Fat - Be - Gone

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Fat - Be - Gone

Post by ceeboo »

Hey good people,

Time To Loose Some Fat!

All are welcome! All you need to do is post your weekly progress. Everything is on the honor system.

Encouragement and advice welcome!

Weekly weigh ins - First weigh in is a week from this Thursday, on Thursday September 30th.

My starting weight - 228 (You need not tell your weight to participate - Just participate!)

Goal weight - 198

Need to do some food shopping and food prepping but I will be ready to go within 24/48 hours.

Good luck to all - Let's loose some lard!

See you all on the 30th (hopefully 2-3 pounds lighter)
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Re: Fat - Be - Gone

Post by Jersey Girl »

Um Ceebs...I've got a thread for that in Prison. The Score So Far. It's an extension of the same thread I started on the old board which has now been transferred to this board.

Good luck in your efforts!
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Re: Fat - Be - Gone

Post by Jersey Girl »

Here's a link to the original if you are looking for additional tips re: exercise and nutrition.

We only get stronger when we are lifting something that is heavier than what we are used to. ~ KF

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Re: Fat - Be - Gone

Post by ceeboo »

Jersey Girl wrote:
Tue Sep 21, 2021 8:57 pm
Um Ceebs...I've got a thread for that in Prison. The Score So Far. It's an extension of the same thread I started on the old board which has now been transferred to this board.

Good luck in your efforts!
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Re: Fat - Be - Gone

Post by Xenophon »

So the Ceeb-a-nator had asked me to provide a sort of "day in the life" for my eating after my writeup in the Vax thread and I thought it might be interesting for other parties so I'm transferring that here:

Some caveats before I begin. You should absolutely, 100%, tee-totally talk to your doctor before beginning your weight loss journey. I am just a random talking head on the internet (and so is everyone else here throwing out advice) and I don't know jack about your particular health issues or concerns. You might need low sodium, or a prediabetic diet recommendation, that is for you and your doctor to decide.

This is a framework that works for me and is designed to help me maintain my current weight given my activity level, you will need to adjust accordingly based upon your current situation and fitness goals. My way is NOT the only way, it is just that... my way. It is what works for me and I know countless people that tackle it in a thousand different ways: intermitent fasting, KETO, vegan, standard calorie counting. The thing you have to remember is it is only sustainable if you like what you are doing and it works for you. Yes the formula is as basic as calories in < calories out but that is a pretty useless formula, in my opinion. It would be like me telling you a place is popular because it has a lot of customers... sure that is accurate but it doesn't get to the why or the how.

Still with me? Here is my daily eating routine:

Breakfast: One piece of toast of Dave's Killer Bread (super clean ingredients, higher nutrition factor, slightly higher protein content) with usually a half an avocado (one of the smaller ones) but sometimes when I'm feeling extra, some natural peanut butter. And 2 eggs, I like mine over easy but whatever works for you.

On days I lift: mid morning snack of a cup of plain Greek yogurt with a cup of fruit of choice (usually a banana but I like berries here too) and a serving of Simply Elizabeth Granola. I like that brand because it is much lower in sugar than most of what is on the shelf, some brands have enough sugar in them you might as well eat a candy bar.

Lunch: 5oz (after cooking) of 50/50 lean ground beef and ground turkey. With a cup (after cooking) of some fibrous veggie, usually broccoli or cauliflower. I cheat on this one a lot and use the Green Giant Broccoli/Cauli Rice blends to make it easier. If I have to travel for work I instead use a meal replacement shake. I use Huel, I like it because the macros are pretty solid and it is plant based. But I'm not married to the brand.

Dinner: This is where we let variety come in. We have a wide range here but our general formula is 5oz of some protein source, chicken/steak/fish, 150g (post cook) of a starch (rice, sweet potato, I'm a big fan of baby golds right now) and then as much salad as I can physically eat. If I'm feeling particularly ravenous that day I'll have a spoonful of peanut butter before bed.

All this comes with 120oz minimum of water every day.

On Saturdays I eat whatever the hell I want. I don't question it, I just let my body do the talking. Want a box of Twinkies and a Little Ceasars? Just do it! The only trick is to not let it bleed into the day before or after. Then on Sunday I start all over again. I've found the longer I'm on this train the less outrageous Saturday gets. This is also the biggest failing point for my friends that have tried to jump on our style, they turn 1 cheat day into 2.5 as it starts early on Friday and runs into Sunday.

To help make this easier every other Sunday the wife and I meal preparation the lunches. So I'm making roughly 24 lunches at a time but then I don't have to think about it again until the next go round. The leaves me only having to "think" about meals 6 times per week, for dinner. We also do a fair bit of preparation every Sunday for the week's dinners like slice or dice the starches, marinate meats, preparation any "special" veggies we want, etc.

I do not count calories and I don't sweat macros. Obviously the plan is thought out to account for those but I've just never been successful with doing stuff like MyFitnessPal. That said, if you've never tried it I recommend everyone keep a strict food journal for at least week or two. Not long, but enough to help you get a firm understanding of what you are eating. If you write down literally everything you eat you will often be surprised, I know I was with how much mid day snacking of all sorts of stuff I did.

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Re: Fat - Be - Gone

Post by Xenophon »

I also offer up some of the most regurgitated and mindlessly repeated tips and blurbs. This is going to look like the worst Pintrest/Instgram fitspiration post you've ever seen. I do this not because I think they are special or unique points or I'm some magical diet guru but because they are actually crazy important and often hard to do at first.
  • Drink more water, it is good for you.
  • Get more sleep, it also is good for you.
  • Walk more, like a lot more. Try to sneak in walking wherever you can, I do it on my lunch break.
  • Write down what you eat. I know I said it in the other post but it is that important, especially starting out. For that matter you should probably be journaling in general but that is for another time.
  • Take a couple before pictures, you don't have to show anyone. But in a few weeks when you think you've gotten nowhere it is nice to have a reference point.
  • Set yourself up for success, if you have no viable eating option in the house of course you will opt for fast food/junk food.
  • It is still possible to lose weight eating nothing but Twinkies, it'll just be a lot harder. Focusing on nutrient rich foods helps you feel fuller for longer and provides the energy you need to be the badass you are.
  • Not all fast food is the devil. Many places have viable options to stay on your goals but also be convenient. This is doubly tricky because it isn't always the items you expect. A McDonald's salad can have more calories and fat than the McDouble :shock: . Take time to look at your options (preferably before you are starving).
  • How hungry you are is not indicative of how much food you need to eat, only how soon you should eat (this one is my biggest enemy).
  • Exercise is best when it is done as a celebration of what your body can do and not punishment for what you ate.
  • Finally, and this really is the most important, LOVE YOURSELF. I'm not saying you have to be happy with exactly how fit you are right now but remember to cut yourself some slack. You've survived a ton of crap to get to where you are, you've done some truly incredible things and your body was with you for the entire ride. This is just part of that incredible life you've lived so don't forget to be kind and patient with yourself.

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Re: Fat - Be - Gone

Post by drumdude »

I'm on day 3 of Keto. Keto and fasting are the only things that have worked for me in the past. Starting at 240lbs, down to 235 already. My goal is 180 although I would be very happy just to see 199 again.
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Re: Fat - Be - Gone

Post by ceeboo »


Thanks so much for the posts - really appreciated. Just so you know, I use your Saturday method everyday! :)


Hey Double D
drumdude wrote:
Wed Sep 22, 2021 12:26 am
I'm on day 3 of Keto. Keto and fasting are the only things that have worked for me in the past. Starting at 240lbs, down to 235 already. My goal is 180 although I would be very happy just to see 199 again.
Awesome - Congrats on a very good start! (I would be very happy to see 199 again too)

While I don't know the details, I have heard of the Keto thing `- I know some people who have been very successful shedding some pounds using this method. I have never fasted before (to be honest, that sounds horrific) but I might consider this as well.

For me, I think I am going to try making a ton of prepared meals (food prepping) at once and eating them for a week or so. Maybe a crap ton of chicken breast and veggies with some random combination of other healthier snacks. A few things I know I need to eliminate immediately is pop and chips (Gawd I love me some chips) and I need to start drinking a lot more water. A lot more.

Anyway, keep on keeping on and don't forget to report your number next Thursday, September 30th.
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Re: Fat - Be - Gone

Post by ceeboo »

While I am 99% sure this is going to be a silly question, I am going to ask it anyway.

Silly question in 3 - 2 - 1

Over the years, I have slowly witnessed by belly becoming larger (lots of flab/fat/rolls) - Question: Are there any specific things I can do to concentrate on loosing belly fat, specifically?
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Re: Fat - Be - Gone

Post by Xenophon »

ceeboo wrote:
Wed Sep 22, 2021 11:13 am
While I am 99% sure this is going to be a silly question, I am going to ask it anyway.

Silly question in 3 - 2 - 1

Over the years, I have slowly witnessed by belly becoming larger (lots of flab/fat/rolls) - Question: Are there any specific things I can do to concentrate on loosing belly fat, specifically?
The only silly question is the one not asked.

Short answer, not for targeting your belly specifically.

Entering a calorie deficit via diet and exercise will cause your body to burn through those extra fat stores, wherever they are. There is an adage in the fitness community that has a lot of truth to it "six pack abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym".

You can do all sorts of exercises to strengthen your core but they alone will not cause your belly to shrink. If you've ever seen those in the heaviest weight lifting classes or strong man competitions you'll see this in action. The core strength required for the kinds of weight they are moving is insane but most of them don't look like fitness models. Eddie Hall is probably the best example, when he is breaking world records for his pulls he generally isn't "lean".

“If you consider what are called the virtues in mankind, you will find their growth is assisted by education and cultivation.”
― Xenophon
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