Consider a smartphone or e-reader, for instance. Their screens are very difficult to read out in the sunlight and need to be shaded. Or consider your personal computer. You probably don’t place it directly in front of a window where bright light will be streaming into your face. You need contrasting darkness so that you can see the screen without strain, and especially so if you’ll be working on it for lengthy periods. Otherwise, your eyes will tire and your head will ache.
Evidence indicates that Joseph dictated the Book of Mormon over the course of three months (or perhaps somewhat less). His scribes needed light in order to work, but it’s quite understandable that Joseph sought to reduce the fatigue of his eyes by using a hat to exclude the ambient light.
I've heard it all now.
What a shame the Exec. Co. Prod. of "Witnesses" chose not to embrace this explanation for why Joseph always had his face in a hat when using the rock with the hat. Nor did they choose to show Joseph with his face actually in the hat, nor did they choose to use a white hat as Joseph did. Why is the Exec. Co. Prod. afraid to put their money where their mouth is?
I think a more valid reason why Smith HID his face in a hat is because he couldn't pull off the act with a straight face in front of Cowdery without making himself look like an utter fool. So, Smith buried his head in a hat and was able to hide his grins and contorted smiles while rambling off one BS story after another. He probably had some cribbed notes in the bottom of the hat in which he was able to refer to in order to follow a preconceived plan for what he wanted his book to contain. Can you imagine the moans and groans coming out of his slobbering mouth while his sweaty face was planted along the wet rim of perspiration that soiled the rim of the hat? Smith was gross. He probably got high from lack of oxygen and breathing in his own exhausted air made him slip into a trance like state and that must have impressed Cowdery -- another dumb ass school teacher, just like DCP, who get's an F.
No, I'm not saying I was there and watching. I'm just saying what happened.
Where is the evidence for Nephites and Lamanites in the America's? That's right, no where. So, for those wanting to give ole Joe a break, and still believe in historicity, no way you honestly can. Then, looking at the rock 'n hat performance, one has to say that it was performed to trick his observers, OBVIOUSLY.
Sorry Dr. P, your witnesses were delusional or in on it. There's no other rational conclusion. So what if they were true to the delusion until the end. People are true to the delusions they support all the time. Just look at the current members. Look in the mirror. Also, the more one is public about their delusions, the harder it is to admit folly. Why do you suppose testimony meeting is a thing? Why make missionaries wear their stupid uniform all the time in the face of ridicule? It's to force public displays that lead to one digging in deeper when faced with the evidence. It's why millennial cult members remain after the 2nd coming predictions don't come true.
Myth is misused by the powerful to subjugate the masses all too often.
I don't understand what the big deal is. He used a hat. So what?
Hey buddy, stick your head in a hat and tell us a story. Keep it buried therein and think of something, anything. Suck in your hot air! Let's see wat you come up with as you breath your hot sweaty air and dream up a story.
What's the big deal? NORMAL people don't do that sort of stuff. It's what cult people doing. It's not normal and it's not right. It's what crazy liars do when they're trying to fool people into believing what they say is magical in some way. It's a sign of delusion and madness -- someone really out for attention and willing to do anything to dupe his listeners.
It's silly and stupid and has no place in our society today when we are enlightened against such trickery and madness. Welcome to the year 2021. Get with it!
For centuries God has raised up mighty prophets to lead his church. Why is it He can't raise up decent apologists to defend them?
Did you see President NelSatan's expression when he picked up that white hat in the video and then set it down. Oh my God! It was so obvious he was disgusted with the whole thing.
Shulem wrote:
It's silly and stupid and has no place in our society today when we are enlightened against such trickery and madness. Welcome to the year 2021. Get with it!
I get it, I guess. But this was the 1800s, not 2021.
Also do you know how hard it is to make up a coherent, internally consistent story when your head is in a hat?