Peterson is fine with the Pride flag, but...also understands this point of view...

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Peterson is fine with the Pride flag, but...also understands this point of view...

Post by Marcus »

...It was, of course, the Pride flag. Or the Progress Pride flag, as it is now known, following the addition of new strips of colour to represent queer black and indingeous people, trans people and intersex people. Yes, the 0.02 per cent of the population who have indeterminate genitals now have a flag. Quite why I must be reminded with every corner I take that a few unfortunate babies are born each year with malformed testes or ovaries is a mystery to me. The Pride flag has become an eyesore. Not only because of the addition of yet more garish shades and now a triangle and a circle too – it’s a wonder I didn’t come off my bike gawping at this kaleidoscopic monstrosity – but also because it is so clearly an ideological flag. It might not be the flag of a conquering foreign army, but it is the flag of a conquering elite. It’s the flag of a new identitarian establishment that is determined to let the little people know whose ideas rule in the 21st century.

I’m old enough to remember when the Pride flag was just a gay symbol that you’d see at gay events and gay establishments. Gay pubs had it in their windows. Marching homosexuals would wrap themselves in it as they hollered: ‘We’re here, we’re queer, get used to it!’ Aside from a few blue-rinse traditionalists, no one really had a problem with the rainbow stuff back then. Tolerance of homosexuality has sky-rocketed in the UK in recent decades. A 2019 Pew poll found that 86 per cent of Brits think homosexuality should be accepted by society. A few years ago the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association gave the UK the highest score of any country in Europe for achievements in gay equality. This is great. Britain is a very safe, nice place for homosexuals to live. And that is in large part down to tireless campaigners who marched behind the Pride flag. Nice one! Now, though, the Pride flag means something else entirely....

Raising this flag at your workplace, your school, your bank or your business lets the world know that you harbour no heretical thought. That you accept, fully and faithfully, the neoliberal creeds of identitarianism, genderfluidity and recognition, and that you too welcome the cancellation of anyone who raises so much as a whisper of doubt about these ideas. Keen to avoid the Ockbrook and Borrowash fate – where you’ll be branded ‘unsafe’, unfit and basically morally unhygienic if you do not fly the rainbow – every political and capitalist institution now adorns itself in Pride paraphernalia....

...the Pride flag really has become a hostile flag. It is an elite-designed flag that is hostile to us ... ... ride-flag/
wow. what are the odds Peterson didn't actually read this hate piece before linking to it?
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Re: Peterson is fine with the Pride flag, but...also understands this point of view...

Post by canpakes »

Marcus wrote:
Fri Jul 01, 2022 4:45 am
Yes, the 0.02 per cent of the population who have indeterminate genitals now have a flag. Quite why I must be reminded with every corner I take . . .

He might consider that he’s a member of a group not much larger, at 0.2 per cent of the (worldwide) population, that has its own PR department, official logo, and their very own church, from which it sends out thousands of members each year who implore others to join and give money to.

And that he can hardly take a corner without seeing a building associated with it.
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Re: Peterson is fine with the Pride flag, but...also understands this point of view...

Post by Marcus »

canpakes wrote:
Fri Jul 01, 2022 5:21 am
Marcus wrote:
Fri Jul 01, 2022 4:45 am

He might consider that he’s a member of a group not much larger, at 0.2 per cent of the population, that has its own PR department, official logo, and their very own church, from which it sends out thousands of members each year who implore others to join and give money to.

And that he can hardly turn a corner without seeing a building associated with it.
:D at least from his thoroughly isolated vantage point. You'd think he'd get out more. Or at least notice the other 99.8% of the world when he does.
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Re: Peterson is fine with the Pride flag, but...also understands this point of view...

Post by canpakes »

...the Pride flag really has become a hostile flag. It is an elite-designed flag that is hostile
to us ...

I’m absolutely intrigued as to why Peterson is so triggered by this particular flag.

Has he also spoken out against Confederate and ‘Don’t Tread on Me’ flags? They seem a wee bit more problematic, if his sensibilities are injured by certain flag designs.
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Re: Peterson is fine with the Pride flag, but...also understands this point of view...

Post by Moksha »

Marcus wrote:
Fri Jul 01, 2022 4:45 am
What are the odds Peterson didn't actually read this hate piece before linking to it?
Doesn't matter. Dr. Peterson has followed the will of the Brethren and "fired his muskets" at those others.
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