Epistemic Distance, Again

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Epistemic Distance, Again

Post by drumdude »

DCP wrote:What I’ll discuss here, though, is the assertion that the self-conceived task of Latter-day Saint apologists is to persuade members of the Church to hold on and, most importantly, to continue paying tithing, in the face of overwhelming proof that Joseph Smith’s prophetic ministry was transparently fraudulent.
Who is making this assertion? I see critics asserting that there is insufficient evidence to convince the average normal Joe. Are there outliers who believe after meeting the missionaries? Yes (most notably, in the very under-educated areas of the world). Critics do assert there is a simple explanation that explains why Mormonism has stopped growing. Because the average person, when given all the facts, chooses not to believe in Mormonism. That's why critics are trying so hard to educate the world, so they can make an informed choice.

Ironically, speaking of the power of choice, DCP continues:
DCP wrote:If God were to reveal himself fully and with unmistakable, irresistible clarity, that revelation would overwhelm and destroy our freedom to choose.
According to the Mormon fanfiction canon, Satan and the 1/3 host of heaven knew with perfect certainty that God existed, and still made a choice of their own free agency to go against him. God could easily make it known to humanity that Mormonism is the correct religion and not strip humans of their free agency. DCP has made no effort to prove that these are incompatible. He merely asserts it, from out of his rear end.
DCP wrote:There is enough secular evidence for the claims of the Restoration to justify commitment to its principles and to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which teaches them and which offers the requisite ordinances. (More than enough, in my honest judgment.) But there is also enough secular evidence, if one prefers, to justify doubts and reservations. There is sufficient light, but the light is not overwhelming. We must choose; the choice is unavoidable.
Actually, I believe the large majority of the world hasn't even considered Mormonism worthy of occupying any brain-time to make any choice at all. We have missionaries to thank for those few who do.

https://journal.interpreterfoundation.o ... from-here/
Philo Sofee
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Re: Epistemic Distance, Again

Post by Philo Sofee »

DCP wrote:
If God were to reveal himself fully and with unmistakable, irresistible clarity, that revelation would overwhelm and destroy our freedom to choose.
Joseph Smith's First Vision destroys this tissue of absurdity. I wonder when apologists will actually see the ridiculous contradictions their own beliefs in the theology they espouse, never carries conviction to those who are not lazy learning followers of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
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