Anubis in Facsimile No. 3 and Mormon Deception

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Re: Mormon vandalism and desecration continues today

Post by Moksha »

Marcus wrote:
Tue Jun 21, 2022 6:42 pm
That "Respect for other faiths" that is "a cardinal tenet" would seem to require it. It would have to be admitted first, though. And since that "cardinal tenet" has never actually been one, it seems unlikely.
I thought Polygamy was the cardinal tenet of the LDS Church, at least they deemed it the overriding Principle. At the Mormon D&D board, I read of them now claiming obedience to LDS Church Authorities is the prime directive to which LDS minions must adhere, at least till they bring back polygamy.
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Re: Nothing, nada, zilch, zero

Post by Shulem »

Shulem wrote:
Tue Jun 21, 2022 6:21 pm
[X] David O. McKay
[X] Joseph Fielding Smith
[X] Harold B. Lee
[X] Spencer W. Kimball
[X] Ezra Taft Benson
[X] Howard W. Hunter
[X] Gordon B. Hinckley
[X] Thomas S. Monson
[X] Russell M. Nelson

I’ll go out on a limb by suggesting that Church Presidents listed above where fully aware that an oval Cartouche was the standard icon in which royal Egyptian names were enclosed in all forms of ancient Egyptian art and media. It’s inconceivable that an educated elderly man would be ignorant of the most important form of written communication in Egyptian art. They had to have known! Absolutely!

What else did they know? Church Presidents knew Smith’s revelation revealed a king’s name in the hieroglyphic text above the person designated in Facsimile No. 3 as “King Pharaoh.” And yet, not one Church President has ever stepped forward to question this assertion and it remains in Mormon canon to this day. Church Presidents have shirked their responsibility to question and explain the obvious DECEPTION that is right before their eyes. Thus, they are guilty of perpetuating this deception through their silence and neglect. They find it easier to continue in their ministry being toted around the world and adored by their admiring flock while all their physical needs are paid for and taken care by the funds of the Church.

I see it clearly for what it is. Can you? The Presidents of the Church are comfortable being taken care of and admired by their followers. They don’t care about the lies of Facsimile No. 3. They prefer to be fed, coddled, clothed, and taken care of rather than deal with issues that threaten the validity of their succession. They fail to act and address the fraud!
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Re: Nothing, nada, zilch, zero

Post by Moksha »

Shulem wrote:
Wed Jun 22, 2022 2:48 pm
It’s inconceivable that an educated elderly man would be ignorant of the most important form of written communication in Egyptian art. They had to have known! Absolutely!
Why assume that they had broad educations? Almost all LDS leaders on your list existed before keyword searches on the internet and YouTube. They were taught that the questioning mind was the devil's playground. I imagine they were told the same line about avoiding Church history because it could harm their testimony. They knew the deleterious effects of learning outside their particular trade.
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Re: Nothing, nada, zilch, zero

Post by Shulem »

Moksha wrote:
Wed Jun 22, 2022 5:05 pm
Shulem wrote:
Wed Jun 22, 2022 2:48 pm
It’s inconceivable that an educated elderly man would be ignorant of the most important form of written communication in Egyptian art. They had to have known! Absolutely!
Why assume that they had broad educations? Almost all LDS leaders on your list existed before keyword searches on the internet and YouTube. They were taught that the questioning mind was the devil's playground. I imagine they were told the same line about avoiding Church history because it could harm their testimony. They knew the deleterious effects of learning outside their particular trade.

Knowledge of the Egyptian royal Cartouche does not require or facilitate the need of a broad education. It’s the first thing anyone ever learns about ancient hieroglyphic script whether in a simple journal or an art/history class. The Cartouche is considered a main staple in every Egyptian art exhibit (Tutankhamun 1977, Metropolitan Museum of Art, etc.) whereby anyone with the slightest degree of culture is going to pick that up. I refuse to entertain the thought that Church Presidents didn’t know about the Cartouche and implications of what it represented. Nobody that old and well traveled is that retarded!
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From Smith to Nelson

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President Russell M. Nelson receives revelation for the entire Church today. He is the successor to previous Church Presidents leading back to the founder himself, Joseph Smith.


What might President Nelson say if he was specifically asked why the snout of Anubis was hacked out of the printing plate of Facsimile No. 3? Would Nelson provide an answer?


What might that answer be?
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President Nelson is *another* failure

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I can almost guarantee you that President Nelson will never address the issue of the jackal snout being hacked out of the plate. Nelson lacks the courage and fortitude to stand up for what’s right because he’s brainwashed. He’s blinded by the craftiness of men and surrounded by sycophants who want to keep the status quo and maintain Church administrational power over the members. It’s really that simple. Nelson will never see the light. He is spiritually blind and caught up in his own self-aggrandizing ego in which he thinks he is better than everyone else. He is incapable of seeing the logic and reason in matters that expose Smith’s fraud. He truly is blind and will die in his failure to discern truth. He will continue to hold the Church hostage into thinking members must obey the system and not ask questions. The Church does not support individualistic ideals of human nature and evolution. It demands the collective and absolute obedience of the members and total submission to whatever the current leaders prescribe. This is toxic to the soul and is spiritually criminal in nature. It is a form of slavery. Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are not a free people; they are enslaved by their leaders. Even the leaders are enslaved within the system they supported from the very beginning.
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Gee & Muhlestein

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Note for the record that Mormon Egyptologists (Gee & Muhlestein) who receive their salaries from Church Administration have not addressed the corruption to the Facsimile No. 3 lead plate. They have remained silent and for good reason. Don’t think for a second that these men don’t have a professional opinion in which they could express. They do. But their lips remain tightly closed on this issue because it will open a Pandora's box which exposes the fraudulent presentation of the Explanations of Facsimile No. 3.
Last edited by Shulem on Fri Jun 24, 2022 7:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Paid for by the Church

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What can I say? I just don’t know.
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Re: Anubis in Facsimile No. 3 and Mormon Deception

Post by Shulem »

Our society today is under assault by people and forces who undermine the basic moral principles and values of honesty and integrity. A lot has gone out the window in recent years. It seems that lying has become a new normal. Lies are everyway, especially on the political front. But here, in this thread, we also learn how lies are on the religious front as well and that Joseph Smith and his aides were guilty of their own brand of pious lying all for the cause of advancing their religion in order to make it appear better than other religions. But how does lying about Facsimile No 3 make Mormonism better than other religions? How does covering up the malicious act of mutilating sacred ancient art serve to make Mormonism holier-than-thou? How does sweeping this knowledge and information under the rug make Mormonism an institution that promotes values of honestly and integrity? These questions are valid and do not aspire to promote faith in Mormonism but rather point the finger of guilt and blame squarely at the Church with the President of the Church in the bullseye. The Church is built upon the foundation of men who claim to be holy apostles and prophets; men who claim to tell the truth and uphold the principles and values we all expect from those claiming to be righteous. The bottom line: Mormonism demonstrates its own brand of unrighteousness in throwing values and principles right out the window.
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Smith Tarot cards

Post by Shulem »

Let me illustrate an interesting point in how I visualize Smith translating and interpreting the figures and characters of Facsimile No. 3. Smith assumed creative license to say and interpret anything he wanted. Whatever he desired would be the reading. Now, let us imagine the so-called Abrahamic papyrus with the vignette for Facsimile No. 3 is a card table for fortune telling. And on that table, there are several cards ready to be interpreted. Facsimile No. 3 has five characters, so imagine if you will, five TAROT cards thereon that require interpretation and divination. Now, do you see where I am going with this?

  • Joseph Smith took the first card and interpreted it. But we know that card is really the immortal queen Isis, mother of the god. Smith interpreted as if he was a fortune teller and attributed the person as “King Pharaoh” having his name overhead. That was Smith’s first false Tarot-like reading!
  • Smith took the second card and misread it too. We know that person is the resurrected king Osiris ruling in heaven and thereby is judge of both quick and dead. But Smith identified him as the mythical biblical patriarch known as Abraham. That was Smith’s second blunder and a very bad one at that.
  • Smith read the third card whereby his mystical reading took another very bad turn. He wants his audience to think that person is a Prince. But we know she is really the goddess Maat. Now we have three bad readings and we move to the next.
  • Smith examined the fourth card and likened that person as a waiter by the name of Shulem who serves refreshments in Pharaoh’s court. Needless to say, he is not a waiter! He is not even on planet earth. He is Hôr who is justified in the presence of the gods in heaven.
  • Smith finally interpreted his last card and in that he knew his last interpretation was a bald-faced and bold-faced lie. Smith’s reading hit rock bottom and this required he sweep the dirt he made under the rug and prevent others from learning that his fortune telling was fake news.
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