Putin, Trump, Tucker Carlson and the GOP

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Putin, Trump, Tucker Carlson and the GOP

Post by Chap »

This article makes a rather good fist of explaining why Trump says stuff like this about Putin:
"I mean, he's taking over a country for $2 worth of sanctions," he told the room full of Republicans. "I'd say that's pretty smart. He's taking over a country, literally a vast, vast location, a great piece of land with a lot of people, and just walking right in."
Why do Putin, Trump, Tucker Carlson and the Republican party sound so alike?

Putin’s lies, and the lies coming from America’s extreme right, are mutually supporting. There’s a reason for that

Robert Reich, Guardian, 29 March 2022
In a speech delivered last Friday from his office in the Kremlin, Putin criticized the west’s “cancel culture”, which, he charged, is “canceling” Russia – “an entire thousand-year-old country, our people”. It was the third time in recent months Putin has blasted the so-called “cancel culture”.

Which is exactly what Trump, Tucker Carlson, and the Republican party have blasted for several years.

“The goal of cancel culture is to make decent Americans live in fear of being fired, expelled, shamed, humiliated and driven from society as we know it,” Trump said as he accepted his party’s nomination at the Republican National Convention in 2020.

Tucker Carlson, one of Fox News’s most prominent personalities, has charged that liberals have been trying to cancel everything from Space Jam to the Fourth of July.

Putin’s fixation on transgender and gay people has also been echoed on the American right. Republican state bills aimed at limiting LGBTQ rights or discussion in schools are soaring. Last fall – months before Texas’s Republican governor Greg Abbott threatened to criminalize parents who give their transgender children gender-affirming care – Putin argued that teaching children about different gender identities was “on the verge of a crime against humanity”.

Then there’s admiration for Putin himself. Just before Putin ordered a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Trump deemed him “savvy”, “genius”, and “smart” for “taking over a country, literally, a vast, vast, location, a great piece of land with a lot of people, and just walking right in”.

On his Fox News program, Carlson asked, rhetorically: “Why do I hate Putin so much? Has Putin ever called me a racist? Has he threatened to get me fired for disagreeing with him?” But Carlson called Ukraine “an obedient puppet of the Biden state department” and suggests Putin’s invasion was nothing more than a “border dispute”.

Putin’s lies and the lies coming from America’s extreme right are mutually reenforcing. Carlson’s Fox News segments show up in Russian propaganda. And when the American site “Infowars” resurrected an unfounded Russian claim that the United States funded biological weapons labs in Ukraine, Putin repeated the Infowars story.

To conclude from all of this that authoritarians think alike is to miss a deeper truth. Putin, Trump, Carlson, and a growing number of rightwing commentators and activists, have been promoting much the same narrative – for much the same reason.

Remember, Putin was put into power by a Russian oligarchy made fabulously rich by siphoning off the wealth of the former Soviet Union. Likewise, Trump and the radical right in America have been bankrolled by an American oligarchy – Rupert Murdoch, Charles Koch, Rebekah Mercer (daughter of hedge fund tycoon Robert Mercer), Blackstone chief executive Stephen Schwarzman, and other billionaires.

What do these two sets of oligarchs get in return? Strongmen who divert the public’s attention away from the oligarchs’ hijacking of their economies toward cultural fears of being overwhelmed by the “other.” Putin’s MO has been to fuel Russian ethnic pride and nationalism. The Trump-Carlson-radical right’s MO has been to fuel white American nationalism.

In both cases, strongmen and their allies have mythologized a “superior” culture (replete with creation stories of blood ties, motherlands, and religion) supposedly endangered by decadent forces intent on attacking and overwhelming it.

To Putin, the decadent force is the west. As he put it Friday, “domestic culture at all times protected the identity of Russia”, which “accepted all the best and creative, but rejected the deceitful and fleeting, that which destroyed continuity of our spiritual values, moral principles and historical memory”. Hence, a mythic justification for taking Ukraine back from a seductive but inferior western culture that threatens to overwhelm it and Russia.

Today’s oligarchs and strongmen are trying to justify their wealth and power by attacking liberal values
The Trump-Carlson-white nationalist narrative is similar: America’s dominant white Christian culture is endangered by Black people, immigrants and coastal elites who threaten to overwhelm it.

The culture wars now being orchestrated by the Republican party against transgender people, gay people, poor women seeking abortions, and schools that teach about sex and America’s history of racism, emerge from the same narrative as Putin’s culture war against a “decadent” West filled with “sociocultural disturbances.” As does the right’s claim that “secularists” have, in the words of former Trump attorney general William Barr, mounted “an unremitting assault on religion and traditional values”.

These tropes have served to distract attention from the systemic economic looting that oligarchs have been undertaking, leaving most people poor and anxious. Which is why the grievances that Putin, Trump, Carlson, and the Republican party use are unremittingly cultural; they are never economic, never about class, and most assuredly not about the predations of the super-rich.

Reduced to basics, today’s oligarchs and strongmen (along with their mouthpieces and lackeys) are trying to justify their wealth and power by attacking liberal values that have shaped the west, beginning with the enlightenment of the 17th and 18th centuries – the values of tolerance, openness, democracy, self-government, equal rights, and the rule of law. These values are incompatible with a society of oligarchs and strongmen.

Ultimately, the oligarchs and strongmen will lose. Putin won’t succeed in subduing Ukraine, Trump won’t be re-elected president, and Carlson and his ilk won’t persuade Americans to give up on American ideals. But the culture wars won’t end any time soon, because so much wealth and power have consolidated at the top of America, Russia, and elsewhere around the world that anti-liberal forces have risen to justify it.
That's the problem with this supernatural stuff, it doesn't really solve anything. It's a placeholder for ignorance.
Mayan Elephant:
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Re: Putin, Trump, Tucker Carlson and the GOP

Post by Some Schmo »

It's remarkable to me that anyone is stupid enough to enjoy listening to idiot Carlson. But then again, people are stupid enough to listen to Trump, so really, there is a large chunk of humanity who are dumber than a sponge.
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Re: Putin, Trump, Tucker Carlson and the GOP

Post by ajax18 »

The only purpose for teaching 5 year olds about gay sex is to create and echo chamber of validation for older gay teachers who harbor doubts about their chosen lifestyle. The inaccurately labeled "Don't say gay," bill only applies to 3rd grade and below. I personally think it should apply all the way through high school. But 3rd graders and below have not gone through puberty and really, don't yet have hormones raging through their bodies, and don't need to be taught about sex at all in a compulsory public school against the parents permission.
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Re: Putin, Trump, Tucker Carlson and the GOP

Post by Chap »

ajax18 wrote:
Wed Mar 30, 2022 2:03 pm
The only purpose for teaching 5 year olds about gay sex is to create and echo chamber of validation for older gay teachers who harbor doubts about their chosen lifestyle. The inaccurately labeled "Don't say gay," bill only applies to 3rd grade and below. I personally think it should apply all the way through high school. But 3rd graders and below have not gone through puberty and really, don't yet have hormones raging through their bodies, and don't need to be taught about sex at all in a compulsory public school against the parents permission.
Um, do you have anything to say on the topic of the thread, perhaps? Like, why is it that Trump, Tucker Carlson and the Republican Party seem to feel such sympathy for Putin?
That's the problem with this supernatural stuff, it doesn't really solve anything. It's a placeholder for ignorance.
Mayan Elephant:
Not only have I denounced the Big Lie, I have denounced the Big lie big lie.
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Re: Putin, Trump, Tucker Carlson and the GOP

Post by K Graham »

ajax18 wrote:
Wed Mar 30, 2022 2:03 pm
The only purpose for teaching 5 year olds about gay sex is to create and echo chamber of validation for older gay teachers who harbor doubts about their chosen lifestyle. The inaccurately labeled "Don't say gay," bill only applies to 3rd grade and below. I personally think it should apply all the way through high school. But 3rd graders and below have not gone through puberty and really, don't yet have hormones raging through their bodies, and don't need to be taught about sex at all in a compulsory public school against the parents permission.
What a bunch of idiotic rambling. Five year olds are not being "taught about gay sex." How can you be this stupid?
"I am not an American ... In my view premarital sex should be illegal" - Ajax18
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Re: Putin, Trump, Tucker Carlson and the GOP

Post by K Graham »

Far-right influencers push Russian propaganda to claim the reported potential war crimes in Bucha are a false flag
Right-wing media influencers have spread narratives denying the Russian military’s involvement in reported war crimes committed in the town of Bucha, a suburb of Kyiv, Ukraine.

Following the withdrawal of Russian troops from the region, mainstream media outlets have reported on satellite images from the region that show mass graves, bodies that show signs of execution, and streets of the once-quiet town “littered with burned-out tanks and corpses.” PBS and The Associated Press have identified four potential war crimes committed by the Russian military since April 3, and their collaborative War Crimes Watch Ukraine resource has verified 113 potential war crimes overall.

The Russian government has denied responsibility for these atrocities. An official Russian Telegram channel denied accusations that Russian soldiers killed Ukrainians in Bucha and claimed that “the photos and video footage from Bucha are another hoax, a staged production and provocation by the Kiev regime for the Western media.”

Far-right influencers took to podcasts, interviews, and social media to boost the Russians’ denial that the massacre was staged or faked, blaming a number of different countries and global organizations.

Conspiracy theory site Infowars has been a hotbed of conspiracy theories related to the atrocities in Bucha. On April 5, Alex Jones took to the show to promote articles on the Infowars site that “clearly show a lot of this was fake.”

The next day guest host Robert Barnes continued to spout similar claims. Barnes asserted that the Russian forces did not control Bucha while they stayed in the city and did not “cut off any civilian infrastructure.” He then repeated assertions that atrocities in the area were not reported until days after Russian forces exited, claiming that fact showed the massacre was a false flag.
"I am not an American ... In my view premarital sex should be illegal" - Ajax18
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Re: Putin, Trump, Tucker Carlson and the GOP

Post by K Graham »

ajax18 wrote:
Wed Mar 30, 2022 2:03 pm
The only purpose for teaching 5 year olds about gay sex is to create and echo chamber of validation for older gay teachers who harbor doubts about their chosen lifestyle. The inaccurately labeled "Don't say gay," bill only applies to 3rd grade and below. I personally think it should apply all the way through high school. But 3rd graders and below have not gone through puberty and really, don't yet have hormones raging through their bodies, and don't need to be taught about sex at all in a compulsory public school against the parents permission.
No one is teaching 5 year olds about "gay sex." No idea why you continue with this blatant lie.
"I am not an American ... In my view premarital sex should be illegal" - Ajax18
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Re: Putin, Trump, Tucker Carlson and the GOP

Post by Some Schmo »

K Graham wrote:
Tue Apr 12, 2022 10:31 am
No one is teaching 5 year olds about "gay sex." No idea why you continue with this blatant lie.
If he wasn't constantly lying to everyone including himself, he wouldn't have the motivation for the irrational outrage to which he's addicted.
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Re: Putin, Trump, Tucker Carlson and the GOP

Post by K Graham »

The Putin-Fox feedback loop
Throughout former President Donald Trump’s term in office, Media Matters carefully documented a phenomenon we defined as the “Trump-Fox feedback loop,” in which the right-wing propaganda network’s programming inspired over 1,000 tweets from its most important viewer, steering his obsessions and political talking points. That phenomenon came to an end when Trump lost his Twitter account after waging a literal assault on American democracy — which Fox also prodded him to do — but it has now been replaced by a new version, in which Russian dictator Vladimir Putin’s talking points excusing his unprovoked invasion of Ukraine have come to resemble Fox’s own coverage of the assault.

In a real-life illustration of the Putin-Fox feedback loop, a recently reported memo from the Russian government directed the country’s media outlets to promote as many clips of Fox News star Tucker Carlson as possible, as the regime’s propaganda and Carlson’s own rhetoric have dovetailed almost perfectly.

Media Matters documented Wednesday that Putin’s denunciation of what he called “national traitors,” Russians who live supposedly elitist lifestyles that put them out of touch with the Russian nation, was remarkably similar to Tucker Carlson’s fake populism. (Putin's use of “national traitors” is co-opted Stalinist language, which he has used in the past.) Carlson was born into wealth and privilege, while Putin is reportedly one of the richest men on Earth and lives like a king.

Putin’s speech Wednesday seemingly contained another example of the confluence of Kremlin and Fox News talking points, when he attempted to directly address any potential Western audience, telling them that they should not blame Russia for the global economic consequences of sanctions stemming from Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Instead, according to Putin, they should blame their own governments for the negative side effects of international sanctions. He also urged his audience to view the sanctions themselves as part of an effort to distract from the harms already being done in their home countries by their own governments and ruling “elites.”

All of these accusations have had antecedents on Fox News programming, from prime-time front man Tucker Carlson as well as other network hosts.
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Re: Putin, Trump, Tucker Carlson and the GOP

Post by Moksha »

Pretty sure most Republicans would welcome Putin as their presidential candidate if he only met the residency requirement.
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