4 in 10 Americans cut back on groceries due to Bidenflation

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Re: 4 in 10 Americans cut back on groceries due to Bidenflation

Post by Moksha »

Ajax wrote:Biden made big mistake comrade Mormons when he went against glorious leader and his Special Operation in Ukraine to get rid of Nazis. Now Amerikanskis have grocery inflation. Vote Putin team in 2024. Please to ignore alternative facts Moksha has linked below.
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Re: 4 in 10 Americans cut back on groceries due to Bidenflation

Post by Father Francis »

Hawkeye wrote:
Sun Jul 31, 2022 8:45 pm
I've been pretty consistent on my view that sick or healthy, the job has to get done. As it turns out I was right that COVID in fact had a 99.97% survival rate for people under 70, hardly worthy of the economic prohibitions that extended through 2021 in many blue states.
Did you ever take a college level statistics class? I highly doubt it, and yes I know what you do for a living.

Plenty of people survived polio. I know you're old enough to know what that can look like. Same thing with other diseases that have been eradicated or nearly so by vaccines. I actually know a couple people that went deaf after getting the mumps.

You want to know what covid can do other than kill you by itself? Try working the respiratory unit where I spend my weekends as a nurse. We had so many "post covid" patients over the past two years that we were filled to capacity. Many of those people died long after covid left their system. Some went home, others into a skilled nursing facility (SNF). A SNF is really just a warehouse for dying people. Not to mention the fact that our ICU was so full that we encroached on other areas of the hospital and denied treatment that wasn't emergent.

On a personal note I had covid twice. None of our patients have caught it while in our care due to precautions (masks don't work, my ass). I was the first employee to get it and the first employee to get it twice. One of the RTs I work with called me an overachiever. I also suffer from long covid. I have nasty random coughing fits and shortness of breath. Sometimes I cough so hard I get dizzy. Sometimes I cough so hard I vomit.

I still consider myself lucky compared to the people I take care of who died or had to be intubated and especially the ones who got intubated, PICC and art lines and still died months later.

I get it. You've never had to withdraw cares and let someone die peacefully due to this pandemic. I doubt you've ever seen a patient die.
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Re: 4 in 10 Americans cut back on groceries due to Bidenflation

Post by Kishkumen »

Gunnar wrote:
Sun Jul 31, 2022 4:33 pm
Kishkumen wrote:
Sun Jul 31, 2022 11:59 am
Amy Klobuchar is most definitely not more progressive. She would be a fine choice, but not a more progressive one.
You're probably right. She is certainly the least progressive of the suggestions I listed. I do think, though, that on some issues she is less conservative than Biden. I may have to research that some more. I still think she is probably a better choice now than Biden is, at least because of her relative youth compared to Biden and being more likely to survive a full presidential term in office. Of the choices I mentioned, she is my least favorite.
OK. Gotcha. Maybe more progressive than Biden but definitely the least progressive of the people you listed.
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Re: 4 in 10 Americans cut back on groceries due to Bidenflation

Post by Hawkeye »

We know the BLM protests were not like super-spreader events like Trump rallies that killed Herman Caine, because they were outside and most people were taking precautions with masks.
They were breaking their own social distancing guidelines.
-People who attend other outdoor events, such as going to the beach or a ball game, tend to share indoor facilities like bathrooms, shops, and restaurants.
Even the tennis courts were locked up. Yet how strange that nobody I know who played tennis or went to the beach during the pandemic was hospitalized from COVID. Just like the BLM rallies there was no rise in COVID hospitalization because COVID was never much more than a flu for 98% of people under 70.
Stop pretending like you have some tremendous work ethic just because you take the idiotic view that Americans should be forced to work until they die.
Stop pretending like Biden's socialist spending boondoggle in which he used COVID as an excuse to print money and dole it out didn't cause inflation. The sad thing is that you still didn't learn your lesson and are about to hit us with even more inflation due to this next stimulus spending package.
The best part about this is waiting four years to see how all the crazy apocalyptic predictions made by the fear mongering idiots in Right Wing media turned out to be painfully wrong...Gasoline would hit $10/gallon. Hyperinflation would ensue.
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Re: 4 in 10 Americans cut back on groceries due to Bidenflation

Post by Res Ipsa »

Hawkeye wrote:
Mon Aug 01, 2022 3:12 pm
We know the BLM protests were not like super-spreader events like Trump rallies that killed Herman Caine, because they were outside and most people were taking precautions with masks.
They were breaking their own social distancing guidelines.
-People who attend other outdoor events, such as going to the beach or a ball game, tend to share indoor facilities like bathrooms, shops, and restaurants.
Even the tennis courts were locked up. Yet how strange that nobody I know who played tennis or went to the beach during the pandemic was hospitalized from COVID. Just like the BLM rallies there was no rise in COVID hospitalization because COVID was never much more than a flu for 98% of people under 70.
Stop pretending like you have some tremendous work ethic just because you take the idiotic view that Americans should be forced to work until they die.
Stop pretending like Biden's socialist spending boondoggle in which he used COVID as an excuse to print money and dole it out didn't cause inflation. The sad thing is that you still didn't learn your lesson and are about to hit us with even more inflation due to this next stimulus spending package.
The BLM protesters set social distancing guidelines? I had no idea they had so much power!!!

Wait, weren't you the guy whose black tennis partner died of COVD-19? Didn't you break into the tennis courts so you could keep playing?

What about Trump's printing out of money and handing it out? Is Trump spending protected from causing inflation by magic unicorns and rainbows?

Bitter, bitter, bitter.
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Re: 4 in 10 Americans cut back on groceries due to Bidenflation

Post by canpakes »

Hawkeye wrote:
Mon Aug 01, 2022 3:12 pm
Stop pretending like Biden's socialist spending boondoggle in which he used COVID as an excuse to print money and dole it out didn't cause inflation. The sad thing is that you still didn't learn your lesson and are about to hit us with even more inflation due to this next stimulus spending package.
ajhawkx -

If the Biden Administration’s stimulus ended up having this effect, wouldn’t the Trump Administration’s stimulus have had the same effect?
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Re: 4 in 10 Americans cut back on groceries due to Bidenflation

Post by canpakes »

Res Ipsa wrote:
Mon Aug 01, 2022 3:48 pm
Wait, weren't you the guy whose black tennis partner died of COVD-19?

I’ll bet that his ex-tennis partner has a different take on that “98% of people under 70 have no problem with COVID” statement.
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Re: 4 in 10 Americans cut back on groceries due to Bidenflation

Post by Hawkeye »

Wait, weren't you the guy whose black tennis partner died of COVD-19? Didn't you break into the tennis courts so you could keep playing?
Nobody knows what killed my hitting partner. He just went to the emergency room with stomach pains and didn't come out. Considering we climbed the fences to play when the courts were locked up for 1 year and that as a physical therapist he worked with people breathing on him the entire time just as I did, and then he all the sudden died in May 2022, I seriously doubt his death had anything to do with COVID.
What about Trump's printing out of money and handing it out? Is Trump spending protected from causing inflation by magic unicorns and rainbows?
Maybe Trump could have pushed back harder against the lockdowns. Maybe he could have built the wall quicker. But I sure don't see any Republican candidates who would have done better.
The best part about this is waiting four years to see how all the crazy apocalyptic predictions made by the fear mongering idiots in Right Wing media turned out to be painfully wrong...Gasoline would hit $10/gallon. Hyperinflation would ensue.
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Re: 4 in 10 Americans cut back on groceries due to Bidenflation

Post by Res Ipsa »

Hawkeye wrote:
Mon Aug 01, 2022 5:04 pm
Wait, weren't you the guy whose black tennis partner died of COVD-19? Didn't you break into the tennis courts so you could keep playing?
Nobody knows what killed my hitting partner. He just went to the emergency room with stomach pains and didn't come out. Considering we climbed the fences to play when the courts were locked up for 1 year and that as a physical therapist he worked with people breathing on him the entire time just as I did, and then he all the sudden died in May 2022, I seriously doubt his death had anything to do with COVID.
What about Trump's printing out of money and handing it out? Is Trump spending protected from causing inflation by magic unicorns and rainbows?
Maybe Trump could have pushed back harder against the lockdowns. Maybe he could have built the wall quicker. But I sure don't see any Republican candidates who would have done better.
Trump was the one who instituted a nationwide "lockdown," including states that had little to no COVID at the time.

ETA: Wasn't this you a while back?
I'm not sure what it was. He went to the ER with stomach issues and it was already too late. I've seen a few people react badly to COVID when combined with an appendicitis.
viewtopic.php?f=7&t=155614 Was he tested for COVID at the time? Had he been infected with COVID before? Did you discuss cause of death with his attending at the hospital?
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Re: 4 in 10 Americans cut back on groceries due to Bidenflation

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

Political diversity among electorates should make countries with a democratic form of government more responsive to its the citizens’ needs. Looking at Xanax and others across the interwebs I’m forced to acknowledge that the growth of ethnic and/or racial minorities in the US and the EU have created a serious political crises which threatens the future of all democracies, frankly. Native born (mostly white) citizens in these countries feel threatened by the growing populations of people who are unlike them in race, religion, and/or culture - case in point, I just read an article about Americans who live in Mexico City being harassed by Mexicans ‘to just go home’. Seeing how Xanax simply doubles down on every fantasy he’s either been fed by right-wing propaganda outlets or created himself I’m left to wonder:

1) How do we help different factions, especially post-colonial factions, coexist peacefully?

2) How do we carefully reason amongst ourselves with regard to various ideas concerning the role a democratic government plays to address the common needs of a widely disparate electorate? In other words, how do we turn the volume down on propagandists so policy makers can pass a bill that benefits everyone?

3) How can government policies which improve citizens' lives also reduce conflicts among racial group without losing large swaths of the electorate to extremism? For example, paying for a clean water system in Michigan collectively without white Alabamians wanting to secede?

The problem I’m seeing, perfectly demonstrated on this board, is that our ‘shared’ history, social psychology, and politics are 100% colored by our circumstances. Western democracies adopt policies to improve the quality of life for all, generally speaking, but somehow this exasperates factionalists. The title to the OP is not only way off base in its assumptions, but there’s no educating anyone who’s signed off on this kind of thinking.

Guess I’ll have to dust off the .50 cal sniper rifle and work on my shot group!

- Doc
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