims on behalf of Trump in court are starting to realize that this isn't worth it, and that they could actually lose their licenses if they continue doing this. They have been filing claims with courts in certain states, even though there isn't any evidence other than hearsay to back up their claims, and they could find themselves losing their livelihoods by associating with Trump. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins discusses this.

So Donald Trump, even though he is lost so far, every single lawsuit that has been ruled upon so far in his election challenge, he is still somehow finding lawyers willing to file these frivolous and basically fraudulent lawsuits for him. But that could come to an end. Very soon, we have already seen reports of lawyers at Jones day. One of the law firms handling some of these lawsuits for Donald Trump, a law firm. He has paid $20 million to over the last five years. They're starting to worry that representing the president in these instances could destroy their reputation. Uh, other lawyers from other firms have much more serious concerns, and that is that filing fraudulent lawsuits could cost them their legal license and prevent them from ever being able to practice law again. And if you're worried about that, then shouldn't that kind of tell everybody that all of this is fake.

Here's the thing, folks, if you are an attorney, if you're a lawyer and you file a lawsuit that you know is fraudulent. If you go to the court and you file something that you know is fake, you get in trouble and not just like, Oh, darn it. You shouldn't have done that. No, you get in very serious trouble and you can very easily lose your legal license over that for filing lawsuits, you know, are based on fraud. That is you also then committing fraud. If you do, is that so that's what these lawyers are worried about. So they're having to craft their, their lawsuits a little bit differently than you usually would. They're not able to just straight up walk into court and say, Hey, uh, there's tons of voting fraud. We've got evidence of voting fraud, but I'm not going to give you evidence of voting fraud.

They tried that in the beginning. It didn't work. So what they're trying to claim now, and this is one of the reasons they're worried, and one of the reasons they know they're going to lose because they have no evidence of fraud is they're trying to say, well, in the counting rooms, and these are in several affidavits, one, they were really loud. The rooms where they were counting, the ballots were really loud. And you know, that could make somebody miss count. As if the people are sitting there having to keep track of it in their head and not running it through machines. Like, I don't know how these idiots think votes are counted, but it's not just some dude up there going one, two, three guys be quiet. Oh man, I forgot where I was. Yeah.

That's that's not what's happening here. Another one, uh, said in one counting room, there was a very large man standing too close to him. One of the, one of the counters and it made her, made her own easy. The very large intimidating fellow, the affidavits said like, okay, not fraud, not even something you can Sue over like, Hey, a big man was standing near me.

Oh, here's another one. One of the affidavit says one of the, uh, vote counters was just perplexed by the fact that a lot of the overseas military ballots voted straight Democrat and that's not, you know, completely unheard of, but it's also not, you know what usually happens. So too many people voted for a Democrat and suddenly that's fraud. I, and if have you looked at Trump's approval rating with the military, they hate him.
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