"You are disqualified, sir!"

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Re: "You are disqualified, sir!"

Post by _DoubtingThomas »

Some Schmo wrote:
DoubtingThomas wrote:And when are younger voters going to decide the future?

When they get older.

Na, when I am your age I will not be an arrogant know it all.

"Why Older People Tend to Be Poor Decisionmakers"

https://healthland.time.com/2013/09/30/ ... on-makers/
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Re: "You are disqualified, sir!"

Post by _DoubtingThomas »

DoubtingThomas wrote:
honorentheos wrote:You want Ginsberg to be replaced by a Trump nominee, too?

Okay I have a very important question and you have to answer it.

What happens if Trump beats Biden? I bet Sanders would have defeated Trump in 2016, but older voters made the mistake of nominating Hillary Clinton. How do you know older voters are not making the same mistake? And when are younger voters going to decide the future?

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Re: "You are disqualified, sir!"

Post by _honorentheos »

DoubtingThomas wrote:Okay I have a very important question and you have to answer it.

What happens if Trump beats Biden? I bet Sanders would have defeated Trump in 2016, but older voters made the mistake of nominating Hillary Clinton. How do you know older voters are not making the same mistake? And when are younger voters going to decide the future?

You said you'd consider sitting this one out if it's Biden rather than Sanders. Then you tell me you young'ns are good decision makers and should be given the fate of the nation because you want free stuff and have apps for things that make you think you can do stuff you just had an app do for you. Yet there are more of you than people over 60 so,...you know. You tell me since you're the one apparently less concerned about it. What WOULD happen if Trump beats Biden, DT?

As for Biden compared to Hillary, black men are showing up for him when they didn't for Hillary. It's not 2016 all over again.
The world is always full of the sound of waves..but who knows the heart of the sea, a hundred feet down? Who knows it's depth?
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_Some Schmo
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Re: "You are disqualified, sir!"

Post by _Some Schmo »

DoubtingThomas wrote:Na, when I am your age I will not be an arrogant know it all.

Yeah. We'll see.

damned whipper snappers.
God belief is for people who don't want to live life on the universe's terms.
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Re: "You are disqualified, sir!"

Post by _DoubtingThomas »

honorentheos wrote: Then you tell me you young'ns are good decision makers and should be given the fate of the nation because you want free stuff

Taxpayers do not want free stuff.

honorentheos wrote:Yet there are more of you than people over 60 so,...you know.

Most people work and are really busy.

honorentheos wrote:Then you tell me you young'ns are good decision makers and should be given the fate of the nation

Older voters had their chance in 2016 and didn't listen to younger voters. I bet many Biden supporters voted for Reagan.

honorentheos wrote:As for Biden compared to Hillary, black men are showing up for him when they didn't for Hillary. It's not 2016 all over again.

But there are not enough black voters in swing states.

honorentheos wrote: What WOULD happen if Trump beats Biden, DT?

Well, Biden and the Democratic party don't care about guys like me.
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Re: "You are disqualified, sir!"

Post by _honorentheos »

Guys like you meaning a middle aged conservative Mormon pretending to be a disaffected former Mormon millennial Bernie bro? I wonder why that is...

Honestly DT, this isn't a conversation I find worth having. If you're sincere, it doesn't come across in your replies.
The world is always full of the sound of waves..but who knows the heart of the sea, a hundred feet down? Who knows it's depth?
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Re: "You are disqualified, sir!"

Post by _DoubtingThomas »

honorentheos wrote:Honestly DT, this isn't a conversation I find worth having. If you're sincere, it doesn't come across in your replies.

Of course not, you know perfectly well that older voters made a mistake in 2016 by nominating Hillary Clinton. Bernie Sanders would have defeated Trump in 2016.

And "A new report by Stanford scholars lays out the problems U.S. millennials face as a result of decades-long rising inequality." Who is to blame?
https://news.stanford.edu/2019/06/06/to ... llennials/

And of course I am mad.

honorentheos wrote:Guys like you meaning a middle aged conservative Mormon pretending to be a disaffected former Mormon millennial Bernie bro? I wonder why that is..

Well, "There is hard data that shows "Bernie Bros" are a myth"
https://www.salon.com/2020/03/09/there- ... re-a-myth/

I am starting to think that you are the caricature.
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Re: "You are disqualified, sir!"

Post by _DoubtingThomas »

It is just so sad.
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Re: "You are disqualified, sir!"

Post by _honorentheos »

DT, you seem intent on blaming everyone else for everything including you considering sitting out this election because Sanders is basically out of the running now, too. When asked why you are considering this you complain that no one is doing anything for you. When questioned on what that means, it seems to come down to you not having an education, skill set, job, etc., etc., that would make you happy. When asked about what would actually help you, you talk about aliens and A.I., UBI and free stuff.

That's not a realistic view of the world. So I'm left to ask myself if you are honestly who you say you are which would be unfortunate for you. Or you aren't but are trolling by pretending to be the kind of social dependant many conservatives believe progressives actually are. When pressed on that, you don't offer anything that makes it more clear that you sincerely are a person who is being left behind in life and looking for a hand up or and arrow to an on ramp to a better life. So this isn't a political discussion. It's about you. And that's not a discussion that proves fruitful. I hope in some way you are a troll. But if you are who you say you are, then you probably need a life coach or mentor or something that you won't find here on this board. Or any board. You can't find support for vague issues from anonymous people sharing outlines.
The world is always full of the sound of waves..but who knows the heart of the sea, a hundred feet down? Who knows it's depth?
~ Eiji Yoshikawa
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