Shout Out to Shulem!

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Re: Shout Out to Shulem!

Post by Moksha »

Philo Sofee wrote:
Fri Feb 25, 2022 11:38 pm
... remain on the Covenant Path ...
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Re: Shout Out to Shulem!

Post by Philo Sofee »

bump to study for my podcast/ live session Sunday! Shulem gonna be the star of the show!
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Re: Shout Out to Shulem!

Post by Shulem »

Philo Sofee wrote:
Fri Apr 29, 2022 12:48 pm
bump to study for my podcast/ live session Sunday! Shulem gonna be the star of the show!

Imagine the scruples John Gee is dealing with about this whole affair. He knows better than anyone that Fig. 6 is Anubis, he knows. He can't deny it but has to come to terms with why that is the result and what was the cause. There is no easy answer or explanation in which he can tender. It's a dreadful situation for Mr. Gee. You have to feel for him because anything he says will be recorded forever and easily used against him from both sides of the argument! He is in a no-win situation. What can he do other than keep his mouth shut? Well, he can tell the TRUTH which in the end is always the right thing to do.

Mr. Gee and his associates should have taken it upon themselves to recreate what they think was originally carved on the lead plate prior to mutilation. It's his responsibility as an Egyptologist to recreate the jackal head in its entirety and show us what surely was on the original papyrus which is conveniently lost. Strange that the vignette for Facsimile No. 1 resurfaced and now exists for everyone to see but not so for No. 3. I seriously have to think and consider that Smith destroyed it in order to get rid of the evidence. That seems rather harsh but it's plausible enough.

The apologists are in big trouble because by the time the Backyard Professor completes this next podcast things will never be the same. The professors at BYU are going to be on short notice and will have been handed their asses on an Anubis platter.

Yeah baby!

What's the King's name in Facsimile No. 3? How do you spell "Shulem"? And look at those lovely ladies performing a kind of Egyptian Endowment ceremony that according to Gee & Nibley are really men dressed up like women in order to impress Abraham who has taken over the god's throne!

Oh the silliness of Mormon apologetics! But it's all over now. The Backyard Professor is going to bury them.

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The Funeral

Post by Shulem »

Truly I feel sorry for anyone who actually reads this entire thread because it's the BOMB, baby! Yeah baby!

This thread bombs the Book of Abraham and sends it back to the stone age.

I can't imagine how the apologists would even try to refute what's going on here and continue to ignore the snout that was hacked from Anubis's jawbone. The slam dunks are like nuclear bombs and blow the Book of Abraham up to Kingdom come.

It's SOOOOOOO over for the Book of Abraham. Finished
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Re: The Funeral

Post by Moksha »

Shulem wrote:
Fri Apr 29, 2022 8:48 pm
Truly I feel sorry for anyone who actually reads this entire thread because it's the BOMB, baby! Yeah baby!
That can induce a facsimile image of Shulem and Anubis being on the YouTube show The Hot Ones and both having an extra dab of Da Bomb hot sauce. Bet Professor Gee couldn't handle that level of heat. He would probably break down and confess the chiseling off of Anubis's snout in the Book of Abraham, once Joseph realized who Anubis was from Masonic lore.
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Re: The Funeral

Post by Philo Sofee »

Shulem wrote:
Fri Apr 29, 2022 8:48 pm
Truly I feel sorry for anyone who actually reads this entire thread because it's the BOMB, baby! Yeah baby!

This thread bombs the Book of Abraham and sends it back to the stone age.

I can't imagine how the apologists would even try to refute what's going on here and continue to ignore the snout that was hacked from Anubis's jawbone. The slam dunks are like nuclear bombs and blow the Book of Abraham up to Kingdom come.

It's SOOOOOOO over for the Book of Abraham. Finished
Shulem, and I am SOOOOOOO not kidding, you have made like 12 threads that are the bomb!!!

My gadfry man I can (and WILL!) do many podcasts of your thoughts on so many thing in the Book of Abraham!!! Every thread you have on every subject in the Book of Abraham goes on and on and on with evidences showing the problems of BOTH Joseph Smith's view of Egyptian(s), AND apologetic efforts to save him. I am in complete awe at your mastery and overwhelming AMOUNTS of materials you have presented! I have been reading non-stop and haven't read them all, and I am no slow reader amigo. Now I gotta do some selecting of ideas I want to share and disclose and analyze and discuss for Sunday. That will make my entire Saturday and Sunday my PLAYING weekend! YEAH BABY!!!
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Re: Shout Out to Shulem!

Post by Philo Sofee »

hauslern wrote:
Tue Apr 06, 2021 11:45 pm
Over on DanP blog

Louis Midgley noel • 4 days ago
I strongly urge aussie hausler to purchase a copy of Hugh Nibley Observed, and pay close attention to the essay by Michael D. Rhodes, entitled "Nibley, Egyptology, and the Book of Mormon," found on pages 364-385. And also to what is found on pages 7, 48-49, 1-4, 245, 25
63, 390,503, 505-506, 509-510, 712.

Have you read this book and if so any dealing with the interpretations of the Facsimiles?

Fig 3 is not what is supposed to be there. Have you seen any hypocephalus where this boat appears or is it always the boat with the scarab?

Fig 22 & 23 seem to always have multiple heads. In the sketch this figure is missing and it seems he simply copied the figure above.
I asked Rhodes in his page about some of these problems and look forward to his response.
I will read this just as soon as Midgley reads Robert Ritner's book "The Joseph Smith Papyri, A Complete Edition" and responds to his points he makes and refutes him. Whaddya say Lou, you up for a reading assignment as well?
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Re: Shout Out to Shulem!

Post by Philo Sofee »

Dan Peterson said
Peterson wrote:
Hugh Nibley has made an exhaustive study of these claims and has shown that the papyri we now have were probably not the ones from which Joseph Smith translated the book of Abraham.
And he was and is catasrophically wrong, dead wrong. We actually do have the source as Ritner has demonstrated, Paul Osborne has demonstrated, as I have demonstrated, and you refuse to update, but lamely stay in the outdated mode of Nibley's shallow approach to the evidences of the Abrahamic source and imagine you possess the truth. You don't. Nibley's evidences were over 50 years ago Dan. Do you actually imagine nothing has been looked into since then or re-assessed? The Book of Breathings is the source Joseph Smith translated into the Book of Abraham. I have never seen you refute each evidence one by one all together systematically, because you can't. We all know this. And now you know we know. You are faking it Dan. You cannot refute the easily dozen excellent evidence that the Book of Breathings is Joseph Smith's source for the Book of Abraham. We are well aware of this.

Do you actually remain in the 1970's thinking and knowledge with biblical archaeology as well Dan?! Should we be impressed if you continually quoted William F. Albright to us on authentic things that have turned out bogus? Can you see why we aren't at all moved by your appeal to out of date, biased Nibley thinking and analysis? Seriously? You can't figure that out, or you won't?
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Re: Shout Out to Shulem!

Post by Shulem »

The Church is multi-generational and the rising generation is not going to buy the typical apologetic garbage that has been peddled beginning with Nibley. The rising generation reads the Internet and is getting informed. Websites like Pearl of Great Price Central and other apologetic sites are just teasers and mostly consist of useless footnotes and cross references that really do nothing to refute the arguments that show the Book of Abraham is a fraud.

The Facsimiles have gotten most of the attention. The Kirtland Egyptian Papers have received a lot of attention too. BUT the real killer to the Book of Abraham is chapter one which explains how Egypt first became a nation state. Nothing could be further from the truth. The brief explanation given in that chapter is an absolute LIE and it's totally and completely wrong. There is no truth whatsoever with the nation of Egypt being founded by a woman by the name Egyptus whether it be the wife or daughter of the loins of Ham.

The story in the Book of Abraham chapter one is false history that follows a Jewish chronology that is based on myth and every single Egyptologist can prove Smith's origin story is false, including John Gee! Isn't that right, John?

Believe me when I say, "There is going to be hell to pay!"

In time, I plan to make a shift and I'm going to take chapter one to task and destroy it. It needs to be destroyed! It's wrong. It's a lie.

Mormons deserve to be told the truth.
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Re: Shout Out to Shulem!

Post by Moksha »

Shulem wrote:
Mon May 02, 2022 3:45 pm
The brief explanation given in that chapter is an absolute LIE and it's totally and completely wrong. There is no truth whatsoever with the nation of Egypt being founded by a woman by the name Egyptus whether it be the wife or daughter of the loins of Ham.
Shulem, you should compile a top ten list, for this thread, as to why this Egyptus claim is really stupid. Maybe Symmachus could assist with the name etymology.
Cry Heaven and let loose the Penguins of Peace
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