The dark underbelly of the "School Choice" movement

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The dark underbelly of the "School Choice" movement

Post by Vēritās »

It has been a longstanding Right Wing talking point that kids becoming educated through the public system means they're going to be indoctrinated to become Liberals. It is no surprise the push for homeschooling and charter schooling is embraced by Right Wing politicians. The arguments they make for charter schools is really nonsense when you consider all the data. Basically a charter school typically gets to pick and choose the best students based on testing scores, and so then Republicans get to say, "Look at how well charter schools perform over public schools." Well, sure. When you get the best students you're going to have better test scores. That's a no-brainer. But what determines a kid's test scores is more affected by where their family stands on the socio-economic ladder, and little or nothing to do with what school they go to. When a school doesn't have to equip itself to handle special needs or anything of the sort, it is likely going to be more efficient from a financial standpoint.

So what is this "school choice" and homeschooling stuff really about? What is the real driving force behind it all? In my experience it is mostly about certain white parents wanting to keep their kids away from minorities. It also has much to do with a parent's desire to make sure their kids aren't being taught things that might make them lean Left as adults. It never really dawned on me that certain parents would take advantage of the homeschooling to teach things that are quite dangerous, but then I saw this...

Inside The Online Community Where Home-Schoolers Learn How To Turn Their Kids Into ‘Wonderful Nazis’

"A Telegram group called Dissident Homeschool has been a resource for neo-Nazis who want to teach their kids hate at home. Now its administrators have been unmasked."
On Nov. 5, 2021, a married couple calling themselves “Mr. and Mrs. Saxon” appeared on the neo-Nazi podcast “Achtung Amerikaner” to plug a new project: a social media channel dedicated to helping American parents home-school their children.

“We are so deeply invested into making sure that that child becomes a wonderful Nazi,” Mrs. Saxon told the podcast’s host. “And by home-schooling, we’re going to get that done.”

The Saxons said they launched the “Dissident Homeschool” channel on Telegram after years of searching for and developing “Nazi-approved material” for their own home-schooled children — material they were eager to share.

The Dissident Homeschool channel — which now has nearly 2,500 subscribers — is replete with this material, including ready-made lesson plans authored by the Saxons on various subjects, like Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee (a “grand role model for young, white men”) and Martin Luther King Jr. (“the antithesis of our civilization and our people”).

There are copywork assignments available for parents to print out, so that their children can learn cursive by writing out quotes from Adolf Hitler. There are recommended reading lists with bits of advice like “do not give them Jewish media content,” and there are tips for ensuring that home-schooling parents are in “full compliance with the law” so that “the state” doesn’t interfere.

The Saxons also frequently update their followers on their progress home-schooling their own children. In one since-deleted post to Telegram, they posted an audio message of their kids shouting “Sieg Heil” — the German phrase for “hail victory” that was used by the Nazis.
What in the ever living f--k?

I'm sure ajax is already familiar with this outfit and wouldn't surprise me if that's the venue by which his kids were "educated."
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Re: The dark underbelly of the "School Choice" movement

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

How many kids are enrolled in that Nazi education network? Like, is this a nationwide affiliation of natsoc homeschool nodes?

- Doc
Hugh Nibley claimed he bumped into Adolf Hitler, Albert Einstein, Winston Churchill, Gertrude Stein, and the Grand Duke Vladimir Romanoff. Dishonesty is baked into Mormonism.
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Re: The dark underbelly of the "School Choice" movement

Post by Vēritās »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Sun Jan 29, 2023 8:50 pm
How many kids are enrolled in that Nazi education network? Like, is this a nationwide affiliation of natsoc homeschool nodes?

- Doc
Dunno. But I think the takeaway here is that the homeschooling system is for the most part, unregulated, and it makes it entirely possible for misguided parents to use it to do precisely the thing they've been complaining about with public schools. Indoctrinate the kids in the most dangerous ways.
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Re: The dark underbelly of the "School Choice" movement

Post by Physics Guy »

Why would American fascists adopt German labels and slogans when the German Nazi regime lost its war so badly? I mean, I could understand idiots in other countries aping the Nazis in the 1930s, when the Nazis seemed to be successful. And I could understand modern German Neo-Nazis harking back to Hitler the way American Southerners revered their own Lost Cause. Instead of importing a foreign brand that failed catastrophically, though, I'd expect American neo-Nazis to give Hitler an E for Effort but spin their home-grown racist extremism as the brand-new American improvement that will get it all right this time.

I'm all for teaching children foreign languages, and if you already speak English, learning German is like meeting the sibling you never knew. But oh man. Don't these people know that the Nazis never actually got their much-hailed Sieg?
I was a teenager before it was cool.
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Re: The dark underbelly of the "School Choice" movement

Post by Alphus and Omegus »

I've not looked into this particular story, but it is overwhelmingly the case that most of the people interested in homeschooling their children are religious fundamentalists who are afraid that their fragile superstitions cannot survive the scrutiny of primary schooling.

Their fears are well-founded. Even children can see that frogs evolved from fish or that humans have many similarities to other primates. Kids can also realize that there is a lot of evidence for plate tectonics and that Earth is billions of years old.

In many rural interior parts of America, everyone is white so there really isn't much of a chance of having their kids around non-whites.
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