Making Temple visits more convenient.

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Making Temple visits more convenient.

Post by IHAQ »

That's the key criteria behind the Church's temple building programme according to the Presiding Bishopric.
Bishop Budge said proximity to Church members is one of the key considerations in determining a temple location. Over 85% of Latter-day Saints now live within 200 miles of a temple. For many, that distance is much shorter.

“President Nelson wants temple worship to become a normal part of our worship, not something that we do once a year, or every six months, but something that we do on a much more regular basis,” Bishop Budge said.

At the close of October 2022 general conference, President Nelson announced 18 new temple locations — including four near Mexico City. Prior to announcing those four, he said: “We are . . . planning to build multiple temples in selected large metropolitan areas where travel time to an existing temple is a major challenge.”

President Nelson has taught that temple attendance strengthens one’s spiritual foundation and helps maintain positive spiritual momentum.

Bishop Budge added: “He mentioned that as we keep our temple covenants, we are strengthened with God’s power. To me, when I think of temples . . . it’s about God’s power and receiving that power in our lives every day.”

How are temple locations identified?

Bishop Waddell explained that under the direction of the First Presidency, the Presiding Bishopric works closely with the Church’s Temple Department to build and maintain temples.

The First Presidency outlines criteria for determining where temples should be built, including the numbers of members within an area and the distances they travel to attend a temple.

Based on that criteria, the Temple Department — which is overseen by two members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles — makes suggestions to the First Presidency of possible temple locations.

“The First Presidency will then make the final determination of where temples should be built,” Bishop Waddell said. ... of-temples

I think that removes an element of "special" to a temple visit. Should a temple visit be something akin to popping to the nearest convenience store for a carton of milk? Is there evidence that members closer to a temple frequent it more often? One of my more favourable memories from being a youth was the excitement and novelty of the overnight coach trip to the temple. It wasn't something that happened every week, or every month. So it stood out as something special. If you can go after work like popping to the gym, doesn't that rob the experience of some of its meaningfulness?

The other issue with making temple visits more accessible is the lack of names. The more people go to the temple the more often names will be recycled. Perhaps making temples more conveniently located makes it more worthwhile going for just 1 or 2 family names, rather then the 30 names you used to have to do back in the days when temples were day trips away.

If the Church was really committed to making temples more accessible, they could simply build extensions onto every Stake Centre and save an absolute fortune.
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Re: Making Temple visits more convenient.

Post by drumdude »

It was a blessing that the nearest temple was 3 hours away. It meant that regular attendance wasn’t expected.

I imagine a large number of Mormons would prefer their temples to stay a good distance away.
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