Help wanted (Score so far related)

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Re: Help wanted (Score so far related)

Post by drumdude »

The healthcare system in America is atrocious. It’s an embarrassment to the rest of the 1st world. We really, really need either a single payer system or a free market. This in between solution is more expensive and less effective than both.

I have so many friends who manage their own care because they just cannot find competent care in the system. God help you if your issue can’t be fixed with a 5 minute exam and some pills.
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Re: Help wanted (Score so far related)

Post by Jersey Girl »

drumdude wrote:
Sat Jan 04, 2025 9:25 pm
The healthcare system in America is atrocious. It’s an embarrassment to the rest of the 1st world. We really, really need either a single payer system or a free market. This in between solution is more expensive and less effective than both.

I have so many friends who manage their own care because they just cannot find competent care in the system. God help you if your issue can’t be fixed with a 5 minute exam and some pills.
You said it, dude! I do like my providers but seriously, the only one managing my case is me. I'd like to apologize for my rant if only I were sorry. Sometimes I have to get it out!

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Re: Help wanted (Score so far related)

Post by Jersey Girl »

Regrouping on the daily weight checks. The Jan 3rd check is wrong. When I stepped on the scale today it threw an error code. Replaced the batteries and now I'm right in the ballpark of gaining. I'm going to keep this list rolling forward so when I go on the 28th I've got it documented. Going to put a previous weight check from the last follow up and star weight checks on the doctor's scale. Don't let it scare you, folks. I dashed out of the house on basically no breakfast and cup of tea, no water.

Dec 27: 78*
Jan 2: 86
Jan 3: 82 (this is probably wrong)
Jan 4: 85.4
Jan 5: 84
Jan 6: 84.5
Jan 7: 83.4
Jan 8: Skip*
Jan 9: 84.8
Jan10: 85.4
Jan28: Appointment


Jan 8 -Carrots want me dead. Stabbing pain mid-abdomen for hours. Too much fiber? Second try at reintroduction.
Last edited by Jersey Girl on Sat Jan 11, 2025 4:44 am, edited 8 times in total.

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Re: Help wanted (Score so far related)

Post by IWMP »

Sending lots of love. <3
Last edited by IWMP on Tue Jan 07, 2025 5:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Help wanted (Score so far related)

Post by Dr. Shades »

Get well soon.
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Re: Help wanted (Score so far related)

Post by msnobody »

Still feeling pretty good, Jerz? Or at least better than your worst.
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Re: Help wanted (Score so far related)

Post by Jersey Girl »

IWMP wrote:
Mon Jan 06, 2025 4:25 pm
Sending lots of love. <3
Your post looks a little shorter than when I first viewed it. ;) I'll just put some information here in case you are interested.

I stopped doing the stomach and vagus nerve routines about a month ago. I had been doing the vagus nerve for a full year and almost a year for the other. I ended up making a hack out of both of them where I did the stomach one first all the way through and added the second half of the vagus nerve. Then switched to the stomach one exclusively and got so tired of it. I found another thing to do that is really a form of infant massage that I knew about years ago and totally forgot until I saw a youtube video short on it about a month ago. I do that now when I feel I need to. It's not so weird that I can't do it in public either!

Last afib episode was 25 August I believe! So 4 months plus afib free! Maybe treating gut issues is helping with that! :)

I'm not worried about daily weight fluctations at all. I'm just documenting to show the doctor and to see if I see an upward or downward trend.

I forget what else might have been in a certain disappearing post. ;)

One good thing: Really no symptoms today to speak of. Got a lot done! Am balancing out things that I do each day. I have lived off "to do" lists nearly all my adult life. Now my lists are titled "Need to" and Want to". That way I remember to balance things that need to be done with things that I really want to do and that are fun for me. My current "want to" is about changing my craft studio up and giving it some love! :)

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Re: Help wanted (Score so far related)

Post by Jersey Girl »

msnobody wrote:
Wed Jan 08, 2025 4:39 am
Still feeling pretty good, Jerz? Or at least better than your worst.
Hi! Most days I am symptomatic to some degree or another but not at my worst and believe me, I remember my worst days and what I ate too. Today (Tuesday) I really had only a few moments of very mild symptoms. I've been adding fiber back into my diet bit by bit and finding out that I need to strive for more variety by adding even more foods back into my diet. For example, I can't eat green beans every day with an evening meal. I also need to spread out anything with sugar/carbohydrates. I can't eat blueberries and maple syrup with my breakfast oatmeal and have anything sweet at lunch. I think it's called fodmap stacking--like don't stack FODMAPS but layering them in throughout the day? by the way, with oatmeal I started out with one plain microwave packet, then 1.5 packets and now eat 2 full packets. So trying to increase portion sizes and be mindful of what I'm actually eating and when. It's crazy making!

Waiting in line to get back in:

Frozen Carrots
Frozen Strawberries
Tuna (Pricey tuna I found on a Low Fodmap website)
Tomato (maybe)
Aged Cheddar Cheese
Sunflower Seeds

I also found some Low Fodmap recipes for beef stew (no carbs) and pot roast. They're about the same recipe. The only thing holding me back is the cooking wine. I have no idea how to choose cooking wine and the recipe doesn't give suggestions.

Also...the special things they add in the recipes such as garlic infused olive oil...are SO pricey. It's not that I wouldn't buy it but sheesh nearly every special thing like I dunno...special crackers or whatever are SO expensive.

The dietary suggestions online are so confusing and tend to contradict each other. And all of them really are geared for IBS or Celiac, not necessarily SIBO. What it looks like to me now (having searched these things for umpteen months) is that if I keep the FODMAPS intake lower than suggested...I could probably be okay with that on most things. Example: I'm planning to try just a few pecan halves this week and see how that goes instead of just diving in with a whole suggested portion.

Baby steps...

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Re: Help wanted (Score so far related)

Post by IWMP »

Hey. :) sorry. I became paranoid that I wasn't being helpful. I have this thing where I want to try to fix things but know I can't.

Fingers crossed for more good days.

I think how things sound for you would fit in the need for low fodmap diet. And if it works then why not? I think you could make your own garlic infused oil.

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Re: Help wanted (Score so far related)

Post by Jersey Girl »

IWMP wrote:
Wed Jan 08, 2025 7:59 am
Hey. :) sorry. I became paranoid that I wasn't being helpful. I have this thing where I want to try to fix things but know I can't.

Fingers crossed for more good days.

I think how things sound for you would fit in the need for low fodmap diet. And if it works then why not? I think you could make your own garlic infused oil.

Nicky! I just looked up how to make garlic infused olive oil and found this!! ... fused-oil/

Here's the intro to the article with the recipe.

How To Make Low FODMAP Garlic-Infused Oil
A life without garlic would be a less flavorful life, but have no fear. Low FODMAP Garlic-Infused Oil is not only flavorful, it is even allowed during the Elimination Phase of the low FODMAP diet and our recipe is completely compliant with the most up-to-date Monash University science in regards to FODMAPs.
(Cue the trumpets playing and angels singing).

Trumpets and angels for sure!! :D Thank you for saying to make it! See how I can't think sometimes when I get distracted by symptoms? I'm going to try that! Thank you again!! <3 <3 <3

We only get stronger when we are lifting something that is heavier than what we are used to. ~ KF

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