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Re: Matt Gaetz sought pardon related to Justice Department sex trafficking probe

Post by doubtingthomas »

Xenophon wrote:
Tue Sep 20, 2022 8:44 pm
This is little more than you venting your spleen in connection with your new-found hatred for a particular people. You don't actually want to discuss the problem you want to bash your current favorite bogeyman. There are plenty of serious conversations on the topic, this ain't one.
I do welcome the undocumented immigrants who don't pay thousands of dollars to smugglers.

"Not surprisingly, smuggling fees for destinations distant from the border are higher than the $700-$1,000 it takes to get from Tijuana to Los Angeles, which raises the question of how illegal immigrants manage their debts to the smugglers."
https://www.brookings.edu/opinions/the- ... -networks/

"Nearly all—between 80 and 95 percent—of illegal crossers are paying to come, with smuggling fees reportedly as high as $9,200 a person"
https://www.cato.org/publications/comme ... rtels-come

What's the solution? Should the US have open borders?
"I have the type of (REAL) job where I can choose how to spend my time," says Marcus. :roll:
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Re: Matt Gaetz sought pardon related to Justice Department sex trafficking probe

Post by doubtingthomas »

honorentheos wrote:
Thu Sep 22, 2022 6:46 pm

Didn't you suggest you were in a relationship with a 17 year old girl from Mexico a short time ago? Is it possible you are deflecting?
I don't pay child sex traffickers.

Let me ask you, have you ever tried narcotics? The money you spent buying narcotics went to the hands of child sex traffickers.

Buy drugs == Making child sex traffickers richer and powerful.

You are a sick man.
"I have the type of (REAL) job where I can choose how to spend my time," says Marcus. :roll:
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Re: What's the solution to the illegal immigration crisis? Sincere question.

Post by Doctor Steuss »

Today I learned that Sanofi Aventis is a child sex trafficking cartel.
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What's the solution to the illegal immigration crisis? Sincere question.

Post by Marcus »

doubtingthomas wrote:
Thu Sep 22, 2022 6:46 pm
I do welcome the undocumented immigrants who don't pay thousands of dollars to smugglers.
Your title is unclear. Illegal immigrants are NOT the issue?
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Re: What's the solution to the illegal immigration crisis? Sincere question.

Post by doubtingthomas »

Marcus wrote:
Thu Sep 22, 2022 7:04 pm
Your title is unclear. Illegal immigrants are NOT the issue?
Not all of them, just the ones who have 10,000 dollars to come here illegally.

"Nearly all—between 80 and 95 percent—of illegal crossers are paying to come, with smuggling fees reportedly as high as $9,200 a person"
https://www.cato.org/publications/comme ... rtels-come
"I have the type of (REAL) job where I can choose how to spend my time," says Marcus. :roll:
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Re: What's the solution to the illegal immigration crisis? Sincere question.

Post by doubtingthomas »

Anyways, hopefully someone shares a real solution. I'll come back later, I have important things to do.
"I have the type of (REAL) job where I can choose how to spend my time," says Marcus. :roll:
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Re: Matt Gaetz sought pardon related to Justice Department sex trafficking probe

Post by Res Ipsa »

doubtingthomas wrote:
Thu Sep 22, 2022 6:44 pm
Res Ipsa wrote:
Tue Sep 20, 2022 11:19 pm
"I'm the only one who sees the problem," says man who never bothers to look for others actually working on the problem.
"Not surprisingly, smuggling fees for destinations distant from the border are higher than the $700-$1,000 it takes to get from Tijuana to Los Angeles, which raises the question of how illegal immigrants manage their debts to the smugglers."
https://www.brookings.edu/opinions/the- ... -networks/

"Nearly all—between 80 and 95 percent—of illegal crossers are paying to come, with smuggling fees reportedly as high as $9,200 a person"
https://www.cato.org/publications/comme ... rtels-come

Do undocumented immigrants get arrested for paying smugglers (sex traffickers) thousands of dollars?
Why won’t anyone suggest solutions to the problem I want to talk about says man who links to an article discussing a proposed solution.
When a Religion is good, I conceive that it will support itself; and when it cannot support itself, and God does not take care to support, so that its Professors are oblig’d to call for the help of the Civil Power, ’tis a Sign, I apprehend, of its being a bad one.

Benjamin Franklin
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Re: What's the solution to the illegal immigration crisis? Sincere question.

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

doubtingthomas wrote:
Thu Sep 22, 2022 7:10 pm
Anyways, hopefully someone shares a real solution. I'll come back later, I have important things to do.
Have you considered “... a work‐​visa fee system: The immigrants would still pay, but it would eliminate the smugglers. Immigrants would still wait in line, but they would do it at a consulate abroad. Immigrants would still get the background checks and work permits, but they wouldn’t need to rush the border to request asylum or stay illegally if rejected.

Of course, many more immigrants would apply under a legal system where they could safely fly to America than would sneak to the border. But that would be a good thing for America if they were paying into the system, and in any case, America wouldn’t need to take everyone to stop the problem. It could turn away those without job offers from U.S. businesses, for example. We just need to give people a realistic hope that they could apply for a legal way to come.

We already know that work visas can dramatically reduce illegal immigration. After World War II, illegal immigration spiked from Mexico and Congress responded by massively expanding the Bracero guest worker program for Mexican farm laborers. In combination with more enforcement, the program effectively ended illegal immigration until Congress abolished the program in 1965.

Some might find it unsavory to make immigrants pay for the right to come to the United States. But they are already paying and rather than going to criminals, those payments could better the lives of Americans.

During his State of the Union address President Trump said, “I want people to come into our country in the largest numbers ever, but they have to come in legally.” If that’s really the administration’s policy goal, there’s an easy solution—and one that would pay for the president’s other budget requests too.”

- Doc
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Re: What's the solution to the illegal immigration crisis? Sincere question.

Post by Hawkeye »

doubtingthomas wrote:
Tue Sep 20, 2022 4:59 pm
"Smuggling Migrants at the Border Now a Billion-Dollar Business...Migrant smuggling on the U.S. southern border has evolved over the past 10 years from a scattered network of freelance “coyotes” into a multi-billion-dollar international business controlled by organized crime, including some of Mexico’s most violent drug cartels."
https://www.nytimes.com/2022/07/25/us/m ... ution.html

"The Mexican Drug Cartels’ Other Business: Sex Trafficking"
https://world.time.com/2013/07/31/the-m ... afficking/

Just connecting the dots here. Some undocumented immigrants pay the cartels (sex traffickers) thousands of dollars to get them to the US, work here for a few years in construction or roofing, and go back to Mexico to buy nice houses.

I'm not sure why everyone is turning a blind eye.

I am not against all illegal immigration. I would welcome real refugees here.

However, young undocumented immigrants who live in large groups (all men, not families) were likely associated with Mexican cartels.
A good question that will never get time of day on this board.

Think of it from the perspective of the wealthy white liberal or establishment Republican. You've got cheap housekeepers, cheap gardners, and an unlimited cheap labor supply. You aren't bound by taxes or minimum wage laws. You don't have to pay for their healthcare since this has been dumped onto the taxpayer. Your kids don't go to the public schools being overrun. And it also gives you the votes necessary to see that this scheme against the American worker is upheld in perpetuity. For them illegal immigration is manna from heaven. There is no crisis. This is exactly the way that the party and elites in power want things to be.
The best part about this is waiting four years to see how all the crazy apocalyptic predictions made by the fear mongering idiots in Right Wing media turned out to be painfully wrong...Gasoline would hit $10/gallon. Hyperinflation would ensue.
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Re: What's the solution to the illegal immigration crisis? Sincere question.

Post by Doctor Steuss »

Since this is an international problem, it’s probably best to use an international organization’s definition when approaching it.

UNICEF, in Article 1 of the Convention of the Rights of the Child, defines a child as someone under the age of 18 who hasn’t had majority legally obtained.

I’m not sure what the solution is to stop adults (those over 18) from having non-platonic relationships with children (those under 18, who haven’t been legally emancipated). In the US, the problem is compounded by predators trying to justify their actions by referring to local laws that have nothing to do with the legal processes for a minor gaining majority.

Until we stop people from trying to normalize their own child predation in the US, it will be difficult to address the predation elsewhere.

[A work of theater to spur introspection, and more-so to generally be a thorn and an ass]
Edited to fix homophone mishap (thank you Chap).
Last edited by Doctor Steuss on Thu Sep 22, 2022 9:05 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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