Pelosi's Husband Attacked in Home

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Re: Pelosi's Husband Attacked in Home

Post by Physics Guy »

If this wacko was a Berkeley hemp artist, I feel let down by hemp art. I guess I had a little bit invested in the idea that art, and for that matter hemp, might pull against violence and magical thinking.
I was a teenager before it was cool.
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Re: Pelosi's Husband Attacked in Home

Post by Gadianton »

Well, this morning our airport shuttle driver felt the need to complain about "crazy Biden", California, and how "all the Democrats have become communists". Like, my brother, I just want to get to the airport. It's bananas we had a Bing Bong ding dong ranting and raving in the wild. I should stop telling local yokels I'm from Utah ...
My right-wing friend got back into town a few days ago. He's been pretty good about keeping his trap shut as he'd made a boatload of enemies earlier in the year (not because of politics but same root cause). His first day back, I'm talking to him a minute, it's still dark, and then this other guy I don't know walks by and rwf greets him and they start talking. This other guy is super quiet, and I can't tell what he's saying, but presumably he's a fellow right-winger and so rwf starts shouting about how much he just paid for laundry detergent, and how "that guy" (Biden) and everyone associated with him has got to go. He exclaimed he just voted the day before. Well, this is a thing he does, he knows he can't talk politics to me, and so if he runs into someone else on his side, he says everything he wants to really tell me to the other person. So I quietly leashed up and walked off. It had one good effect I guess. I'm not a big voter, and my ballot came and sitting in a pile of mail somewhere and I wasn't totally sure I was going to put the effort in this round. But there's nothing like this guy's nonsense to motivate a person, so I found it, read the instructions, filled it out all D's and put it somewhere safe. At least I can counteract his vote. Who knows, it might even be +1 because he might be too stupid to read the instructions. I know for the 2020 election, this other right-wing guy on the walk forgot to sign his envelope.
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Re: Pelosi's Husband Attacked in Home

Post by Gunnar »

Donald Trump's Silence on Paul Pelosi Attack Sparks Anger
Donald Trump's silence on the attack suffered by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband Paul Pelosi in the couple's home on Friday has sparked anger from many online as the former president has yet to come forward with any type of statement about the incident.

While bipartisan condemnation of the attack has poured in from politicians, including former Vice President Mike Pence, Trump has not mentioned the incident, despite posting several times on his Truth Social account since news of the attack against the House Speaker's husband broke through. Newsweek has contacted Trump's team for comment.

Meanwhile, many on social media were outraged that Trump didn't comment about Paul Pelosi, considering the role the ex-president has been found to have played in last year's Capitol riot when a mob of his supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol building to prevent Congress from certifying Joe Biden's Electoral College victory. Before the insurrection, Trump told the crowd during a rally: "We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore."

"Donald Trump has been spreading The Big Lie for 2 years. The violent assault on Paul Pelosi and the attempt to murder Speaker Pelosi is directly related to that Lie. Donald Trump is 100% responsible for this and Jan.6. He must be indicted and never be allowed to hold office," wrote filmmaker and actor Rob Reiner on Twitter.

"Most Republicans seem unable or unwilling to condemn the attack on Paul Pelosi. Their silence should be remembered. Including Trump's," wrote MSNBC producer Kyle Griffin.

"Trump could come out & clearly condemn the attack on Paul Pelosi. He could say political violence is unacceptable. If would be a great thing for our country if he did that. But he likely won't, any more that he tamped down on 1-6 violence when he thought it might still help him," wrote journalist Joyce Alene.

New York Times best-selling author Miles Taylor accused Trump of being ultimately "responsible for the assassination attempt on House Speaker Pelosi & her husband."
The attack was condemned by President Biden as "despicable."

"There's too much violence, political violence. Too much hatred. Too much vitriol," Biden said Friday night at a Democratic rally in Pennsylvania. "What makes us think it's not going to corrode the political climate? Enough is enough is enough."

In a speech in Atlanta, former President Barack Obama blamed the current divisions in politics for creating a toxic environment that creates the conditions for this kind of attack.

"The politics, where some in office or who aspire to office, work to stir up division, to make folks as angry and as afraid of one another for their own advantage and all of this has been amped up, hyped up 24/7 on social media, on platforms that often times find controversy and conflict more profitable than telling the truth," Obama said Friday night.
Condemnation came from the ranks of the GOP too.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Kentucky Republican, tweeted that he was "horrified and disgusted" by the assault.

Horrified and disgusted by the reports that Paul Pelosi was assaulted in his and Speaker Pelosi's home last night. Grateful to hear that Paul is on track to make a full recovery and that law enforcement including our stellar Capitol Police are on the case.

— Leader McConnell (@LeaderMcConnell) October 28, 2022
Pence also condemned the violent attack on Twitter.

"This is an outrage and our hearts are with the entire Pelosi family. ⁦We pray Paul will make a full recovery. There can be no tolerance for violence against public officials or their families. This man should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law," he wrote.

This is an outrage and our hearts are with the entire Pelosi family. ⁦We pray Paul will make a full recovery. There can be no tolerance for violence against public officials or their families. This man should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law

— Mike Pence (@Mike_Pence) October 28, 2022
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Re: Pelosi's Husband Attacked in Home

Post by Gunnar »

And now there is this outrageous comment: Fox News Host Suggests Releasing Pelosi Suspect, Says Hammer Attacks Common
Fox News host Jesse Watters has suggested that the man suspected of fracturing the skull of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband should be released from jail because "people get hit with hammers all the time."
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Re: Pelosi's Husband Attacked in Home

Post by Hawkeye »

ain't no sunshine till capitalism is gone. Sounds like a real hard core alt right conservative doesn't he?
Paul Pelosi Attacker Lived in Berkeley Hippie Commune

David DePape, the man accused of attacking Paul Pelosi with a hammer, lived inside a school bus parked outside of his former lover’s home in the weeks leading up to the attack, according to his neighbors.

DePape’s neighbors said he slept back and forth between a broken-down camper van and a school bus parked outside pro-nudist activist Gypsy Taub’s home in Berkeley. According to DePape’s neighbors, Margarita and Julio Gonzalez, he used to live inside the house with Taub and her family before staying off and on in the buses parked outside.

DePape, who shares two children with Taub, was in a romantic relationship with the pro-nudist activist before she married someone else. DePape served as best man at Taub’s nude wedding, which ultimately led to Taub’s arrest for being naked in public.

David DePape, right, records the nude wedding of Gypsy Taub outside City Hall on Dec. 19, 2013, in San Francisco. (AP Photo/Eric Risberg)


David DePape, center, records Gypsy Taub being led away by police after her nude wedding outside City Hall on Dec. 19, 2013, in San Francisco. DePape was known in Berkeley, Calif., as a pro-nudity activist who had picketed naked at protests against local ordinances requiring people to be clothed in public. (AP Photo/Eric Risberg)

According to DePape’s neighbor Ryan La Coste, “there was a huge fight” at the Taub-DePape compound one day after Taub’s wedding.

La Coste said he “wasn’t surprised at all” after learning that DePape was the man accused of breaking into Pelosi’s residence and attacking Paul Pelosi.

“I wasn’t surprised because another crazy story is coming from someone in that house,” La Coste said. “They are always toxic and always up to something. They are always on the news and trying to be ‘activists.’ They always want to be in the spotlight.”

A closer look at Taub’s residence and the busses DePape reportedly slept in revealed an affinity for left-leaning political causes, which stands in contrast to attempts to link the attacker to “MAGA extremists.”

As Breitbart News reported:

For example, an American flag with rainbow colors and marijuana leaves can be seen in front of the house. Looking closer, a handwritten “Black Lives Matter” sign can be seen hanging in one of the home’s windows.

Further, another sign posted in a different window reads, “Berkeley Stands United Against Hate,” which refers to a Berkeley-based organization that aims to “stop the hate and implicit biases that are a dangerous threat to the safety and civility of our neighborhoods, towns and cities.”

A closer look at the van parked in Taub’s driveway showed more signs of support for left-leaning political causes.

One sticker on the van read, “Ain’t no sunshine until capitalisms gone.”

Another sticker had a sarcastic dictionary entry for the word “liberal,” which defined it as “One who is generous; one who favors greater freedom in political or religious matters; one free from prejudice or narrow thinking.”

The sticker said antonyms of “liberal” could be “stingy, mean, bigoted or conservative.”

The camper van also had an advertisement for a “natural addiction treatment” hanging over it, which according to reports, advertises the use of the psychedelic drug ibogaine that the DePape family brought back to the United States from Mexico.

Another neighbor told reporters that the DePape family are “very radical activists.”

“They seem very left. They are all about the Black Lives Matter movement. Gay pride. But they’re very detached from reality,” said one neighbor who identified as Trish. “They have called the cops on several of the neighbors, including us, claiming that we are plotting against them. It’s really weird to see that they are willing to be so aggressive toward somebody else who is also a lefty.” ... e-commune/
The best part about this is waiting four years to see how all the crazy apocalyptic predictions made by the fear mongering idiots in Right Wing media turned out to be painfully wrong...Gasoline would hit $10/gallon. Hyperinflation would ensue.
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Re: Pelosi's Husband Attacked in Home

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

Once again Ajax just craps out a post without reading the thread, or the other similar threads.

damned qtards.

- Doc
Hugh Nibley claimed he bumped into Adolf Hitler, Albert Einstein, Winston Churchill, Gertrude Stein, and the Grand Duke Vladimir Romanoff. Dishonesty is baked into Mormonism.
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Re: Pelosi's Husband Attacked in Home

Post by Morley »

Physics Guy wrote:
Sat Oct 29, 2022 3:47 pm
If this wacko was a Berkeley hemp artist, I feel let down by hemp art. I guess I had a little bit invested in the idea that art, and for that matter hemp, might pull against violence and magical thinking.
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Re: Pelosi's Husband Attacked in Home

Post by Gunnar »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Sun Oct 30, 2022 5:44 pm
Once again Ajax just craps out a post without reading the thread, or the other similar threads

damned qtards.

- Doc
You couldn't be more right. In his narrow minded, hateful and bigoted mindset, he has entirely missed the eminently valid and valuable point made by the OP and the entire thread, as he so often does.
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Re: Pelosi's Husband Attacked in Home

Post by huckelberry »

Was some sort of Hippi. So what is that to mean? there have been all sorts of hippi people. I knew a few who were Ayn Rand fans. Or more extreme there was a group with Manson aiming at some sort of apocalypse. This attacker sounds like an unstable individual riding on a bed of bad ideas overheated with political lies and hype.
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Re: Pelosi's Husband Attacked in Home

Post by ajax18 »

huckelberry wrote:
Sun Oct 30, 2022 10:44 pm
Was some sort of Hippi. So what is that to mean? there have been all sorts of hippi people. I knew a few who were Ayn Rand fans. Or more extreme there was a group with Manson aiming at some sort of apocalypse. This attacker sounds like an unstable individual riding on a bed of bad ideas overheated with political lies and hype.
I doubt Fox News inspired him to write, "ain't no sunshine till capitalism is gone," or hang a Black Lives Matter sign in his window. Which side of the political isle flies a rainbow flag with marijuana leaves? So if Veritas wants to censor someone for supposedly inspiring this act of violence, he can start with the news stations that align with the values listed above. Sorry Veritas, you're going to have to wait for another idiot to squelch the 1st amendment rights of your political opponents who don't agree with your failed democratic socialist ideology.
And when the Confederates saw Jackson standing fearless like a stonewall, the army of Northern Virginia took courage and drove the federal army off their land.
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