Anubis in Facsimile No. 3 and Mormon Deception

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Philo Sofee
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Re: Anubis in Facsimile No. 3 and Mormon Deception

Post by Philo Sofee »

Moksha wrote:
Wed Aug 17, 2022 4:33 pm
Here is an interesting video on the Book of Abraham facsimiles by a noted reviewer.
WOW! A blast from the past. This will make a great introduction into my new current view of things. THANKS for finding this old gem of myself. How fun!
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Re: Anubis in Facsimile No. 3 and Mormon Deception

Post by Shulem »

Moksha wrote:
Tue Dec 06, 2022 10:12 am
Shulem, I thought you might find this video on the Book of Abraham translation interesting:

Thank you for bringing that to my attention, Moksha. I appreciated how they brought up my discovery of the missing snout and presented a slide to that effect using pics from my website. I just want to say that I am 100% convinced and sure that Smith had the nose hacked out because of the controversy it would have caused to leave it intact. I so testify, I know it to be so. What Smith did to Anubis was a rotten thing to do. There is no excuse for that kind of behavior. It was shameful and wrong for him to do that. Today, the Church bears that shame and the prophets of Mormonism today are skunks who reek with foul odors. Shame on all of them! They stand rebuked before me -- Amen and amen.

video clip here
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Adam Clarke Commentary

Post by Shulem »

I would like to state for the record that there are references to the Egyptian god Anubis in the Adam Clarke Commentary that may have been influential in convincing Smith to have the nose of Anubis hacked off from the lead plate. Smith was determined to convert the dog-headed Egyptian god into slave in order to make way for his original interpretation of the figure which he later realized was wrong.

Adam Clarke wrote: Exodus 11:7

2. We know that one of their principal deities was Osiris, whose son, worshipped under the form of a dog, or a man with a dog's head, was called Anubis latrator, the barking Anubis. May he not be represented as deploring a calamity which he had no power to prevent among his worshippers, nor influence to inflict punishment upon those who set his deity at naught? Hence while there was a great cry, צעקה גדלה tseakah gedolah, throughout all the land of Egypt, because of the mortality in every house, yet among the Israelites there was no death, consequently no dog moved his tongue to howl for their calamity; nor could the object of the Egyptians' worship inflict any similar punishment on the worshippers of Jehovah.

In honour of this dog-god there was a city called Anubis in Egypt, by the Greeks called Cynopolis, the city of the dog, the same that is now called Menich; in this he had a temple, and dogs, which were sacred to him, were here fed with consecrated victuals.

Thus, as in the first plagues their magicians were confounded, so in this last their gods were put to flight. And may not this be referred to in Exodus 12:12, when Jehovah says: Against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment? Should it be objected, that to consider the passage in this light would be to acknowledge the being and deity of the fictitious Anubis, it may be answered, that in the sacred writings it is not an uncommon thing to see the idol acknowledged in order to show its nullity, and the more forcibly to express contempt for it, for its worshippers, and for its worship.
Adam Clarke wrote:2 Kings 17:31

The Avites made Nibhaz — This was supposed to be the same as the Anubis of the Egyptians; and was in form partly of a dog, and partly of a man. A very ancient image of this kind now lies before me: it is cut out of stone, about seven inches high; has the body, legs, and arms, of a man; the head and feet of a dog; the thighs and legs covered with scales; the head crowned with a tiara; the arms crossed upon the breasts, with the fingers clenched. The figure stands upright, and the belly is very protuberant.

2 Kings 17:41

Nibhaz, according to the rabbins, had the shape of a dog, much like the Anubis of the Egyptians. In Pierius's Hieroglyphics, p. 53, is the figure of a cunocephalus, a kind of ape, with a head like a dog, standing upon his hinder feet, and looking earnestly at the moon.
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Re: Adam Clarke Commentary

Post by Moksha »

Shulem wrote:
Sun Jan 01, 2023 9:59 pm
Smith was determined to convert the dog-headed Egyptian god into slave in order to make way for his original interpretation of the figure which he later realized was wrong.
So Anubis was made to suffer in order to perpetuate the deception. Anubis lost his nose so that we may have milk before potted meat.
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Re: Adam Clarke Commentary

Post by Shulem »

Moksha wrote:
Mon Jan 02, 2023 5:02 am
Shulem wrote:
Sun Jan 01, 2023 9:59 pm
Smith was determined to convert the dog-headed Egyptian god into slave in order to make way for his original interpretation of the figure which he later realized was wrong.
So Anubis was made to suffer in order to perpetuate the deception. Anubis lost his nose so that we may have milk before potted meat.

Prior to my discovery of observing the lead plate and how the original face had been altered, rearranged, and repurposed, everyone just assumed that the black slave had a human head even though the label and the entire scene indicated the person was Anubis. Nobody questioned why the carving of the face was mismatched with the character of the text or questioned whether the person carved on the plate was different than the person in the papyrus. Everyone just assumed that what was on the papyrus was a mirror like copy of what was in the Facsimile. But my demonstrating how Smith altered the plate in order to satisfy his translation serves to show that everything about Smith’s translations were based on him knowing that his translations were a catalyst to what he imagined while he interpreted the art and text. Smith realized his original interpretation that he had already shared with others was wrong so he had to alter the evidence in order to make it conform to his wishes. So, he had the nose hacked off and removed all indication that the head was that of a dog or jackal. But we see the ear remained intact because the person who removed the nose either refused to remove the ear or neglected to remove the ear.

One might think that Latter-day Saints today should be a little miffed that they’ve been fooled by the circumstances played out in the Anubis incident. Believers of the Book of Abraham have been played. They’ve been had! It all seems rather disconcerting.
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Fig. 6 according to Egyptologist Robert K. Ritner

Post by Shulem »

Dear Readers,

Please take a little of your time and listen to a world class Egyptologist Robert Ritner discuss the person of Fig. 6 in Facsimile No. 3. This is the concluding section of Part 2, hosted by John Dehlin and Radio Free Mormon.

Dr. Robert Ritner - Expert Egyptologist Translates the Book of Abraham Pt 2 - Mormon Stories

It is IMPOSSIBLE for Mormon apologists to refute Ritner’s lecture of Anubis in Figure 6.
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Re: Anubis in Facsimile No. 3 and Mormon Deception

Post by Philo Sofee »

Shulem wrote:
Tue Dec 06, 2022 8:24 pm
Moksha wrote:
Tue Dec 06, 2022 10:12 am
Shulem, I thought you might find this video on the Book of Abraham translation interesting:

Thank you for bringing that to my attention, Moksha. I appreciated how they brought up my discovery of the missing snout and presented a slide to that effect using pics from my website. I just want to say that I am 100% convinced and sure that Smith had the nose hacked out because of the controversy it would have caused to leave it intact. I so testify, I know it to be so. What Smith did to Anubis was a rotten thing to do. There is no excuse for that kind of behavior. It was shameful and wrong for him to do that. Today, the Church bears that shame and the prophets of Mormonism today are skunks who reek with foul odors. Shame on all of them! They stand rebuked before me -- Amen and amen.

video clip here
Just a note, dunno if its been said or not. Robert Ritner the Egyptologist, on Dehlin's Mormon Stories the Part 3 ALSO agreed that the snout has been chiseled out "hacked off" (I think he described it that way!) and that it was seriously incorrect doctoring of the original facsimile. We are in terrific company here Shulem...
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Re: Anubis in Facsimile No. 3 and Mormon Deception

Post by Shulem »

Philo Sofee wrote:
Sat Apr 15, 2023 4:26 pm
Just a note, dunno if its been said or not. Robert Ritner the Egyptologist, on Dehlin's Mormon Stories the Part 3 ALSO agreed that the snout has been chiseled out "hacked off" (I think he described it that way!) and that it was seriously incorrect doctoring of the original facsimile. We are in terrific company here Shulem...

I just now finished reviewing Part 2 of the podcast where at the very end of the show RFM references me by name (Paul Osborne) several times and explains the missing snout on the lead plate. I giggled! Thanks RFM, you’re a pal! And you, Philo, were there back in the original thread on the old Mormon Discussion board with mentalgymnast when it all happened during real time. Remember that?

Video: Robert Ritner learns of the discovery of the chiseled snout

In the meantime, crickets from Gee & Muhlestein!

The Backyard Professor hits a grand slam on his podcast:

Shulem wrote:
Fri May 13, 2022 5:49 pm
The Book of Abraham Translation Evidence w/ The Backyard Professor
Shulem wrote:
Thu Apr 07, 2022 11:30 am
It's irrefutable that the person of Fig. 6, is Anubis. The labeling over him and the features of his personage are indicative that this person is in fact, Anubis.

John Gee won't deny it.
Kerry Muhlestein won't deny it.

THAT speaks volumes.

Metcalfe's questioning of whether the papyrus was damaged and Reuben Hedlock was therefore working with what he had does not fly. I've examined this matter very carefully and there is no question in my mind that this portion of the papyrus and the hieroglyphic text about it was fully intact. The nose was hacked out of the lead plate. The headcloth which was not originally overly ornate was smoothed out and removed from the lead as well. The person was simplified and made to appear as the least important person in the vignette in order to lower his station from the Dog-star god Anubis of Free Masonry to that of an assumed African slave. Known only to Hedlock is why he elected to leave the canine ear atop the head and not carve a human ear on the side of the head. Known only to Hedlock is why curious markings of the removed snout are prominently left in the lead as a kind of foot-print. These mysteries can be cracked, penetrated, and understood. I may eventually have to do my own podcast (face to face) in order to bring to light and explain these things to meet with my own satisfaction and well as others. I have yet to do a special thread in the Celestial Forum on this subject because I don't feel there is sufficient interest and I'm holding back.

Here are the links on this message board that detail the history of Anubis's snout being removed and why:

A few questions for Shulem (Moment of discovery with Jersey Girl)
Facsimile No. 3 printing plate reveals jackal head Anubis
Shout Out to Shulem

Philo, Bill Reel was asking me in the chat if I could refer him to links on this subject. This thread would do just fine because it has the three links above. Can you pass it on to him with my compliments, please? Hey, you were an active participant when all this first went down.

This is for the record book where the Backyard Professor calls out the missing snout of Anubis in this video clip:

Video: Missing Snout

And then there is this video clip:

Video: The Book of Abraham - Is Joseph Smith's Translation Accurate? | LDS Discussions Ep. 30
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Re: Egyptologist Robert K. Ritner confirms Anubis on lead plate

Post by Shulem »

Robert Ritner wrote:And if we go to the next slide there should be a close-up of the head of Anubis and there you can see the pointed area which looks like the nose was clipped off, and was hacked off and it was originally a snout and you can see clearly he’s got one ear what may have been originally two, that it was being carved and understood as an Anubis figure and then someone directed the plate-maker to go in with a chisel and hack things out and adjust it from Anubis to a human figure whose got an odd point on top of his head. But here you can actually, everyone can now see this for themselves.

VIDEO: Mormon Stories: Dr. Robert Ritner - An Expert Egyptologist's View of the Book of Abraham Pt. 3

And so what do the apologists have to say about this?

John Gee wrote:
Kerry Muhlestein wrote:
Stephen O. Smoot wrote:
John S. Thompson wrote:

Crickets chirping, chirp, chirp, chirp

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Re: Anubis in Facsimile No. 3 and Mormon Deception

Post by Marcus »

Shulem wrote:
Sat Apr 15, 2023 5:18 pm
Philo Sofee wrote:
Sat Apr 15, 2023 4:26 pm
Just a note, dunno if its been said or not. Robert Ritner the Egyptologist, on Dehlin's Mormon Stories the Part 3 ALSO agreed that the snout has been chiseled out "hacked off" (I think he described it that way!) and that it was seriously incorrect doctoring of the original facsimile. We are in terrific company here Shulem...

I just now finished reviewing Part 2 of the podcast where at the very end of the show RFM references me by name (Paul Osborne) several times and explains the missing snout on the lead plate. I giggled! Thanks RFM, you’re a pal! And you, Philo, were there back in the original thread on the old Mormon Discussion board with mentalgymnast when it all happened during real time. Remember that?
I love a throwback reading!

And I know I'll get no end of grief for this from 2.0, but you and I, we think alike.
_Shulem wrote:
Sun Dec 03, 2017 2:32 pm
.... I've noticed the deathly silence coming from MG's corner. I take it the troll is asleep under his bridge.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
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