RvW Overturned - Abortions Now Illegal

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Re: RvW Overturned - Abortions Now Illegal

Post by Binger »

canpakes wrote:
Sat Jul 23, 2022 7:19 am
Doctor Steuss wrote:
Fri Jun 24, 2022 5:35 pm
Isn't this one just about married couples having the right to choose to use birth control without government meddling?

Is Thomas really suggesting that we need to revisit whether a married couple can be arrested for using a condom?
canpakes wrote:
Fri Jun 24, 2022 5:55 pm
That’s correct.


Brought to you by the party of ‘limited government’, who are now paving the way towards watching what contraception you can use - if any - and possibly using period tracker data to make sure that pregnant women stay pregnant . . . or else.
ajax18 wrote:
Sat Jun 25, 2022 12:39 am
This is one of the biggest lies to come out of this. Justice Thomas was saying that rights to contraception and same sex marriage are not mentioned in the Constitution and therefore it is not the Supreme Court's role to decide such issues. The responsibility for such decisions belongs to the states and the legislatures. It has nothing to do with whether he anyone else believes using a condom should be legal or not.
Meanwhile, three weeks later . . .


https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/a ... x-control/
Nobody cares. This is all juat theater. Nobody really cares. I don’t care. The senate and house make Steven Avery a Murderer today and nobody would care.
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Doctor CamNC4Me
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Re: RvW Overturned - Abortions Now Illegal

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

Don’t worry about Ajax lying, canpakes. He’s having a mid-life isis and we should all be sensitive to the burden y’all qaeda has to endure. Hopefully soon the Q Cucks Klan can have their grilla warfare they dream about, and we can be subject to the whims of their fryatollah issuing edicts to meal team six and delta forks to put us liberal devils in the ground.

- Doc
Hugh Nibley claimed he bumped into Adolf Hitler, Albert Einstein, Winston Churchill, Gertrude Stein, and the Grand Duke Vladimir Romanoff. Dishonesty is baked into Mormonism.
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Re: RvW Overturned - Abortions Now Illegal

Post by Gunnar »

Sources: Roberts fought to the end to save Roe v. Wade
Chief Justice John Roberts privately lobbied fellow conservatives to save the constitutional right to abortion down to the bitter end, but the unprecedented leak of a draft opinion reversing Roe v. Wade made the effort all but impossible, multiple sources familiar with negotiations told CNN.
It appears that John Roberts is the one conservative Justice who actually possesses at least a modicum of integrity, rationality and compassion. It also appears that the unprecedented leak of the draft opinion had the effect of sabotaging Roberts' efforts to salvage Roe v. Wade, which raises the possibility that that may have been the actual intention of whomever was responsible for the leak.
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Re: RvW Overturned - Abortions Now Illegal

Post by Binger »

Gunnar wrote:
Tue Jul 26, 2022 6:06 pm
Sources: Roberts fought to the end to save Roe v. Wade
Chief Justice John Roberts privately lobbied fellow conservatives to save the constitutional right to abortion down to the bitter end, but the unprecedented leak of a draft opinion reversing Roe v. Wade made the effort all but impossible, multiple sources familiar with negotiations told CNN.
It appears that John Roberts is the one conservative Justice who actually possesses at least a modicum of integrity, rationality and compassion. It also appears that the unprecedented leak of the draft opinion had the effect of sabotaging Roberts' efforts to salvage Roe v. Wade, which raises the possibility that that was the actual intention of whoever was responsible for the leak.
Whatever. Poor Roberts. He is the Chief Justice.
He could have, and should have, shut down the court until the leak was resolved. He didn't. Process matters. The court has a black eye because of that leak, and rightfully so.
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Re: RvW Overturned - Abortions Now Illegal

Post by Gunnar »

Binger wrote:
Tue Jul 26, 2022 6:14 pm
Whatever. Poor Roberts. He is the Chief Justice.
He could have, and should have, shut down the court until the leak was resolved. He didn't. Process matters. The court has a black eye because of that leak, and rightfully so.
I can't disagree with that!
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Re: RvW Overturned - Abortions Now Illegal

Post by Gunnar »

BRILLIANT Ad Shows The Traumatizing Reality Of Texas' Abortion Ban
A brilliant ad released by the Mothers Against Greg Abbott clearly shows the emotional and traumatizing experience women go through while trying to access reproductive care in states with abortion bans and trigger laws. The doctor in the ad says only one man can make the decision for a woman to have a medically induced abortion, and that man just happens to be Gregg Abbott, the governor of Texas. Ana Kasparian and Farron Cousins discuss on The Young Turks. Watch LIVE
"Whose choice?

Texas women no longer have a choice to make their most personal decision. This is wrong! Texans need to fight back and vote for Democrats this November and vote against TxGOP. Vote them out!
This kind of tragedy is going to occur again and again, and women of childbearing age going to subjected to the risk of unnecessary pain and health consequences and even death just by having chosen to get pregnant if they experience any complications in their pregnancy that previously would have been relatively easy to remedy before these draconian restrictions were passed by scientifically and medically ignorant legislators who view with suspicion any women who experiences any common difficulties that can result during pregnancy.
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Some Schmo
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Re: RvW Overturned - Abortions Now Illegal

Post by Some Schmo »

That was excellent. I love the Father saying, "Who the “F” is Greg?"
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Re: RvW Overturned - Abortions Now Illegal

Post by Gunnar »

Some Schmo wrote:
Wed Jul 27, 2022 2:10 pm
That was excellent. I love the Father saying, "Who the “F” is Greg?"
Yeah! I fervently hope that Beto continues to rise in the polls to where he can defeat Abbott in the coming Texas gubernatorial election in November. That corrupt monster should never be allowed to hold any government office again! I also hope a substantial number of MAGA idiots get voted out of the Texas legislature in that same election. And Paxton, already under FBI investigation for fraud, belongs in prison.
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Re: RvW Overturned - Abortions Now Illegal

Post by Gunnar »

Conservative explains how 'forced birth' laws will kill American women
Conservative Washington Post opinion writer Jennifer Rubin, in her July 27 column, lays out some of the many reasons why planned or unplanned pregnancies could become more dangerous for women in the post-Roe United States.

“No health-care provider or researcher on maternal health would ever use the term ‘pro-life’ in reference to the forced-birth movement,” Rubin argues. “We know with great certainty that abortion bans present a serious threat to the lives of women. Indeed, a 2012 study calculated that the risk of death from pregnancy is 14 times that of abortions, which are exceptionally safe thanks to advances in medicine. We also know the risk of death from pregnancy is also three to four times greater for Black women, because of higher rates of poor health and poverty, more limited access to health care and discrimination by health-care providers.”
Roe v. Wade, like climate change and renewable energy, should never have been a political issue or a conservative versus progressive issue or even a religious issue. It is a health science issue. Even well informed, scientifically literate conservatives like Jennifer Rubin recognize that fact!
Unlike other pro-choice columns that have been published since the Dobbs decision, Rubin doesn’t focus heavily on illegal or back-alley abortions. Instead, she describes a variety of other reasons why post-Roe “forced birth” will be potentially dangerous for American women, from poverty to lack of health insurance to weak or inadequate maternal care to OB-GYNs who are now afraid to do their jobs.

“Amanda Stevenson, an assistant sociology professor at the University of Colorado at Boulder and a leading researcher on abortion bans, projected in a study published last year, based on 2017 data, that if the United States had a nationwide abortion ban, there would be a 21 percent increase in pregnancy-related deaths,” Rubin explains. “Deaths among non-Hispanic Black people would increase 33 percent. In fact, Stevenson shared with me a pre-print version of an update to that study with 2020 data, which shows even worse numbers: A national ban would result in a 24 percent increase in deaths for all women and a 39 percent for non-Hispanic Black women.”

Rubin continues, “The reasons for the increases in death arise primarily from two factors. First, with more births, we will get more maternal deaths. Second, the composition of the population of women giving birth will include more Black women, who are disproportionately represented in the population of patients seeking an abortion and who are more likely to die from pregnancy. Moreover, the states that seek to ban abortion are the same that rank among the worst in a slew of health indicators — overall health, infant mortality, rates of insurance among low-income women and disparity in health between Blacks and Whites.”

Rubin notes that “many” of the red states that are outlawing abortion now that Roe has been overturned “have not expanded Medicaid.”

“In other words, states looking to force women to have birth have the sickest women and worst health outcomes,” Rubin observes. “The bans will also contribute to more deaths in other ways. If doctors feel compelled to wait until a woman is at immediate risk of death before performing an abortion —

e.g., in cases of ectopic pregnancies or a membrane rupture — there will be more ‘near misses.’ Accordingly, there will more deaths, Stevenson tells me.”

Rubin warns that the post-Roe landscape in the U.S. will also be dangerous for pregnant women who aren’t even seeking abortions.

“Even among women not seeking abortions,” the columnist notes, “the risk of death will increase. The Texas Tribune reports: ‘Abortion-inducing medication is the most common method used by Texans to terminate pregnancies, according to Texas Health and Human Services. But it also has a broad range of other uses in obstetrics and gynecology, according to the U.S. National Institutes of Health, including medical management of miscarriage, induction of labor, cervical dilation before surgical procedures, and treatment of postpartum hemorrhage.’ To the extent doctors worried about criminal liability hesitate to use these drugs, women’s health and lives will be at risk.”

Rubin adds, “In sum, when courts decide that women cannot make critical decisions for themselves and that the impact of abortion on their lives doesn’t matter, they become not only second-class citizens, but are also at greater risk of death.Call it anti-woman or pro-maternal death, but please don’t call the forced-birth movement ‘pro-life.’”
Last edited by Gunnar on Sun Jul 31, 2022 5:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
No precept or claim is more suspect or more likely to be false than one that can only be supported by invoking the claim of Divine authority for it--no matter who or what claims such authority.
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Re: RvW Overturned - Abortions Now Illegal

Post by Binger »

Gunnar wrote:
Wed Jul 27, 2022 3:25 pm
Some Schmo wrote:
Wed Jul 27, 2022 2:10 pm

That was excellent. I love the Father saying, "Who the “F” is Greg?"
Yeah! I fervently hope that Beto continues to rise in the polls to where he can defeat Abbott in the coming Texas gubernatorial election in November. That corrupt monster should never be allowed to hold any government office again! I also hope a substantial number of MAGA idiots get voted out of the Texas legislature in that same election. And Paxton, already under FBI investigation for fraud, belongs in prison.
That will not happen in 2022 unless Texas cancels in-person voting. Dallas, Austin, Houston and San Antonio may achieve that goal in 2024, but probably too late to do it in 2022.
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