Adios Folks

The Off-Topic forum for anything non-LDS related, such as sports or politics. Rated PG through PG-13.
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K Graham
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Adios Folks

Post by K Graham »

I've about had my fill with this pathetic pandering to despicable humans. I've been informed by the mods that if I try to defend myself from ajax's lies by doing precisely THE SAME EXACT THING HE DOES (by constantly referring to things I NEVER SAID), that I would be in violation of some rule about making the forum run "smoothly" or some horse crap. Ajax can do it, and it's all kosher because dishonesty is just in his nature so we have to give him some leeway there. But if I do it, then it's time to whip out the microscope on the rules again and whine about "smooth running."

Lately, the report button means absolutely nothing unless you're a known racist or bigot. I think I've clicked on it two or three times in over 10 years, each time getting some BS explanation as to why "nothing can be done about it." After I've been repeating the same things mods like EA had been saying for years (i.e. pointing out reasons why ajax's Nazi background matters because credibility matters in public debates), suddenly I was told this represents a violation for... wait for it... "personal attacks" ... Let's be honest. Quite literally every thread on this forum contains something that could reasonably be deemed a personal attack. Since when does ajax ever "attack an argument and not the person", or the Democrats, or some black woman, or the Leftist media, or whatever boogeyman Brietbart has conjured up for him that day? Yet, I'm the one violating that rule for simply pointing out historical facts about someone's obvious bias as a former member of the notorious white supremacist cult Stormfront. Hell, I can't even say anything like, "You're quoting a source that white supremacists love." That's not directly calling him a Nazi, but it is close enough for the mods hovering over ajax as a shield. RI was even bold enough to suggest to me that the sudden shift in that "policy" was likely just a retaliation against me for previously complaining about Shades... He said something to the effect of, "you wanted Shades out now this is what you get" or some BS like that. FTR, I never wanted Shades "out," so I don't know WTF he's talking about.

Meanwhile, when I report the fact that ajax is repeatedly lying about things I never said as he has done repeatedly lately, Res can't bring himself to interpret this in any way that violates a rule. No way to interpret it as a "personal attack" maybe? No, of course not. Intentionally lying about something someone said isn't a personal attack, doesn't matter how attacked that person feels. Like when he lied about me calling Allen Keys the N word. That's not a personal attack apparently, but stating verifiable facts that pertain to credibility is a personal attack because that person should be allowed to conceal the fact that he's a racist bigot who hates interracial marriage, calls black people inferior, etc ... and the lead mod is only happy to accommodate him and facilitate in that effort.

So I was forced to ask myself, after this, why the F am I still hanging around a place that bends over backwards to find ways to make a Nazi feel welcomed, and me so unwelcomed? One thing I've learned in this life is that some people are just toxic, and I suppose that can apply to communities too. I don't feel enlightened or inspired by anything I read here anymore. I only feel disgust and disappointment, and that's been true for about a year now.

Yeah yeah, I know what you're thinking. Sure Kevin. Sure you're leaving. You left before, but came back. And you're right. I did. But this time it's for real. The mental exhaustion trying to reason with the powers that be here, is just not worth whatever benefit there was to posting here (a benefit I've long forgotten, if it ever existed). Anyone who knows me here knows my social media account and can reach out to me there as some of you already do. It sucks that I need to burn this bridge of more than 20 years of community participation, but it has to be done.

Gunner, Medot, Schmo, Gad, Mok, Jersey Girl, Doc, CP, Chap, Dantana etc... it's been real. Good luck in all that you do.

RI, you and Honor were among my favorite posters to read from despite our differences.

Shades, you know where to reach me. Maybe we can chat some day about how your forum took one giant step closer to becoming Stormfront. I suspect ajax is going to bring some of his old Nazi buddies over to the forum now that he understands the protections that's afforded to them.

Ajax, the world is going to be such a better place when you're gone. Go Phck urself.
"I am not an American ... In my view premarital sex should be illegal" - Ajax18
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Res Ipsa
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Re: Adios Folks

Post by Res Ipsa »

One of the exceptions to the confidentiality rule that Shades has recognized is in responding to misrepresentation of moderator actions or private conversations. Out of courtesy to Kevin, I will not respond to his biased and inaccurate report of private communications between us to give him a chance to correct or delete this above post. Otherwise, I will post the actual contents of the conversations and interactions he describes and correct the record.
When a Religion is good, I conceive that it will support itself; and when it cannot support itself, and God does not take care to support, so that its Professors are oblig’d to call for the help of the Civil Power, ’tis a Sign, I apprehend, of its being a bad one.

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Re: Adios Folks

Post by Binger »

Res Ipsa wrote:
Sun May 29, 2022 11:11 pm
One of the exceptions to the confidentiality rule that Shades has recognized is in responding to misrepresentation of moderator actions or private conversations. Out of courtesy to Kevin, I will not respond to his biased and inaccurate report of private communications between us to give him a chance to correct or delete this above post. Otherwise, I will post the actual contents of the conversations and interactions he describes and correct the record.
In light of the content and the rule violations, I recommend that you move this thread to prison.
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Res Ipsa
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Re: Adios Folks

Post by Res Ipsa »

Binger wrote:
Sun May 29, 2022 11:27 pm
Res Ipsa wrote:
Sun May 29, 2022 11:11 pm
One of the exceptions to the confidentiality rule that Shades has recognized is in responding to misrepresentation of moderator actions or private conversations. Out of courtesy to Kevin, I will not respond to his biased and inaccurate report of private communications between us to give him a chance to correct or delete this above post. Otherwise, I will post the actual contents of the conversations and interactions he describes and correct the record.
In light of the content and the rule violations, I recommend that you move this thread to prison.
Given the content of the post, that's up to Xeno or canpakes.
When a Religion is good, I conceive that it will support itself; and when it cannot support itself, and God does not take care to support, so that its Professors are oblig’d to call for the help of the Civil Power, ’tis a Sign, I apprehend, of its being a bad one.

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Re: Adios Folks

Post by Moksha »

I don't want Kevin to go.
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Re: Adios Folks

Post by Chap »

This is a great loss to the board.

The signal to noise ratio in KG's posts was always high. Without posts from people like him on a regular basis, it becomes less attractive for others to invest time here. No doubt the mods have carefully considered this and related matters.
That's the problem with this supernatural stuff, it doesn't really solve anything. It's a placeholder for ignorance.
Mayan Elephant:
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Re: Adios Folks

Post by Marcus »

Chap wrote:
Mon May 30, 2022 10:16 am
This is a great loss to the board.

The signal to noise ratio in KG's posts was always high. Without posts from people like him on a regular basis, it becomes less attractive for others to invest time here. No doubt the mods have carefully considered this and related matters.
I agree. Even when i disagree with KG, it is still in response to a post that is real, and legitimate.

The nonsense posted by Binger/Cultellus and Atlanticmike/multiple socks is worthless. Their stated intent is to destroy this forum. The mods bend over backwards, on a post by post basis, to give them this opportunity. The bigger picture here requires more from the mods than they are able to give, apparently. I understand they are following rules, but in my opinion they are following insufficient rules.
Philo Sofee
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Re: Adios Folks

Post by Philo Sofee »

I don't want Kevin Graham to go either.
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Some Schmo
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Re: Adios Folks

Post by Some Schmo »

Marcus wrote:
Mon May 30, 2022 2:01 pm
Even when i disagree with KG, it is still in response to a post that is real, and legitimate.

The nonsense posted by Binger/Cultellus and Atlanticmike/multiple socks is worthless. Their stated intent is to destroy this forum.

As people here are likely aware, there's little I hate more than lying, and I never perceive Kevin lying. That can't be said of the idiots he criticizes... er, I mean, "personally attacks."
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Re: Adios Folks

Post by Morley »

Chap wrote:
Mon May 30, 2022 10:16 am
This is a great loss to the board.
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