Funny dreams

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Funny dreams

Post by NorthboundZax »

I don’t usually make any effort to remember my dreams, but last night I had some funny short snippets that I just had to write down. I think there were three, but I can only recall the gist of two. At least in the two that I remember, Pres. Nelson factors as a central figure. I have to say they encapsulate my views of Pres. Nelson and his interaction with church members probably better than I could articulate.

1: A small group of people (maybe 4-5) on a snowy mountain side are quickly swept up in a small avalanche. I see in the front a couple of legs sticking out of the slide and Pres. Nelson head and shoulders are seen just above the top and back a little (clearly one of the people swept up in the slide). After some harrowing distance it all comes to a stop and people rush over to help. The front person (whose legs could be seen) pops out all shaken and covered with snow when one of the people that rushed over shouts to him “You are so blessed! Pres. Nelson was sitting on your head!” The guy smiles at the realization and agrees that he was truly blessed to have Pres. Nelson sitting on his head during the slide down the slope. *end of snippet*

2: A crowd of people see Pres. Nelson walking down the street and rush over, eager to receive prophetic words of wisdom. He is taken back by it and says something to the effect of “not now, I am hungry. I will only tell you if you have some food for me”. Most don’t have anything, but one person in the back has some bread and eagerly offers it; to which Pres. Nelson says, “No, I wanted pancakes” and ducks into the nearest building. The people are actually happy because Pres. Nelson told them what they need to do and from now on they will all carry pancakes. *end of snippet*

ETA - WHY is "pancake" being autcorrected to "canpake"?!!
ETA2 - Thanks to whoever overrode the autoincorrector to make a pancake a pancake.
Last edited by NorthboundZax on Wed Feb 01, 2023 11:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Funny dreams

Post by malkie »

In honour of our poster, perhaps?

To avoid autocorrects, use a site like

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