Oaks' Agenda?

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Oaks' Agenda?

Post by Nimrod »

With Nelson's advanced age, at any time he could die and Oaks ascend to the Mormon throne. His days as a lady in waiting will be over. So, what do you suppose will be on his agenda of changes?
Apologists try to shill an explanation to questioning members as though science and reason really explain and buttress their professed faith. It [sic] does not. By definition, faith is the antithesis of science and reason. Apologetics is a further deception by faith peddlers to keep power and influence.
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Dr. Sunstoned
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Re: Oaks' Agenda?

Post by Dr. Sunstoned »

He's been pounding on one note for a long time now.
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Re: Oaks' Agenda?

Post by Dr. Shades »

Dr. Sunstoned wrote:
Mon Feb 05, 2024 5:34 am
He's been pounding on one note for a long time now.
Which is . . . ?
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Dr. Sunstoned
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Re: Oaks' Agenda?

Post by Dr. Sunstoned »

For the last decade, almost every talk given by Oaks has had some anti-gay component. Below are some references to his recent hateful rants. He has used revisionist history to elevate the Family Proclamation to the status of revelation. Even though he knows that the real job of the family proclamation was to set out a set of beliefs to give the church legal standing to file an amicus brief in the Hawaii Supreme Court in a case over gay marriage. Go back a few more decades and you have Gay Conversion Therapy (shock therapy) going on at BYU under his watch. Of course, he had blatantly lied about this.

The LQBTQ community lives large in Oak's head and there is no indication he will change. Once he takes the helm of the corporation, his homophobia could get TSCC a spot on the Southern Poverty Law Center's anti-LGBT hate groups list.
Since his ordination to Latter-day Saint apostleship in 1984, Dallin Oaks (next in line as church president) has branded his image on vehement defenses of heteronormativity and consistent delegitimization of LGBTQ+ identities and relationships. And at the recent October session of the LDS church's General Conference, Oaks reaffirmed the same fundamentalist positions on sexuality and gender that he has been articulating for decades.

"God's plan, founded on eternal truth, requires that exaltation can be attained only through faithfulness to the covenants of an eternal marriage between a man and a woman in the holy temple, which marriage will ultimately be available to all the faithful," Oaks said, doubling down on the teaching that "gender is an essential characteristic of individual premortal, mortal and eternal identity and purpose."

Latter-day Saint apostle Dallin Oaks reaffirms the church's anti-LGBTQ stances as 'irrevocable doctrine'
https://www.cityweekly.net/utah/latter- ... d=20610477
Mormon leader reaffirms faith’s opposition to gay marriage
https://www.denverpost.com/2017/09/30/d ... pposition/

Resist Call of Marriage for Gays, Mormon Leader Says
https://www.nytimes.com/2014/10/05/us/r ... -says.html
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Re: Oaks' Agenda?

Post by Dwight »

I think you are right Dr. Sunstoned. It is clearly a big topic in his head. Makes it all the sadder that his grandson is out. I listened to a podcast interview with him last summer and basically the grandson has no contact with Oaks, and the only efforts Oaks makes is within his calling, e.g. his secretary trying to set up a meeting for the grandson to meet with the apostle. Here is a link to Reddit discussing the podcast:

https://www.reddit.com/r/Mormon/comment ... _speeches/
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Re: Oaks' Agenda?

Post by Boomer57 »

Oaks has had a bee in his bonnet about 'da Gays' for decades. My prediction is a doubling-down. Look for him to canonize the Proclamation on the Family - you know, the one that doesn't even know what the word 'gender' is....
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Re: Oaks' Agenda?

Post by Dr. Sunstoned »

I can't see the church's failing membership numbers turning around at all under Oak's watch.
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