Trump. Making White Supremacy Great Again

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Trump. Making White Supremacy Great Again

Post by Vēritās »

Trump says immigrants are "poisoning" America's bloodline.

He only references South America, Africa and Asia, of course.
"I am not an American ... In my view premarital sex should be illegal ...(there are) mentally challenged people with special needs like myself- Ajax18
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Re: Trump. Making White Supremacy Great Again

Post by Doctor Steuss »

Good gravy. I think Benjamin Franklin once wrote something similar (ironically, about Germans).

Right back to the intellectual dark ages.
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Re: Trump. Making White Supremacy Great Again

Post by Gadianton »

My disagreement is that Trump isn't inherently very racist, certainly nowhere near Hitler, and comparing what he said to Hitler simplistically misses the fact that Trump is just saying it to appeal to his base, whereas Hitler said it with the deepest of personal conviction, converting people to his way of thinking who didn't already believe that way.

The fact that he boosts his poll numbers the more extreme he gets in what he says reflects on his supporters more than it does him. He would turn a 180 tomorrow if suddenly his base feverishly produced memes on the Sermon on the Mount. I actually think he would enjoy that more. I think he fundamentally views himself as a savior-type figure. He himself would be happy to get rid of guns and support LBGQ. But end of the day, he has no real values, and will build the golden calf if that's what will make him popular with the people. The more evil he becomes, the more heroic for the most outwardly Christian people of the country. From a narrative standpoint, it is an interesting phenomena.

The typical Trump supporter is a morally reprehensible person, far worse than Trump himself.
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Re: Trump. Making White Supremacy Great Again

Post by ajax18 »

The typical Trump supporter is a morally reprehensible person,
Why exactly is that in your view Mr. Secret Combinations? Because they want to enforce the border or feel like they should be able to choose whom they marry rather than turn it into some affirmative action litmus test?

I'll show you why I think the typical Biden supporter is a morally reprehensible person.











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Re: Trump. Making White Supremacy Great Again

Post by Gadianton »

I only recognized Hunter, Bankerman, and Stern.

Comparing modalities of evil is difficult to do. Stern isn't evil (and if he is, what does it say about Trump that he spent a ton of time with Stern?) I'm not sure I'd call him "good", however.

Hunter scores high in personal corruption and vice. Bankerman is a sociopathic fraud much like a young Trump or Joseph Smith. I had a guy like this in my ward growing up. Held his head high, a family man, squeaky clean when it came to living the commandments outwardly. He impressed a lot of people with his powerful testimonies and how he drove his humble family wagon full of kids with a big smile on his face. Granted, he rubbed a few people the wrong way also as he could come off horribly self-righteous. He sold insurance and related investments and it turns out he was running a Ponzi scheme and lost the good folks of our Stake Millions of dollars. He went to prison and as I understand, never admitted guilt but saw himself as a typical libertarian persecuted by the state and even defended himself in court.

How do you compare someone like that with a drug addict or how do you compare a drug addict to a murderer?

There is a kind of evil that can come home, kiss the kids good night, provide responsibly, and then during the day work glory in the destruction of the lives of others.
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Re: Trump. Making White Supremacy Great Again

Post by Doctor Steuss »

Good point about moral depravity, and using Howard Stern as an example. No doubt, that's why Biden has appeared so many times as a guest.

Right? Riiiiight?

Hey, remember that one time that Biden told Stern that he could call his daughter a "piece of ass," and when Biden referred to his own daughter as being "very voluptuous" on Stern? That was pretty wild. I can only imagine how morally bankrupt and disgusting a father would be to not only allow but actively engage in that type of talk.

Or, there's the time when Biden bragged about purposefully walking into women's dressing rooms to see them getting dressed. Those Democrats, and walking into women's bathrooms, amirite?

That one time, when Biden was on Stern and bragged about taking a crap on the sanctity of marriage, was pretty wild.

*checks notes*

Well, this is a bit awkward.
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Re: Trump. Making White Supremacy Great Again

Post by ajax18 »

Bankerman is a sociopathic fraud
He's a product of being raised by the left wing Stanford law professors that gave him his hyphenated last name and taught him their warped view of right from wrong. In the mind of Sam Bankman-Fried stepping over top a starving child is the moral thing to do if it slows down global warming, even just by 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% because hey,you gotta start somewhere and the planet comes first even if that is millions of years away.
How do you compare someone like that with a drug addict or how do you compare a drug addict to a murderer?
Maybe someone who bends his foreign policy according to the interests of his foreign donors as opposed to American voters?

I'm sorry, but saying that voters who want to draw a hard line on illegal immigration is worse than Bankman-Frieds incomprehensibly prodigious grift or Biden's treason is laughable. Biden should be impeached over leaving the border open against the consent of democratically established immigration law. But hey, if you like the ethics of your people so much more than I like mine, than why don't you take them and go your way and I'll go mine and let's see how well it works out for each of us? You take Hunter and Bankman-Fried, Lena Dunham, Patrice Cullors, Yaya Senwar, and Dylan Mulvaney. I'll take the Mormon Madoff, Joseph Smith, Donald Trump, General Jackson, and my entire poor uneducated confederate family. I'm not going to force either of us to take Mitt Romney, Dick Cheney nor their influence peddling kids, unless you want them now for some reason. Why do I get the feeling that this is an offer you'll never take me up on in this life or the next?
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Re: Trump. Making White Supremacy Great Again

Post by Doctor Steuss »

ajax18 wrote:
Thu Dec 21, 2023 1:09 am
Biden should be impeached over leaving the border open against the consent of democratically established immigration law.
This is another one of those unfortunate instances where your chosen "information" sources have a disdain for the intellect of their target audiance.

CPB information is publicly available. They publish all of their enforcement information. Just the last year alone, there were more enforcement actions at the border than the entirety of the Trump administration. That's right -- under Biden's "open border," there were more enforcement actions in a single year than the entirety of President "Best At Securing The Border" Trump's administration. Each year, compared to Trump, under Biden there have also been an increase in arrests, searches of electronic devices, and drug seizures also.

Not only did Biden keep Trump's Title 42 active, Biden expanded it, and tried to fight to keep it sans-pandemic. Why would a guy who is leaving the border open fight to keep a tool that allows stopping people at the border, and turning them away without even giving them an opportunity to ask for asylum?

Just like Obama, border enforcement under Biden is more effective and stringent than it was under their Republican predecessor. You should be asking yourself, why do your politicians and sources keep lying to you about stuff that is so easily verifiable? Also, why are Republican politicians so inept at border enforcement, despite being the most vocal about it?

If actual border security, and immigration are concerns of yours, then the voting choice is pretty clear. At a federal level, one side is vocal, the other side is effective.
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Re: Trump. Making White Supremacy Great Again

Post by Gadianton »

Ajax wrote:He's a product of being raised by the left wing Stanford law professors that gave him his hyphenated last name...
Sure, buddy.
Maybe someone who bends his foreign policy according to the interests of his foreign donors as opposed to American voters?
You mean Trump's deep ties to the Russian mob?
I'm sorry, but saying that voters who want to draw a hard line on illegal immigration
I said nothing about voters who want to draw a hard line on illegal immigration, I said something about voters who are inspired by Trump's obvious nod to Hitler; who inspire him to make these kinds of allusions, and who cheer louder as he inches toward Hitler-like promises.

I've said before the talking points surrounding immigration at the very minimum are backwards in this country. You can't have socialized healthcare and rampant illegal immigration, or even easy immigration. I would tell liberals to try to immigrate to Canada or Sweden to see how easy it is to get into a country with socialized medicine. Obama probably understood this, hence Steuss's post, but I think in general liberals try to have it both ways. On the other hand, if you believe in a free market as libertarians are supposed to believe, then loose immigration shouldn't be a problem. Everybody is backwards here.
Biden should be impeached over leaving the border open
See Steuss's post. Do you have a response?
But hey, if you like the ethics of your people so much more than I like mine
I've said nothing about who I like and don't like. We can't just completely turn our backs on bad people.
Why do I get the feeling that this is an offer you'll never take me up on in this life or the next?
For one, the offer is nearly incomprehensible, and two, it's not something you can make good on.
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Re: Trump. Making White Supremacy Great Again

Post by ajax18 »

Doctor Steuss wrote:
Thu Dec 21, 2023 3:39 pm
ajax18 wrote:
Thu Dec 21, 2023 1:09 am
Biden should be impeached over leaving the border open against the consent of democratically established immigration law.
This is another one of those unfortunate instances where your chosen "information" sources have a disdain for the intellect of their target audiance.

CPB information is publicly available. They publish all of their enforcement information. Just the last year alone, there were more enforcement actions at the border than the entirety of the Trump administration. That's right -- under Biden's "open border," there were more enforcement actions in a single year than the entirety of President "Best At Securing The Border" Trump's administration. Each year, compared to Trump, under Biden there have also been an increase in arrests, searches of electronic devices, and drug seizures also.

Not only did Biden keep Trump's Title 42 active, Biden expanded it, and tried to fight to keep it sans-pandemic. Why would a guy who is leaving the border open fight to keep a tool that allows stopping people at the border, and turning them away without even giving them an opportunity to ask for asylum?

Just like Obama, border enforcement under Biden is more effective and stringent than it was under their Republican predecessor. You should be asking yourself, why do your politicians and sources keep lying to you about stuff that is so easily verifiable? Also, why are Republican politicians so inept at border enforcement, despite being the most vocal about it?

If actual border security, and immigration are concerns of yours, then the voting choice is pretty clear. At a federal level, one side is vocal, the other side is effective.
Even John Fetterman doesn't believe you at this point.

Gadianton do you buy into any of this? Democrats have purposefully left the border wide open in hopes of legalizing these people and getting them registered to vote. So what if you see an enforcement action. For every enforcement action that occurred, there's probably 5 more you didn't even see. The wall that Nancy Pelosi refused to fund because she said it was "Immoral," would have helped this and saved a lot more money for the taxpayer.

The fact is that we've had at least 10 million people that we know about cross this border under Biden. Even the Democrat mayors like Eric Adams and Brandon Johnson and their welfare queen voting base are starting to notice as they compete for welfare handouts. Steuss I like you but I'm sorry, trying to tell me that the Democrats have ever allowed the border to be enforced as the voters chose to do is pure BS. The Democrats are an open borders party that represent the interests of the immigrants, not American citizens. Anyone who wants the border enforced is Hitler according to the leftist elite.
And when the Confederates saw Jackson standing fearless like a stonewall, the army of Northern Virginia took courage and drove the federal army off their land.
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