Does character really matter in politics

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Does character really matter in politics

Post by hauslern »

With all the scandal over Walker in Georgia the polls are still close. Scandal did not seem to be a problem for Trump. Is power by controlling the senate the only thing that matters? How many children did Walker father?
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Re: Does character really matter in politics

Post by ajax18 »

I think for most voters it's a matter of economics and for me workers rights and economic nationalism. Do you believe that workers should have the right to decide how to spend or give away their paychecks or does having a vote give you the right to form a coalition to take that paycheck from the worker and redistribute it as the majority sees fit.

Raphael Warnock was rumored to run over his ex wife's foot with a car. But you're right. I couldn't care less about that. What matters to me is that Raphael Warnock is a fan of Fidel Castro and pretty far left when it comes to workers rights issues. Warnock is also anti white and has a habit of making everything about race. Herschel Walker is black as well but he doesn't carry that constant everything is the white man's fault attitude that Warnock espouses. Warnock is a race profiteer. Herschel Walker is an example of a good society where black and white men can in fact live side by side and work together. People like Warnock will forever be pointing back to past grievances as a means to excuse current bad behavior. Herschel Walker is willing to look forward and live in a color blind society, while letting the hate and desires for vengeance go. That's actually a lot more Christian than the vindictive Raphael Warnock.
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Re: Does character really matter in politics

Post by Vēritās »

ajax18 wrote:
Mon Oct 10, 2022 12:37 am
I think for most voters it's a matter of economics and for me workers rights and economic nationalism. Do you believe that workers should have the right to decide how to spend or give away their paychecks or does having a vote give you the right to form a coalition to take that paycheck from the worker and redistribute it as the majority sees fit.

Raphael Warnock was rumored to run over his ex wife's foot with a car. But you're right. I couldn't care less about that. What matters to me is that Raphael Warnock is a fan of Fidel Castro and pretty far left when it comes to workers rights issues. Warnock is also anti white and has a habit of making everything about race. Herschel Walker is black as well but he doesn't carry that constant everything is the white man's fault attitude that Warnock espouses. Warnock is a race profiteer. Herschel Walker is an example of a good society where black and white men can in fact live side by side and work together. People like Warnock will forever be pointing back to past grievances as a means to excuse current bad behavior. Herschel Walker is willing to look forward and live in a color blind society, while letting the hate and desires for vengeance go. That's actually a lot more Christian than the vindictive Raphael Warnock.

No rumors about Herschel, it is an established fact that he flat out lied about employing 800 people in his "company", that he worked with the CIA and Cobb County Police, that he graduated with honors, that he even graduated at all, that he believes a woman should never be allowed to have an abortion, etc. Only the truly deplorables in this country would even think of trying to equate Warnock with Walker. There is no comparison. Walker was praised by Newt Gingrich for his Christian values! Yeah, Gingrich, another Republican hypocrite thrice married and admits to infidelity. But yeah, "we're all imperfect" they say. But not everyone is a hypocrite. That's become an art Republicans have perfected.

The Warnock loves Castro lie is being spread by idiots like Kelly Loeffler, and of course, weak minded folks like ajax just eat it up without even bothering to fact check. ... /43158525/

But look at Loeffler's claim, proving she knows nothing about what it means to be a Christian. Why would anyone NOT welcome people into their Church?
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Re: Does character really matter in politics

Post by Moksha »

The worse the character, the more Republicans are enamored. They like liars, scoundrels, and above all narcissists. Give them the antagonist of the story and they will nominate that person.

That is why they prefer these rulers in the following order:

1. Sauron
2. Putin
3. Trump
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Re: Does character really matter in politics

Post by Gunnar »

ajax18 wrote:
Mon Oct 10, 2022 12:37 am
I think for most voters it's a matter of economics and for me workers rights and economic nationalism. Do you believe that workers should have the right to decide how to spend or give away their paychecks or does having a vote give you the right to form a coalition to take that paycheck from the worker and redistribute it as the majority sees fit.

Raphael Warnock was rumored to run over his ex wife's foot with a car. But you're right. I couldn't care less about that. What matters to me is that Raphael Warnock is a fan of Fidel Castro and pretty far left when it comes to workers rights issues. Warnock is also anti white and has a habit of making everything about race. Herschel Walker is black as well but he doesn't carry that constant everything is the white man's fault attitude that Warnock espouses. Warnock is a race profiteer. Herschel Walker is an example of a good society where black and white men can in fact live side by side and work together. People like Warnock will forever be pointing back to past grievances as a means to excuse current bad behavior. Herschel Walker is willing to look forward and live in a color blind society, while letting the hate and desires for vengeance go. That's actually a lot more Christian than the vindictive Raphael Warnock.
The answer to the OP's question about whether character matters anymore is that it obviously matters a great deal to a high percentage of MAGA conservatives like yourself. The more dishonest and corrupt the candidate, and the most anti-democratic they are, the more strongly you will double down on supporting them. As Vēritās correctly pointed out, you adamantly defend right-wingers like Herschel Walker no matter how strong the evidence of his dishonesty, corruption and abject ignorance, while at the same time condemning Democrats like Warnock based on the most tenuous and clearly discredited rumors and inuendo.

As for the accusation that Warnock ran over his wife's foot:
Warnock said Ndoye accused him of running over her left foot with his 2014 Tesla while they were arguing in her driveway. Ndoye was reluctant to show her foot to the officer, who wrote: "I did not see any signs that Ms. Ouleye’s foot was ran over." Medical personnel arrived and were "not able to locate any swelling, redness, or bruising or broken bones on Ms. Ouleye’s left foot."
The charge was dismissed. Teslas are heavy cars! It is extremely unlikely any one's foot could actually be run over by one without showing obvious signs of injury!
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Re: Does character really matter in politics

Post by ajax18 »

The charge was dismissed. Teslas are heavy cars! It is extremely unlikely any one's foot could actually be run over by one without showing obvious signs of injury!
Gunnar I just told you that I didn't care about Raphael Warnock's domestic violence accusations, which probably were false. It actually says a little more about how skewed the family court system and the media are against men. What I do care about is that he's a communist and a race profiteer after the order of Jeremiah Wright, and the reverends Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Herschel Walker put it simply. Warnock stokes division and hatred for the other side of the political aisle and the other race. Herschel Walker seeks to work together. None of you really care about Herschel Walker's sexual history. The reason you hate him is because he espouses an America first and economic nationalist agenda. He fights for workers' rights and getting people off welfare rather than seeking to make it a permanent way of life passed down from one generation to the next. He's a black man who takes responsibility for his life choices and doesn't resort to blaming anyone with a lower number on the Fitzpatrick skin type scale for every problem in the world. That's why you hate him. You don't hate him because he was divorced or had trouble with women. We all have that.

As a funny side note, you can let a car run over your foot without it doing any damage. I had a latino mission companion prove it to me to my amazment by letting a giant Bolivarano bus ride over his foot. It didn't hurt him at all. To my astonishment he walked around the rest of the month and pulled the same trick multiple times.
And when the Confederates saw Jackson standing fearless like a stonewall, the army of Northern Virginia took courage and drove the federal army off their land.
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Re: Does character really matter in politics

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

I don’t think Xanax understands that the need for trust in our elected officials is what underpins democracy. The more liars and grifters we put into office, who subsequently lie and grift when in office, erodes the public’s trust that government can function as intended.

- Doc
Hugh Nibley claimed he bumped into Adolf Hitler, Albert Einstein, Winston Churchill, Gertrude Stein, and the Grand Duke Vladimir Romanoff. Dishonesty is baked into Mormonism.
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Re: Does character really matter in politics

Post by Moksha »

ajax18 wrote:
Mon Oct 10, 2022 11:20 am
I had a latino mission companion prove it to me to my amazment by letting a giant Bolivarano bus ride over his foot. It didn't hurt him at all.
The miracle of the giant Bolivarano bus on the foot is enough to boost anyone's trust, but not for Republican con men.
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Re: Does character really matter in politics

Post by Gunnar »

ajax18 wrote:
Mon Oct 10, 2022 11:20 am
The charge was dismissed. Teslas are heavy cars! It is extremely unlikely any one's foot could actually be run over by one without showing obvious signs of injury!
Gunnar I just told you that I didn't care about Raphael Warnock's domestic violence accusations, which probably were false.
I'm glad you acknowledged that Raphael Warnock's domestic violence accusations are probably false, and that you therefore don't care about them. What you ought to care about is that Herschel Walker's domestic violence allegations are so well established that even he realizes he cannot credibly deny them. You should also care about the, by now, well-established fact that Herschell Walker is a prolific liar. He lied about his college education, serving and/or training with FBI, being a director or co-director of several hospitals and countless other claims. Doc Cam's point is well taken. That Walker has been caught in so many lies already, makes it foolish to rely on anything he promises to do once in office.

Accusations that Rafael Warnock is a communist are just as probably false as the domestic violence accusations against him. You are too eager to accuse anyone even slightly to the left of you on the political spectrum of being a communist. Besides that, even if the accusations of Warnock being a communist sympathizer really had some small credibility, even communism is no worse that the fascist, tyrannical authoritarianism that Trump and his MAGA/Q anon acolytes are trying to push upon this country!
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Re: Does character really matter in politics

Post by Vēritās »

Have you listened to Herschel speak? I mean, it is almost always an incoherent jumbled up word salad and he never finishes pronunciation of half the words. Even when reading a script he cannot complete a full sentence including all the intended nouns and verbs so that his point is intelligible to other humans. The idea that this epic moron has a college degree is laughable. He briefly went to college for free because he could play football. He never finished his degree because that was never important to him, and likely the teachers were glad to be rid of him.

But Ajax's blind defense is telling because it shows just how much he has been indoctrinated to hate Democrats above all else. I mean think of what it takes for a white supremacist to use a black man like Walker to serve his agenda when in any other setting Walker would be the quintessential target of ajax and his people. He's black first of all, but he is also dumb as a rock, he's a career derelict who abandoned his kids but keeps having them, he only has sex with white women, he clearly feels entitled, he's dishonest as all get out, and he has a long history of domestic violence. You couldn't ask for a more perfect stereotype for racists in American to use to their advantage.

Yet here we are. The worst possible example of a Christian you could ask for. But he "promises" to be a Trump puppet if elected, so that's all that matters to them. Sticking it to the libs is worth abandoning all you principles you claim to uphold.
"I am not an American ... In my view premarital sex should be illegal ...(there are) mentally challenged people with special needs like myself- Ajax18
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