Shulem, One of the King’s Principal Waiters (Facsimile 3, Figure 5)

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Alphus and Omegus
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Shulem, One of the King’s Principal Waiters (Facsimile 3, Figure 5)

Post by Alphus and Omegus »

I noticed this chapter in the recent Book of Abraham volume that seems like our local Shulem might find of interest:

It's notable that the word "hand" does not appear in the very short essay. Very clearly they're trying to imply that Abraham must have been affiliated with the Hyksos dynasties.
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Re: Shulem, One of the King’s Principal Waiters (Facsimile 3, Figure 5)

Post by Shulem »

Apostate Egyptologists wrote:We don’t know anything more about the man Shulem beyond this brief description because he does not appear in the text of the Book of Abraham. Presumably, if we had more of the story, we would know more about how he fit in the overall Abrahamic narrative.

All anyone need know about Shulem is who Shulem really is. He is an Egyptian man who died, was found justified before the gods, and went to heaven to live forever in an afterlife. I've explained that in a brief podcast here:

Facsimile No 3 Podcast #1

Sadly, the Mormons have corrupted and slandered a sacred vignette of Egyptian religion in defending the lies of Joseph Smith who was unqualified to discuss or explain the true meaning and explanations of what was taking place in the Facsimile. Apostate Mormon Egyptologists continue to slander and belittle the Egyptians in order to try and defend Smith's false narrative. It's really a shame. What the Mormons are doing is thievery and robbery -- it is criminal in nature. Look, this has turned out to be a bloody war! The apostate Mormons are attacking conventional Egyptology and have become corrupters for the sake of bad religion in which they defend.

But the Mormon liars have been rounded up and exposed for what they are -- Liars for the Lord who are paid by their ungodly Church to say nothing but trash. F-you, John Gee. You're not a good person. You're a liar. And you know it.
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Re: Shulem, One of the King’s Principal Waiters (Facsimile 3, Figure 5)

Post by Shulem »

Alphus and Omegus wrote:
Sun May 14, 2023 1:41 am
Very clearly they're trying to imply that Abraham must have been affiliated with the Hyksos dynasties.

This is old news and something the Mormons have been attached to for a very long time. But we know when the Hyksos were involved in Egypt and how the 15th Dynasty ended. Placing Abraham, Isaac, Jacob or Joseph in Hyksos times cannot be reconciled with Egyptian chronology as it relates to the Jewish Bible. It can't be done. Let John Gee come to this board and try and discuss Egyptian history as it relates to the Hyksos of Abraham's era and watch his colleagues immediately spring forward to put an end to his career. Gee crosses that line and his career ends on that day. And he knows that: John Gee Velikovsky.

In the day the Apostate Mormon Egyptologists at BYU attempt to marry Abraham and the Hyksos will be the day BYU loses all credibility in the academic world. The world body of Egyptologists will be forced to step in and set the record straight so the public is not duped by corrupt religionists defending the Utah cult.
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Re: Shulem, One of the King’s Principal Waiters (Facsimile 3, Figure 5)

Post by Shulem »

There are three threads up in the Celestial Forum that are the gold standard for anyone who wants to know the truth about the Book of Abraham lie:

The Mormon Egyptologists at BYU are paid by the Church to maintain lies and deception. The corrupt nature of those men and the Church they represent are a cancer to society. Those men lack integrity and values that people of honest hearts and minds appreciate and ascribe to. BYU and Mormonism continue to maintain the lies and coverup. It's a total disgrace.

Step aside, John Gee. You really have run your course. You are old news. And Smoot, you're just a little boy trying to act like a big man. Get a life, dude. Get real. And quit acting like a prick. You so need a boyfriend! Be true to thyself and then you can really start living.

And Philo, my friend, you need to understand the first thread (***) above, apply it, and proclaim it in your podcast series. It's like a giant hole exists in your overall presentations. I see it but nobody else does because people have been brainwashed and conditioned not to! You've left out the single most important thing! You are a victim of the whole classical mess which the Mormons beginning mainly with Nibley made. Take Egypt back to the beginning and set the record straight! (love ya bro, I'm just frustrated...)

John Gee, it's not just about "translation." It's about the chapters in the Book of Abraham. It's all crap. It's not Egyptian. It's fake news, buddy and you know it. Egyptus? Come on man, the Copts weren't even around at that time. How about Kemetus? :lol: You're a liar, John. I wouldn't want to be in the same room with you. You disgust me. I don't like liars. You really are a cheat.

Shulem, signing out. I've had enough this. Ugh.
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Re: Shulem, One of the King’s Principal Waiters (Facsimile 3, Figure 5)

Post by Moksha »

Shulem wrote:
Sun May 14, 2023 12:45 pm
And Philo, my friend, you need to understand the first thread (***) above, apply it, and proclaim it in your podcast series.
Proclaim ye thus O' Mighty Backyard Professor that ye might have Wheaties in the bone and Wonder Bread in the marrow, forever and ever, Amen.
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Re: Shulem, One of the King’s Principal Waiters (Facsimile 3, Figure 5)

Post by drumdude »

So you’re telling us there’s a chance Joseph Smith was correct, right Paul?

Daniel Peterson told me the text of the book of Abraham “feels ancient” so that’s good enough for me!

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Re: Shulem, One of the King’s Principal Waiters (Facsimile 3, Figure 5)

Post by Shulem »

Moksha wrote:
Sun May 14, 2023 1:58 pm
Shulem wrote:
Sun May 14, 2023 12:45 pm
And Philo, my friend, you need to understand the first thread (***) above, apply it, and proclaim it in your podcast series.
Proclaim ye thus O' Mighty Backyard Professor that ye might have Wheaties in the bone and Wonder Bread in the marrow, forever and ever, Amen.

I'm patiently hoping and waiting, practically begging, the BYP produces an appropriate deep dive of the Book of Abraham that will FINALLY say something, anything, (pleeeease, with sugar on top for Christ's sake) about how King Narmer/Menes founded the First Dynasty which *is* conventional Egyptology as admitted by LDS Egyptologists (including DCP) and state the digital difference in value between 3000 and 2300. Show how Egyptology proves the rock solid first and Joseph Smith falls for the Jewish second through false revelation given him from a bad Spirit which is the Holy Spirit of Lying. But I just don't know if Kerry's eyes have been open whereby he can see that Toto has opened the curtain and the lying wizard has been fully exposed for what he is.
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Re: Shulem, One of the King’s Principal Waiters (Facsimile 3, Figure 5)

Post by Shulem »

drumdude wrote:
Sun May 14, 2023 2:14 pm
So you’re telling us there’s a chance Joseph Smith was correct, right Paul?

Daniel Peterson told me the text of the book of Abraham “feels ancient” so that’s good enough for me!


It may feel ancient to Peterson who is a brainwashed fool, but the founder of ancient Egypt as named in the Book of Abraham is Egyptus, a name that had not been spoken or written during the time Joseph Smith incorrectly claimed the Black Land (Kemet) was founded in 2300 BC.

Wikipedia wrote:The English name "Egypt" came via the Latin word Aegyptus derived from the ancient Greek word Αίγυπτος (Aigyptos).

The gloves come off. John Gee, come to Discuss Mormonism so I can beat you up over and over again in front of everyone. You've had it easy playing defense with immature critical commentary against the Book of Abraham. But now you will meet your fate and I will destroy your argument completely and run your entire Book of Abraham down the kitchen sink garbage disposal. You SOB!

I'm not going to discuss the thickness of the roll! I don't give a damn how fat the roll was. I don't give a damn about some lost city that Muhlestein thinks exists. Let's discuss the founding of ancient Egypt as confirmed in the Universities around the world and how the Book of Abraham sponsored by BYU promotes false history.

You SOB!

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Re: Shulem, One of the King’s Principal Waiters (Facsimile 3, Figure 5)

Post by Alphus and Omegus »

Shulem wrote:
Sun May 14, 2023 12:08 pm
This is old news and something the Mormons have been attached to for a very long time. But we know when the Hyksos were involved in Egypt and how the 15th Dynasty ended. Placing Abraham, Isaac, Jacob or Joseph in Hyksos times cannot be reconciled with Egyptian chronology as it relates to the Jewish Bible. It can't be done. Let John Gee come to this board and try and discuss Egyptian history as it relates to the Hyksos of Abraham's era and watch his colleagues immediately spring forward to put an end to his career. Gee crosses that line and his career ends on that day. And he knows that: John Gee Velikovsky.
Gee and the rest are borrowing very heavily from other Jewish and Christian literalist traditions in trying to say that the Hebrews were the Hyksos. And there's some possibility of that, at least if the Josephus retelling of Manetho is accurate and that Manetho was as well.

There's a recent study which partially confirmed the Manetho narrative, but suggests that the Hyksos were immigrants rather than invaders. ... ne.0235414

But even if the Hebrews were (among) the Hyksos, it doesn't mean that any of the Genesis or Exodus stories are true, any more than the legends of Romulus and Remus were true of Rome's founding. And as we've both discussed, the Bible chronology is completely wrong regarding Egypt, in addition to being filled with impossible claims of people living hundreds of years, among many others.

Did you read their chapter trying to spin Joseph Smith's misidentification of Isis as the pharaoh in Facsimile 3? It's pretty hilarious: ... -figure-2/
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Re: Shulem, One of the King’s Principal Waiters (Facsimile 3, Figure 5)

Post by Shulem »

Alphus and Omegus wrote:
Sun May 14, 2023 4:48 pm
Gee and the rest are borrowing very heavily from other Jewish and Christian literalist traditions in trying to say that the Hebrews were the Hyksos. And there's some possibility of that, at least if the Josephus retelling of Manetho is accurate and that Manetho was as well.

I've spent a great deal of time studying theoretical links between the Hyksos and Abraham in trying to associate his great grandson (Joseph) into that era. But the conventional chronology of Egypt compared to the Jewish chronology of the Bible are not compatible. It is not possible to meld chronology in order to find romantic ways to fit Joseph into Egypt as a grand vizier let alone Moses wiping out an Egyptian dynasty! John Gee has no choice but to agree. That is a required point of discipline in conventional Egyptology established by scientific means. Only a heretic would say otherwise, right John?
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