1984 in 2018

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_Some Schmo
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Re: 1984 in 2018

Post by _Some Schmo »

Kishkumen wrote:I am sorry that correctly identifying a problem within a group is somehow disqualifying to you. It shouldn't be. The issue is entirely salient within the framework of the discussion. How can we discuss the problems with rhetoric and reasoning on the Right without talking about them? I am happy to acknowledge the existence of wacky conspiracy theories on both sides of the political spectrum. I am not aware that CNN or MSNBC has given attention to conspiracy theories in the way FOX News aided and abetted Birtherism. I am not aware of a phenomenon in the Center or on the Left in which people come to rallies identifying with a particular conspiracy theory in the way Qanon has flourished in the Trump Movement.

I feel no responsibility to play the game of false equivalencies simply because hearing about the problems on your side of the political spectrum is a turn off for you.

Ceeboo wrote:Thank God we can count of the Left for 100% of earnest and intelligent discourse.

Did I say that? No, seriously. Did I say that? Please don't put words in my mouth or make it seem like I approve of ideas I do not approve of. If this is you being flip or sarcastic, fine. But I don't agree with it. If this is you saying that I am somehow putting myself forward as an arch Leftist who is locked in combat with the Right, then knock it off.

Obviously there are problems everywhere, but degrees of problem do make a difference. Please direct me to the James O'Keefe of the Center or the Left. Please show me the other presidents who promoted conspiracy theories the way Trump did. And, furthermore, let's be even clearer: it is a disservice to conservatives even to count Trump among their number. Trump is a nationalist, a demagogue, and a whole host of other bad things, but he is not a conservative. He is more alt-right than he is Right.

It is a shame that he was successful in hijacking the Republican Party, because the Republican Party of old was way too sound and respectable to suffer the fate that it is currently enduring. William F. Buckley may have been an asshole with smelly opinions, but at least he was a reasonably serious and intelligent person with actual ideas. Reagan may have been a professional performer and shallow ideologue, but he cared enough to be serious and both learn and internalize a set of ideals. George with. Bush may have been a sub-par intellect, but he was a genuine person who took his responsibilities seriously.

Trump and Trumpism are a blight on the political landscape. Sober serious Republicans know that. I didn't come up with this myself by watching MSNBC. I am not even a Democrat. I spent most of my life as a Republican and I am registered as an Independent. To me this is not a Left/Right question. This is a saving our political system from authoritarianism and corruption kind of question.

I quoted all this just because I think it's worth repeating. Excellent post.
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Re: 1984 in 2018

Post by _Kishkumen »

Some Schmo wrote:I quoted all this just because I think it's worth repeating. Excellent post.

Thank you, Some Schmo.
"Petition wasn’t meant to start a witch hunt as I’ve said 6000 times." ~ Hanna Seariac, LDS apologist
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Re: 1984 in 2018

Post by _Chap »

canpakes wrote:Before you leave, Ceeboo, I’m curious about your opinion as to why the birther claim gained so much traction amongst Republican voters.

Gracious! Insulting Trump supporters again!

Those poor, innocent people! All they did was to exercise their constitutional right to believe any obvious nonsense that proved that the black man was not really president.

Because the alternative was just too terrible to believe. You had no right to ask that of them ...
I did not have a faith crisis. I discovered that the Church was having a truth crisis.
That's the problem with this supernatural stuff, it doesn't really solve anything. It's a placeholder for ignorance.
_Some Schmo
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Re: 1984 in 2018

Post by _Some Schmo »

Has anyone happened to notice that the best the right could do to attempt to delegitimize President Obama was to question his birth?

With Drumpf, you're got an entire menu of options to choose from. Where would you even start? How could you prioritize his offenses? It's a veritable smorgasbord. It's Golden Corral on crack.
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Re: 1984 in 2018

Post by _canpakes »

Some Schmo wrote: It's Golden Corral on crack.

Shouldn’t that be Orange Corral?
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Re: 1984 in 2018

Post by _Kishkumen »

DarkHelmet wrote:
Ceeboo wrote:
No, I hadn't heard of Arthur Jones - or the others examples you provided (Thanks for pointing them out) but I do share Ted Cruz's clear condemnation of Jones.

Why would you trust Lyin' Ted Cruz? His dad killed Kennedy and his wife is ugly.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
"Petition wasn’t meant to start a witch hunt as I’ve said 6000 times." ~ Hanna Seariac, LDS apologist
_Some Schmo
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Re: 1984 in 2018

Post by _Some Schmo »

canpakes wrote:
Some Schmo wrote: It's Golden Corral on crack.

Shouldn’t that be Orange Corral?

I see you've been to Golden Corral.
God belief is for people who don't want to live life on the universe's terms.
_Sammy Jankins
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Re: 1984 in 2018

Post by _Sammy Jankins »

Water Dog wrote:A coordinated ban of Infowars between independent companies. How, what's the word, collusive?

https://www.theguardian.com/technology/ ... alex-jones

LOL. I'm no fan of Alex Jones, the man is a nut. But what's that saying, "I don't agree with what that man's saying, but I'll die to protect his right to say it," or something to that effect?

Other, related news.

Candice Owens, a black woman, takes two of Sarah Jeong's racist tweets against white people and posts them on Twitter changing out the word "white" for "jew" and is, in a completely unexpected turn of events, banned. Say something racist against white people, not only do you not get banned, you get hired by the New York Times.

ht to report on. Gee, when the Bundy's did something similar it was headlining news on every outlet.

I think private companies not only have the right to ban Alex Jones, I think you can argue they have the responsibility. The Sandy Hook conspiracies are beyond the pale. This is a hill the right should not die on. They shouldn’t even be standing on it
But at the same time I do understand their fear. Seeing people defend Sarah Jeong’s tweets the last few days I do not trust the left to be fair. You don’t have to call Jeong a racist, just conceding that generalizing about an entire demographic like that is really crappy behavior and unproductive would be enough. I don’t know how it become acceptable on the left to talk like that about white people like that. But I’ve heard it even in real life. Not saying I’m victimized or oppressed by it, but it’s trashy and unacceptable.
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Re: 1984 in 2018

Post by _canpakes »

If only faux conservatives like Water Dog were concerned about the actual victims wrapped up in the InfoWars brouhaha ...

When radio host Alex Jones published a video in 2017 titled “Sandy Hook Vampires Exposed,” the parents of a little boy killed in the Sandy Hook shooting bought security alarms for their homes, fearful that they would once again be harassed by Jones’ legion of followers convinced the shooting never happened.

Now a lawyer for Jones wants to make the parents’ home addresses public.

Leonard Pozner and Veronique De La Rosa lost 6-year-old Noah in 2012 when a gunman stormed Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, killing 20 children and six adults. More than five years later, they still get harassed by conspiracy theorists claiming the shooting was all a hoax.

Their harassment has led to a defamation lawsuit against Jones, who has fueled the conspiracy fires for years by claiming interviews with the parents and media outlets were faked and that the shooting may have never happened. A Texas judge is currently reviewing whether Jones’ motion to dismiss the case has any merit. In the meantime, Jones’ lawyer is seeking to open the floodgates for dangerous parties to easily find the Sandy Hook parents.

In new court filings obtained by HuffPost, Pozner and De La Rosa, who live separately, describe the steps they took in the wake of Jones reigniting the hoax theory...
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Re: 1984 in 2018

Post by _Kishkumen »

Sammy Jankins wrote:Seeing people defend Sarah Jeong’s tweets the last few days I do not trust the left to be fair. You don’t have to call Jeong a racist, just conceding that generalizing about an entire demographic like that is really crappy behavior and unproductive would be enough. I don’t know how it become acceptable on the left to talk like that about white people like that. But I’ve heard it even in real life. Not saying I’m victimized or oppressed by it, but it’s trashy and unacceptable.

I hope all the white people laugh about her amazing sense of humor as they unsubscribe.

“Oh, how funny, darling! Just to frame this moment in eternity I think I’ll cancel my subscription. That young woman who jokes about being cruel to old white men is the living end!”
"Petition wasn’t meant to start a witch hunt as I’ve said 6000 times." ~ Hanna Seariac, LDS apologist
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