FOX News is America's Shame

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K Graham
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FOX News is America's Shame

Post by K Graham »

So the Right Wing media has been, ironically enough, whining about lockdowns as if this were some Democrat idea. They've been doing this since last year when the only "lockdowns" occurred when Trump was President. But they blame Democrats anyway, and so with the emergence of the Omicron variant the idiots at FOX News had already decided the planned narrative would be to attack the Left over impending lockdowns. As with everything else, they don't wait to get information before launching into partisan tirades, they just spew nonsense to get their audience riled up and outraged.

So when Joe Biden explains in an interview that he will NOT BE IMPLEMENTING ANY KIND OF LOCKDOWNS, FOX News had a choice. They could either 1) be honest and admit they prematurely jumped to conclusions, or 2) they could quietly change the narrative to something else and pretend like they never said these things, or 3) they could show some integrity by actually praising Biden for doing precisely what they always claimed they wanted, or 4) they could reach a new low by ignoring what Biden said, and double down on their baseless claims that he's going to do exactly what he said he wouldn't do.

Of course, FOX News will always opt for the choice that is least honest and void of integrity.

Fox News’ answer to Biden disavowing lockdowns: Just straight-up lie about it

For those who keep trying to make false equivalencies between CNN and FOX, please demonstrate where CNN has ever done anything like this. Just flat out lie about what a sitting President says and then push hours of segments trying to outrage the audience. FOX Has been doing this since Obama, when they intentionally mischaracterized Obamacare as "government run healthcare."
Last edited by K Graham on Wed Feb 23, 2022 2:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: FOX News Dishonesty Reaches New Lows

Post by Kishkumen »

Lying is what the Right has, and it is at the foundation of authoritarianism.Representative government depends on fact-based discourse. The GOP’s slide into fact-free discourse is a flashing warning sign that they have no interest in actually representative government.
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K Graham
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Re: FOX News Dishonesty Reaches New Lows

Post by K Graham »

FOX News Jesse Waters says the quiet part out loud. That FOX wants division in America. ... ay-vpx.cnn
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Re: FOX News Dishonesty Reaches New Lows

Post by K Graham »

Fact-check: Fox News and Republican lawmakers push new false flag conspiracy that FBI orchestrated US Capitol attack
Washington (CNN)Fox News, right-wing websites and Republican lawmakers are promoting a new false flag conspiracy that the FBI orchestrated the deadly assault on the US Capitol.

The haywire theory originated from an article published Monday by Revolver News, a right-wing website. From there, it was picked up by Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who used his opening segment on Tuesday night to slam the FBI, saying it played a role in the January 6 attack.

Several Republican lawmakers quickly piled on. They entered the article into the congressional record, tweeted about the Fox News segment, condemned the FBI agents who supposedly "organized and participated" in the Capitol attack, and demanded answers from the FBI director.
But here's the problem: The underlying article was nothing more than a conspiratorial web of unproven claims, half-truths and inaccurate drivel about perceived bombshells in court filings.
Over 700 insurrectionists convicted and all found to be Trump supporters. Yet FOX keeps lying about how this was all staged by the FBI. Tucker Carlson even focused on the "man with a red hat" to claim he was in law enforcement. He forgot to mention he's a Tucker Carlson fan.
The first thing to emphasize is that Carlson’s theory is based on a report in Revolver News. The site is run by Darren Beattie, who appeared on Carlson’s show shortly after the above monologue. If that name sounds familiar, it’s because Beattie is a former Trump White House speechwriter who was fired in 2018 over a past appearance on a panel with a white nationalist, Peter Brimelow, at a conference attended by well-known white nationalists.

The second and perhaps most important point is that the basis of Carlson’s theory — that the unindicted co-conspirators are either likely or must be government agents — is extremely shaky. Legal experts say the government literally cannot name an undercover agent as an unindicted co-conspirator.

So ajax, can you please show me where CNN has engaged in any kind of outright lying like this? Seems pretty serious, but you're completely silent on it because you're ok with lying from people on your preferred "news" outlets.
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Re: FOX News Dishonesty Reaches New Lows

Post by Gunnar »

K Graham wrote:
Tue Jan 04, 2022 5:14 pm
So ajax, can you please show me where CNN has engaged in any kind of outright lying like this? Seems pretty serious, but you're completely silent on it because you're ok with lying from people on your preferred "news" outlets.
I don't think ajax cares about how dishonest Fox News is, as long as they tell him what he wants to believe. He has become as totally brainwashed as they want him to be.
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Re: FOX News Dishonesty Reaches New Lows

Post by Jersey Girl »

K Graham wrote:
Tue Jan 04, 2022 5:09 pm
FOX News Jesse Waters says the quiet part out loud. That FOX wants division in America. ... ay-vpx.cnn
Can NOT stand him. I am treated to a daily airing of FOX "news" here at the house. I can't stand their rhetoric and how loud and obnoxious they are. Kaylee McEneny is on there now. What a total liar. I have to put myself into another end of the house so I can't hear their garbage back and forth. They are NOT a reputable news source, they are simply political commentators who feed off each other whose only goal is to feed the American public a line of slanted BS. If you anything about me at all, you know that I give everyone a chance. They ran out of chances with me long ago and this entire country is suffering the effects of the total Foxification of America.
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Re: FOX News Dishonesty Reaches New Lows

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

Just in the last day I’ve this said to me in one_single_discussion by three different “free thinkers” with regard to the Omicron variant:
… there is evil that works behind it all for the ultimate goals of full subjugation of the human race.
I've seen plenty of scientific arguments that Omicron might be lab made.
a different genius also stated
Omicron was made in a lab by white-hats to end the pandemic.
and finally a different guy said
Omicron is basically a live vaccine.
I don’t know what in the “F” happened to the world, but I realized, thanks to these kinds of interactions along with our recent troll-visitors, that the world is as if batshit crazy screwed mongoloid-tier stupid, made a baby, and this baby is an antivaxxer. And, unfortunately, most antivaxxers somehow shifted from being fringe brainless homeopathic hippy idiots to rhinestone and glitter Trumptard conspiracy theorists.

And they vote. Thanks, FoxNews.

Imma go back to reading a very entertaining novel called Recursion by Blake Crouch recommended by The Stig now. Thanks, The Stig!

- Doc
Hugh Nibley claimed he bumped into Adolf Hitler, Albert Einstein, Winston Churchill, Gertrude Stein, and the Grand Duke Vladimir Romanoff. Dishonesty is baked into Mormonism.
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Re: FOX News Dishonesty Reaches New Lows

Post by Jersey Girl »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Tue Jan 04, 2022 10:10 pm
Just in the last day I’ve this said to me in one_single_discussion by three different “free thinkers” with regard to the Omicron variant:
… there is evil that works behind it all for the ultimate goals of full subjugation of the human race.
I've seen plenty of scientific arguments that Omicron might be lab made.
a different genius also stated
Omicron was made in a lab by white-hats to end the pandemic.
and finally a different guy said
Omicron is basically a live vaccine.
I don’t know what in the “F” happened to the world, but I realized, thanks to these kinds of interactions along with our recent troll-visitors, that the world is as if batshit crazy screwed mongoloid-tier stupid, made a baby, and this baby is an antivaxxer. And, unfortunately, most antivaxxers somehow shifted from being fringe brainless homeopathic hippy idiots to rhinestone and glitter Trumptard conspiracy theorists.

And they vote. Thanks, FoxNews.

Imma go back to reading a very entertaining novel called Recursion by Blake Crouch recommended by The Stig now. Thanks, The Stig!

- Doc
Interesting story! May I have the floor now? K thanks.

Gather round boys and girls. Miss Jersey is going to tell you a story! Get nice and comfortable, this is going to be a long one. You can lay on a pillow if you like. The name of today's story is "Passive Aggressive".

Do you know what the words passive aggressive mean? No? That's okay, I will tell you my story and let's see who can figure out what those words mean.

I just got back from the U.S. Air Force Academy refill pharmacy. Yes indeed, the Air Force's show piece! Go Air Force!

I walk in and there's a line that goes the length of the building, not a very large space, I'd say about 12-15 people waiting to pick up their RX's. I end up being 5th in line. (1,2,3,4, 5 it's okay to use your fingers if you want to. This story made me want to use at least one of my fingers, too!)

A woman is at the window picking up his medications. Behind her in line is a woman with gray hair. Two men after her and then myself. The woman that was second in line (1 and then 2, that's second) was wearing a nice yet thin yellow cloth mask with her overly pointy noise sticking right out of the top. Can you believe that boys and girls? I couldn't believe that either.

She is having a conversation with the next two men in line (those are numbers 3 and 4). I hear her asking one of the men this question, "How far apart was it that we were supposed to be? Wasn't it 6 ft?"

Boys and girls, cover your hears for a minute, okay? Okay, lady, your freaking FEET are standing on a floor sticker the size of a freaking dinner plate, and you are playing dumb to these guys like you don't recall how far the social distancing standards were for the past TWO freaking YEARS like it was an insignificant part of your life or something? Oh yeah, tell me how removed from it all you are. Tell me how worried you are not. It's just a flu bug, right?

Okay, boys and girls, you may put your hands down to listen again. Every time she starts to talk to the two men, she uncovers her mouth by pulling down her mask. Is that the right thing to do, boys and girls? You are right. It is NOT the right thing to do. Did someone say stupid? That is a word that hurts peoples feelings. We aren't saying stupid in school but I understand why you used that word.

Then I hear the lady with the overly pointy nose (Who said witch?) sticking out from her mask who is constantly pulling down her mask to say things (Did someone say stupid again? Remember we don't say stupid in school.) to the two men, say..."It was 6 ft wasn't it? You know in the Old Testament (You are right, that's the Bible, good thinking!) they made the LEPERS stay back 6 cubits!" and then then the lady winked to the men. Lady #1 turns and looks at me. There's probably a reason for that.

What do you think about that boys and girls? Wait. Who said stupid again? Remember we aren't saying stupid in school. It hurts peoples feelings. Yes, she was breaking the rules. You are right. Mark of the Beast? Well, you are right, that's in the Bible, too. That's a talk to have at home with Moms and Dads. How did she break the rules? Oh yes, she was sneaky. That's a good word to use right now.

So who can tell me what they think passive aggressive means?

:shock: <----We are NOT saying stupid in school, remember? That is breaking our rules. Who else knows what passive aggressive means? Let's try this another way.

There were 12-15 people standing in line indoors during a pandemique, as we say. Everyone except the lady with the overly pointy noise was wearing their masks the right way. What do you think about that?

Well, yes, she was sneaking breaking the rules. Who was being safe and smart?

Who said acting stupid? :shock: :shock: I can see that we need to talk about our rules again. But I guess you are right, passive aggressive could be thought of as a way of acting stupid. Sneaking around breaking the rules is probably not a safe or smart thing to do. Yes, I think I can agree with your ideas. You are growing to be real good thinkers!

Let's talk about those rules now. :mrgreen:
We only get stronger when we are lifting something that is heavier than what we are used to. ~ KF

Slava Ukraini!
K Graham
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Re: FOX News Dishonesty Reaches New Lows

Post by K Graham »

Revealed: Sean Hannity’s Other Desperate Texts About Jan. 6

So on Jan 5th Sean Hannity privately texts Mark Meadows, “I’m very worried about the next 48 hours,” while downplaying any concern on air.

“We can’t lose the entire White House counsels office,” Hannity wrote to Meadows on Dec. 31, 2020, the House committee revealed on Tuesday. “I do NOT see January 6 happening the way he is being told. After the 6 th. He should announce will lead the nationwide effort to reform voting integrity. Go to Florida and watch Joe mess up daily. Stay engaged. When he speaks people will listen.”

That message, the committee wrote to Hannity, “suggests that you had knowledge of concerns by Trump’s White House Counsel’s Office regarding the legality of the former President’s plans for January 6th.” Such information, the committee’s chair Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS) and vice chair Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) wrote in their letter to the Fox Host, “are directly relevant to our inquiry.”

Other texts messages from that evening, the committee wrote, suggest Hannity had a personal conversation with Trump about his plans for attempting to overturn the 2020 vote.

Furthermore, the committee wrote, Hannity had a conversation with Trump in the days following the Capitol riots, and expressed to Meadows and MAGA loyalist Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) concerns about the president’s state of mind and possible actions he may take leading up to Biden’s Jan. 20 inauguration.

“Guys, we have a clear path to land the plane in 9 days. He can’t mention the election again. Ever,” Hannity wrote to the pair. “I did not have a good call with him today. And worse, I’m not sure what is left to do or say, and I don’t like not knowing if it’s truly understood. Ideas?”

Appearing on CNN shortly before the committee’s letter went public, Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) said of Hannity: “We’ve asked him to cooperate with us as a fact witness out of his sense of patriotism, and we hope he will respond because we have so many of these texts and pieces of evidence indicating that he was outside of his role as a press person acting as a political operative.”
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K Graham
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Re: FOX News Dishonesty Reaches New Lows

Post by K Graham »

This pretty much sums up the current state of the GOP. A bunch of political hacks showing fealty to Right Wing media outlets. Ted Cruz called the Jan 6 attack a terrorist attack and then had to go on Tucker Carlson to beg forgiveness for "misspeaking", even though he said it on two different occasions. Carlson called it a lie and told the Senator he intentionally lied because he was too smart a fellow to believe it was true, and then put him on the hot seat with his 8 million viewers to explain his lie. This was painful to watch even for a Democrat because it illustrates just how pathetically spineless sitting members of Congress have become thanks to Right Wing media.

CNN tears into both Cruz and FOX:
"I am not an American ... In my view premarital sex should be illegal" - Ajax18
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