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Re: Numbers...

Post by High Spy »

Once upon a time I wrote a test question that asked what is 2801 in hexadecimal?

What is 417774 in base ten converted to base twenty-six; letters replacing numbers. :?:

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Re: Numbers...

Post by Valo »

Imwashingmypirate wrote:
Sat May 04, 2024 6:19 pm
Valo wrote:
Sat May 04, 2024 3:19 pm
It's hard to get this idea across and as you can tell there is already resistance because it flies in the face of what we have been trained to see.

The idea here is to look at things from a different point of view. Not in a dogmatic, you must believe way, but perhaps there is something we can gain from looking at things this way.

We construct meaning. What purpose is there, really? Nobody actually knows. Lots of people claim to know and you got all sorts of religions and cults and everything telling us this is what life is about. But they are all humans saying that. How do they know? They don't? Nobody has ever, ever, proved anything about the afterlife, ever. It's all faith it's all speculative. Doesn't mean it isn't real just means nobody really knows no matter how many Jesus experiences you have had or visions etc.

So some humility is required. A recognition that we really don't know, not really.

But what is anything, really? We really don't know.

Perhaps things are not as they seem.

If we explore the idea behind the barges representing space craft, what can we get from that?
Well yes. I see what you are saying. But that's why we discuss it. Thought experiments. We will never know for sure. That doesn't mean everything is meaningless in either definition. It would be very easy to create a meaningless existence but to me, what would be the point? I do think there are signs of a higher existence. There are so many beautiful and amazing things in our experiences. You could pick anything and find amazement in how it works and how so many things exist because of other things. Like we keep the bacteria in us alive but they also help us. Do you think the bacteria have any idea of our existence?
I became aware of this question and felt prompted to answer. I apologize for missing it before. It was a question asked in sincerity and genuinely and deserves to be addressed.

That is a good question regarding the bacteria.

I do think they have an "awareness". I think in a way all things are alive and have an awareness. I can't describe the extent of their awareness, but, I am thinking that our body is really a symbiotic relationship between various "intelligences" who are working in concert with each other for mutual survival. As you mention there are billions of organism in us that are not exactly us but yet we would not be who we are without them. Take for instance our gut biome. And as a side note, apparently, the same bacteria found in sour dough bread, is actually sourced from human breast milk!

Anyway, I believe our "brain is the general and our body is the troops". The troops will follow orders given by central command or they will do their own thing if the general is absent, let's say.
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Re: Numbers...

Post by Valo »

My point is that we end up creating our own meaning. We either adopt someone else's meaning or we construct our own.

I'm also suggesting that you can't learn anything if you believe in something. Reality simply is. Truth is and we can accept reality or pretend reality is different than it really is. When we don't accept reality then we become unwell, sick, neurotic. It's because deep down we know we are not being real. We are putting on a mask, so to speak.

I was once married, now divorced. For many years I lived in a relationship where I was unwilling to accept certain realities of that relationship because the reality was too painful. I didn't want that reality to be real so I constructed a false reality. And the more I denied what was actually the case, the more neurotic and unwell I became.

"We cannot change anything unless we accept it."

The meaning given by culture, society, religions, churches, are also human constructions. And you might say, well, they are based on years of human experience, etc. And that is true but at the end of the day, it's still a matter of you choosing to believe in that idea and living according to it.

God has given each of His children everything they need to survive and thrive on this Earth. What is the purpose of the "banana leaf"? What is the purpose of the stream, of the trees? They exist and we happen to have the ability to ask "why" and to question what we are seeing and observing. And because we can use words, and talk, we can share our ideas and spread them to others. Someone might explain to you that the banana leaf exist to tell is when it is raining, but is that what the banana leaf thinks? Would the banana leaf have that purpose if there were no humans?

It simply is as all things are. We stress and we chase after what we think is important, but is it important? Really?

You are not stuck in a meaningless hell if you don't want to be and you can choose what you want your life to be about. I believe God has given each of His children a "compass" in their being that will guide them to a fulfilling and purposeful life but it will require the courage to be authentic, true to yourself, and have integrity.
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Re: Numbers...

Post by High Spy »

Imwashingmypirate wrote:
Thu May 09, 2024 1:25 pm
Valo wrote:
Thu May 09, 2024 1:04 pm
I do not want to lie and so I am not going to make declarations I do not feel confident making just to be impressive. If I knew I was an immortal being who has lived before and is on a mission to fulfill Father-God's plan, then I would say that. However, I don't know and so I must remain open to the possibility that I am just plain wrong and diluted or whatever. I'm pretty sure I'm not but nothing is certain in this realm. The nature of this reality is uncertain.

We are going to always have to live by faith while here! I think that part is certain. We will certainly have to live by faith, narrow vision, narrow spectrum.

19 is the unbounded Father and He is not constrained. 19 is not bound by limitations.

But when God indwells a person, the intelligence of the person remains. It's like two different people. The Father is a Spirit and has a distinct voice that is different from other voices.

There are times when I am speaking under the influence of that Spirit. When that occurs it is not me, Valo speaking, but the Father. The Spirit gives me ideas and impressions but I get to choose to accept, follow, listen, obey, whatever.

Most of what I have said here has just been my thoughts based on what I've learned over time and impressions from the Spirit, so on, but most of what I have said here is just me. Some ideas Spirit gave me or spoke, but mostly just me.

God respects the agency of man. He also accepts us as we are. He has taught me to accept others and the world as it is and to realize that if something is, then it is as it should be, and if God wants change, or needs action, He will make it happen.

I have received enough information to act in faith. As I have acted in faith, the information I received has been confirmed, increasing my faith. As time and experiences progress my confidence in these ideas and actions increase because the impressions and ideas turn out to be true or they end up manifesting themselves in physical reality at which point I'd be insane to deny it. And so my confidence begins to wax strong. Yet I must remain humble meek and submissive to whatever the Lord has in store for me and accept all things as necessary steps towards my destiny.

I knew Jesus the Christ before I knew Michael Sherwin and I am a disciple of Charity and nothing has yet caused me to abandon or backtrack from that discipleship. It's only made it more real.

Part of why things are cryptic is to avoid deception and avoid being able to use words to deceive. If a person reads these words and they get nothing out of it then it is probably for the best at this time. If I share a cryptic idea where what is being said is not explicit, then the audience gets to choose what impressions they receive. That impression will come from the individual, not the external source, making the impression more reliable and useful to the person receiving it.
I understand. Thanks for explaining.
Nine Core Creative Frequencies as per Davinci and Tesla, is maybe in that same vane.

⚔️ (Surely Davinci, Cello and Monticello all have a unique letter that is said but isn’t written.)
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Re: Numbers...

Post by Valo »

Reclaim Your Mind
Catalysts to say, what has never been said
To see what has never been seen
To draw, paint, sing, sculpt, dance, and act
What has never before been done

To push the envelope of creativity and language
And what's really important is, I call it the felt presence of direct experience
Which is a fancy term which just simply means we have to stop consuming our culture
We have to stop consuming our culture
We have to create culture
Don't, don't, watch TV, don't read magazines, don't еven listen to NPR
Creatе your own roadshow, the nexus of space and time where you are now is the most immediate sector of your universe
And if you're worrying about Michael Jackson or Bill Clinton or somebody else then you are disempowered
You're giving it all away to icons, icons which are maintained by an electronic media so that you want to dress like X or have lips like Y
This is crap-brained, this kind of thinking
That, that, that is all cultural diversion, and what is real is you and your friends and your associations, your, your highs, your orgasms, your hopes, your plans, your fears
And we're told, "No." We're unimportant, we're peripheral. Get a degree, get a job, get a this, get a that. And then you're a player
You don't want to even play in that game
You want to reclaim your mind and get it out of the hands of the cultural engineers who want to turn you into a half-baked moron consuming all this trash that's being manufactured out of the bones of a dying world
Where is that at?
Where is that at?
Where is that at?

Catalysts to say what has never been said
To see what has never been seen
To draw, paint, sing, sculp, dance, and act what has never before been done
To say what has never been said
To see what has never been seen
To draw, paint, sing, sculp, dance, and act what has never before been done

Reclaim your mind
Reclaim your mind
Reclaim your mind

Catalysts to say what has never been said
To see what has never been seen
To draw, paint, sing, sculpt, dance and act what has never before been done
To say what has never been said
To see what has never been seen
To draw, paint, sing, sculpt, dance and act what has never before been done

Reclaim your mind
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Dr. Shades
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Re: Numbers...

Post by Dr. Shades »


What connection does the above post have to the rest of the thread?
"It’s ironic that the Church that people claim to be true, puts so much effort into hiding truths."
--I Have Questions, 01-25-2024
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Re: Numbers...

Post by Valo »

Dr. Shades wrote:
Wed May 29, 2024 8:01 am

What connection does the above post have to the rest of the thread?
It's a mystery for you to use your intelligence on to figure out. I believe in you, Dr. Shades! :) 😍

You Have Been Lied Too
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Re: Numbers...

Post by High Spy »

Valo wrote:
Wed May 29, 2024 4:27 pm
Dr. Shades wrote:
Wed May 29, 2024 8:01 am

What connection does the above post have to the rest of the thread?
It's a mystery for you to use your intelligence on to figure out. I believe in you, Dr. Shades! :) 😍

You Have Been Lied Too

If the top of Mr. Conehead’s brain is 19 inches from the top of his 57 inch tall head then what percentage of his head is empty. :?:

Hint it involves a plethora of 27s. :lol:
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