President Biden at the White House Correspondence Dinner

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President Biden at the White House Correspondence Dinner

Post by honorentheos »

Watch it:
Read it: ... index.html

The video is just over 13 minutes long. As noted, it is the first time a sitting President attended the dinner since Trump refused to attend. He stumbled a few times, had a few dad jokes, but he made fun of himself, joked about others, and then finished with a sincere expression about why a free press matters. He honored members of the press killed while reporting on the fighting in Ukraine. And he expressed a sincere, genuine understanding of an American ideal that may seem old fashioned now, but it is more than a flag fashion fetish that some confuse for patriotism.

The more serious comments start here:

My favorite joke: But Republicans seem to support one fella -- some guy named Brandon. He's having a really good year, and I'm kind of happy for him.

Among so many great moments from the end of the video:
The First Amendment grants a free press extraordinary protection, but with it comes, as many of you know, a very heavy obligation: to seek the truth as best you can -- not to inflame or entertain, but to illuminate and educate.
I know it's tough. And I'm not being solicitous. The industry is changing significantly.
There's incredible pressure on you all to deliver heat instead of shed light, because the technology is changing so much, the system is changing. But it matters. No kidding. It matters. The truth matters.
American democracy is not a reality show. It's not a reality show. It's reality itself. And the reality is that we are a great country.
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Re: President Biden at the White House Correspondence Dinner

Post by Moksha »

Trevor Noah did a wonderful job as the comedian. His mention of having a free press tied it all together in a very meaningful way.
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