The Apostasy of the LDS Church

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_I have a question
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Re: The Apostasy of the LDS Church

Post by _I have a question »

They threw Hinckley under the bus...

Former Church president Gordon B. Hinckley (1910-2008) told members who are attracted to the same sex: “Our hearts reach out to [you]. We remember you before the Lord, we sympathize with you, we regard you as our brothers and sisters.” President Boyd K. Packer affirmed, “We do not reject you. . . . We cannot reject you. . . . We will not reject you, because we love you.” ... n?lang=eng

"Effective immediately, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has a new policy related to the children of gay couples, married or unmarried:
"Children of a Parent Living in a Same-Gender Relationship
A natural or adopted child of a parent living in a same-gender relationship, whether the couple is married or cohabiting, may not receive a name and a blessing.
A natural or adopted child of a parent living in a same-gender relationship, whether the couple is married or cohabiting, may be baptized and confirmed, ordained, or recommended for missionary service only as follows:
A mission president or a stake president may request approval from the Office of the First Presidency to baptize and confirm, ordain, or recommend missionary service for a child of a parent who has lived or is living in a same-gender relationship when he is satisfied by personal interviews that both of the following requirements are met:
1. The child accepts and is committed to live the teachings and doctrine of the Church, and specifically disavows the practice of same-gender cohabitation and marriage.
2. The child is of legal age and does not live with a parent who has lived or currently lives in a same-gender cohabitation relationship or marriage."

Sounds like rejection to me....
“When we are confronted with evidence that challenges our deeply held beliefs we are more likely to reframe the evidence than we are to alter our beliefs. We simply invent new reasons, new justifications, new explanations. Sometimes we ignore the evidence altogether.” (Mathew Syed 'Black Box Thinking')
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Re: The Apostasy of the LDS Church

Post by _Kishkumen »

DrW wrote:Well, Dear Reverend, you have gone and done it now (and none too soon, by the way).

You are no doubt waiting in rapt anticipation to see what our friend DCP has to say about you this time.

I actually don't anticipate that happening.
"Petition wasn’t meant to start a witch hunt as I’ve said 6000 times." ~ Hanna Seariac, LDS apologist
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Re: The Apostasy of the LDS Church

Post by _Maksutov »

I have a question wrote:They threw Hinckley under the bus...

Former Church president Gordon B. Hinckley (1910-2008) told members who are attracted to the same sex: “Our hearts reach out to [you]. We remember you before the Lord, we sympathize with you, we regard you as our brothers and sisters.” President Boyd K. Packer affirmed, “We do not reject you. . . . We cannot reject you. . . . We will not reject you, because we love you.” ... n?lang=eng

"Effective immediately, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has a new policy related to the children of gay couples, married or unmarried:
"Children of a Parent Living in a Same-Gender Relationship
A natural or adopted child of a parent living in a same-gender relationship, whether the couple is married or cohabiting, may not receive a name and a blessing.
A natural or adopted child of a parent living in a same-gender relationship, whether the couple is married or cohabiting, may be baptized and confirmed, ordained, or recommended for missionary service only as follows:
A mission president or a stake president may request approval from the Office of the First Presidency to baptize and confirm, ordain, or recommend missionary service for a child of a parent who has lived or is living in a same-gender relationship when he is satisfied by personal interviews that both of the following requirements are met:
1. The child accepts and is committed to live the teachings and doctrine of the Church, and specifically disavows the practice of same-gender cohabitation and marriage.
2. The child is of legal age and does not live with a parent who has lived or currently lives in a same-gender cohabitation relationship or marriage."

Sounds like rejection to me....

GBH was obviously speaking as a man. But only that time. :lol: Okay, also that time he said "We are not a weird people."
"God" is the original deus ex machina. --Maksutov
_I have a question
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Re: The Apostasy of the LDS Church

Post by _I have a question »

Maksutov wrote:GBH was obviously speaking as a man. But only that time. :lol: Okay, also that time he said "We are not a weird people."

Nice try you latent Mopologist you...

Unfortunately it's a current statement within the Church websites explanation about same sex attraction.
So now the current doctrine is both "We don't reject you" and "We do reject you" simultaneously.

Could the almost-exclusively-white-middle-class-Utahn leadership make themselves look any more insular and incompetent and apostate? The Church doesn't need help from critics, it just needs a public spotlight on its actions and decisions and the repetitional damage is self-inflicted. Critics cannot make them look worse than they make themselves.
“When we are confronted with evidence that challenges our deeply held beliefs we are more likely to reframe the evidence than we are to alter our beliefs. We simply invent new reasons, new justifications, new explanations. Sometimes we ignore the evidence altogether.” (Mathew Syed 'Black Box Thinking')
_Doctor Steuss
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Re: The Apostasy of the LDS Church

Post by _Doctor Steuss »

... wherefore, all children are alike unto me; unless one of their parents is fabulous...
"Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead." ~Charles Bukowski
_sock puppet
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Re: The Apostasy of the LDS Church

Post by _sock puppet »

Doctor Steuss wrote:... wherefore, all children are alike unto me; unless one of their parents is fabulous...

ha ha ha.
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Re: The Apostasy of the LDS Church

Post by _consiglieri »

Kishkumen wrote:
This is a distraction. I am telling you that according to their own canon, the former LDS Church is toast. Their priesthood authority is gone.

It was Bruce R. McConkie in his Mormon Doctrine, no less, who defined the standard works as the standard against which all teachings must be measured, regardless of from whom the teachings come, including prophets and apostles.

If the teachings do not measure up to the standard of the scriptures, they are to be rejected.

On the other hand, it is good to know the leaders of the Church will never lead the members astray.
You prove yourself of the devil and anti-mormon every word you utter, because only the devil perverts facts to make their case.--ldsfaqs (6-24-13)
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Re: The Apostasy of the LDS Church

Post by _Kishkumen »

Moroni 8:10 wrote:Behold I say unto you that this thing shall ye teach—repentance and baptism unto those who are accountable and capable of committing sin; yea, teach parents that they must repent and be baptized, and humble themselves as their little children, and they shall all be saved with their little children.
"Petition wasn’t meant to start a witch hunt as I’ve said 6000 times." ~ Hanna Seariac, LDS apologist
_sock puppet
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Re: The Apostasy of the LDS Church

Post by _sock puppet »

consiglieri wrote:
Kishkumen wrote:
This is a distraction. I am telling you that according to their own canon, the former LDS Church is toast. Their priesthood authority is gone.

It was Bruce R. McConkie in his Mormon Doctrine, no less, who defined the standard works as the standard against which all teachings must be measured, regardless of from whom the teachings come, including prophets and apostles.

If the teachings do not measure up to the standard of the scriptures, they are to be rejected.

On the other hand, it is good to know the leaders of the Church will never lead the members astray.

Yea, but when was the last time you heard McConkie quoted in a GC for any clear, declarative statement about Church doctrine?
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Re: The Apostasy of the LDS Church

Post by _Kishkumen »

2 Nephi 26:33 wrote:For none of these iniquities come of the Lord; for he doeth that which is good among the children of men; and he doeth nothing save it be plain unto the children of men; and he inviteth them all to come unto him and partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and free, male and female; and he remembereth the heathen; and all are alike unto God, both Jew and Gentile.
"Petition wasn’t meant to start a witch hunt as I’ve said 6000 times." ~ Hanna Seariac, LDS apologist
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