Systemic Racism in America Exists

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Systemic Racism in America Exists

Post by Icarus »

Why is the Right Wing media so invested in denying the reality of systemic racism?

Systemic racism doesn't mean all white people are racist, or that no black person is able to achieve success. The fact that they would even mention a black President as proof against Systemic Racism or Critical race Theory, only proves they don't know what either are. They are willfully ignorant on the subject and refuse to understand what it actually means because if they acknowledge what it actually means then their idiotic straw man arguments are exposed so they play dumb and act like it means something stupid like "all white Americans are racists." I've never heard anyone claim "all" Republicans or Americans are racists. But when the majority of them swarm to support someone who brought back White Supremacism with a single speech, you can't really blame some of them for refusing to give most Republicans the benefit of the doubt.

They admit racism exists but you have to be living in the epitome of white privilege to sit there and say it isn't systemic. Of course it is. Anyone who has spent any amount of time studying history understands this. Maybe you're probably one of those morons who thinks slavery was the end of systemic racism, completely ignorant of course that life after slavery was in many ways worse for the black community. But here is a quick rundown of the examples proving racism is systemic in America.

In an act of retaliation against the banning of slavery, numerous states across the country, particularly in the South, immediately passed a litany of laws that were designed to put black people in jail for minor offenses so they could be put back to work again. For instance, they made it a crime to not have a job and the law was applied only to black men. As a result, black people were rounded up and imprisoned. They went from working on a plantation as slaves to working for the state as prisoners, sometimes freelanced out by the state to work at those same plantations. There were many other laws that were created designed to arrest and put black people back to work, but you get the point.

By the turn of the twentieth century racial segregation was mandated by law in every state. This was the period when Jim Crow laws were created to enforce segregation by all means necessary. These laws were eventually struck down in the 1954 by the Supreme Court. When that happened the "Southern Manifesto" was signed by over 100 congressmen from the South pledging to maintain all Jim Crow laws by any means necessary, and 50 new Jim crow laws were created in the process. Private white only schools called "segregation academies" (I attended one in the 80's) popped up all over the South in response to this.

Currently the average black family has only one tenth the wealth of the average white family. Why? Well, there really are only two ways to explain this. It is either a problem with the system or there is just a problem with black people. Republicans typically opt for the latter explanation because that's just a far easier pill for them to swallow since they've been conditioned to believe black people suffer because of themselves, self pity, lack of motivations, etc. But the primary reason why this wealth gap exists is because the #1 source of intergenerational wealth comes from home ownership and this has been true for more than a century. So, throughout the 20th century the Federal government created policies that intentionally left out black communities while encouraging white communities to become home owners. In 1934 the Federal Housing Administration created a risk rating system to determine which areas were safe investments for federally back mortgages. Black neighborhoods were considered too risky, and as such the practice of "Redlining" among banks caught fire. This effectively blocked black people from progressing economically. Is that not systemic? Of course it is.

After WWII the construction of suburbs exploded and much of it was restricted to "whites only." Until 1950 the Realtor Code of Ethics mandated that you could lose your realtor's license if you helped a black family move into a white community. The FHA's manual said, "Incompatible racial groups should not be permitted to live in the same communities." The FHA went on to recommend that highways would be a great way to separate the blacks from the whites. So while white families were moving into the new suburbs using federal loans, the black communities were left in the inner cities without access to those same loans. In terms of job opportunities, factories and manufacturers increasingly moved their facilities outside the city, within or closer to the suburbs which made it extremely difficult for the black communities in the city to travel to commute. Black people struggled to follow the jobs because they were prohibited from living in the white communities and only 28% of black fathers had access to a car.

After WWII the GI Bill subsidized mortgages for soldiers returning from war. Over a million black veterans were denied access to those benefits. For example, NY and New Jersey issued over 67,000 GI Bill mortgages, and fewer than 100 of those went to black veterans. In Mississippi there were 3,200 mortgages guaranteed by the US government, and only 2 of those went to black veterans. Is that not systemic? Of course it is.

So after the war, white families benefited from crucial financial incentives that were largely denied to black people. As a result, the white communities were able to build wealth, pay off their loans, transfer their wealth to their white kids, save money for college education, etc. In 1970 the overwhelming majority of black people lacked college degrees and were raised in fully segregated schools.

After unemployment skyrocketed in black communities (70% employed in 1970 to only 28% employed by the end of Reagan's second term), drug use increased and as that happened so did crime. Enter the racist "war on drugs" that remains to this day an integral component of systemic racism. The media during the 80's brainwashed America with TV and magazine images of black people committing crimes relating to drug use, so the epidemic of drug abuse wasn't treated as a health issue as it always has been for white people. No, for black people it was always a CRIME issue, and so we treated it as such by literally militarizing our police forces. Between 1981-1991, the anti-drug budgets for the department of defense jumped from $33 million to over $1.4 billion. The DEA's budget went from $86 million to over $1.03 billion.

In 1986 there was the Anti-Drug Abuse Act that carried mandatory minimum sentences that were much harsher for those using Crack Cocaine because that drug was mostly associated with the black communities (criminals!), whereas actual Cocaine was associated with wealthy white folks (addicts) who could afford to buy the good stuff and sentences for those crimes were far more lenient. This law also mandated immediate evictions for offenders, forcing many black families onto the streets. It also eliminated any right to apply for student loans they'd otherwise be eligible for. The 1988 revision of the law made the sentencing much hasher with a minimum 5 year sentence for ANY use of Crack, even if there was no intent to distribute. With all the whining from Republicans about how so many black families lack fathers, that's because our racist system put most of them in jail for doing the same crap my upper class white neighbors are seen doing every Friday night in their backyards. But the systemic racism didn't happen only during Republican administrations.

During the Clinton administration, funding for public housing was slashed by - $17 billion while the funding for prisons increased by $19 billion. In 1980 there were only 41,000 people in jail for drug crimes. Today, thanks to the "war on drugs," there are over a half million and most of these arrests were for simple possession, nothing more. Then we militarized the police forces. Between 1997 - 1999 the Pentagon filled 3.4 million orders for military equipment for over 11,000 police agencies. These orders included grenade launchers, roughly 8,000 M-16 rifles, and over 250 aircraft. Police tactics also shifted dramatically with their "no knock" entry. In Minneapolis, for example, the police performed just 35 no knock entries. In 1996 there were over 700. That's nearly two per day. Guess where they were knocking. Not the suburbs. There were many financial incentives for arresting more drug users. Federal grants to local police depts were tied to their number of drug arrests. Hence, the surge in arrests for drug crimes was driven by money, not because more people were actually committing the crime. So naturally the result was an explosion in the prison population. In 1980 the prison population was 350,000 and 25 years later it was more than 2.3 million! We as a nation have imprisoned a larger percentage of our black population than South Africa ever did during apartheid. Today if you are a drug felon, you are barred from public housing, food stamps, and you're forced to disclose you're a convicted felon on all employment applications. This isn't something that just goes away. By 2006 one in every 106 white men were imprisoned. For black men it was 1 in 14. For black men between 18-25, the age when families are built, it was 1 in 9.

Systemic racism in our current police systems is proven over and over. Studies prove that white people and black people use drugs at roughly the same rate and yet the rate of imprisonment for black offenders is six times higher than that of whites. Much of this has to do with the fact that most black people arrested cannot afford an attorney. Hence, a system that afford white people a means to get out of jail if they have the money. Just look at how many crimes that idiot Trump has committed, and yet all he has to do is throw enough money at lawyers to tie everything up in the courts for the rest of his life. That's white privilege.

In Georgia a law was created to mandate a life sentence for second time drug offenders. This applied to only 1% of white people and 16% of black second time offenders. As a result, 98% of all prisoners serving a life sentence under this law are black. That's systemic racism.

One study demonstrated that blacks represent 15% of all drivers on the New Jersey turnpike, but 42% of all stops and 73% of all arrests. This, despite the fact that white drivers were twice as likely to be carrying drugs in their vehicles.

Other studies demonstrate racism by the sheer fact that during night time the number of black drivers being pulled over is roughly the same as white drivers. Why? The only logical explanation is that the police cannot determine their color at night.

A study in Volusio County Florida, 5% of drivers were black, but 80% of all stops were for black drivers. No systemic racism here, right?

In Oakland, black drivers are twice as likely to be stopped and three times more likely to be searched.

In Minneapolis Philando Castille had been pulled over 49 times in 13 years. The 49th time he was shot by an officer while sitting in his car, after being pulled over for a broken tail light. It doesn't get any more systemic than having the police forces across the country be prejudiced against black suspects!

An FBI intelligence assessment—titled “White Supremacist Infiltration of Law Enforcement” and published in 2006 during the administration of President George with. Bush—raised alarm over white supremacist groups’ interest in “infiltrating law enforcement communities or recruiting law enforcement personnel.” The report, based on FBI investigations and open sources, warned, for example, that skinhead groups were actively encouraging their members to become “ghost skins” within law enforcement agencies, a term the report said white supremacists use to describe members who “avoid overt displays of their beliefs to blend into society and covertly advance white supremacist causes.”

In 2015, a classified FBI Counterterrorism Policy Guide, obtained by The Intercept, stated that “domestic terrorism investigations focused on militia extremists, white supremacist extremists, and sovereign citizen extremists often have identified active links to law enforcement officers.”

In 2009, the Department of Homeland Security issued a report on right-wing extremism and its relationship to “violent radicalization” in the United States. An investigation published in 2019 by the Center for Investigative Reporting found that hundreds of active-duty and retired law enforcement officers are members of Confederate-sympathizing, anti-Islam, or anti-government militia groups on Facebook. Within these private groups, members often are openly racist. Police officers have also been linked to groups like the Oath Keepers and Three Percenters, who believe in defending white Americans from “enslavement” and are actively hostile to immigrants. The investigation identified active-duty and retired police officers as active members in explicitly racist Facebook groups such as “Veterans Against Islamic Filth” (the group deliberately lowercases “Islamic” in its name) and “PURGE WORLDWIDE (The Cure for the Islamic disease in your country).” The leader of the Oath Keepers movement, Stewart Rhodes, bragged in 2009 that his anti-government group includes “thousands of retired and active law enforcement officers.”

The Plain View Project, a database of public Facebook comments made by nearly 2,900 current and former police officers in eight cities, suggested that nearly 1 in 5 of the current officers identified in the study made public posts or comments that appear “to endorse violence, racism and bigotry,” as reported by Buzzfeed News and Injustice Watch in a study of the database. For example, there are 1269 identified problematic posts from active duty Philadelphia police officers on the site. Of the 1073 Philadelphia police officers identified by the Plain View Project, 327 of them posted public content endorsing violence, racism and bigotry.

In the 1990s, a federal judge found that there was a “neo-Nazi, white supremacist gang” of Los Angeles police deputies – self-styled “the Vikings” – that existed with the knowledge of police department officials. In 2015 and 2016, the San Francisco police department attempted to fire at least 17 officers after investigations revealed they were sending racist text messages.

The Ku Klux Klan historically – and even in recent years – has had ties to local law enforcement. In 2014, a police department in Central Florida fired two officers, one of whom was the deputy police chief, for being members of the Ku Klux Klan (commendably, the information in that case came from the FBI via the Florida Department of Law Enforcement). In 2015, a North Carolina police officer was pictured giving a Nazi salute at a KKK rally.

The failure of police units to discipline police officers over allegations of excessive use of force and/or for racist behavior or actions is part and parcel of the systemic issues protesters have demonstrated over for many years and in recent days. ... ration.pdf ... forcement/ ... amophobia/ ... da-n155786
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Re: Systemic Racism in America Exists

Post by Some Schmo »

The GOP platform comes down to hypocrisy, greed, and a massive dose of reality denial. If they think Trump cares about them, of course they'll believe whatever they have to to deny systemic racism. They'll literally believe anything they have to in order to avoid looking at their nonsense seriously.

I don't think much of the GOP base' ability to think or assess reality. They are whiny little bitches who thrive on scaring themselves with BS.
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Re: Systemic Racism in America Exists

Post by ajax18 »

Why would such a systemically racist country allow OJ Simpson to get away with murdering a white man and woman almost 25 years ago? In fact, being black was a crucial factor in allowing OJ to get away with this and it's been this way for a very long time.
Last edited by ajax18 on Tue Jul 13, 2021 5:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
And when the Confederates saw Jackson standing fearless like a stonewall, the army of Northern Virginia took courage and drove the federal army off their land.
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Re: Systemic Racism in America Exists

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

ajax18 wrote:
Tue Jul 13, 2021 5:05 pm
Why would such a systemically racist country allow OJ Simpson to get away with murdering a white man and woman almost 25 years ago? In fact, being black was a crucial factor in allowing OJ to get away with this and it's been this way for a very long time.
1) That doesn’t prove the point you think it does. It actually demonstrates how the system suffers from jurors who have a racial bias. It also underscores how money can secure freedom, so when you’re poor you’re more likely to spend more time in jail than others would - in this case because Blacks are generally poorer they can’t afford the ‘OJ defense’ and go to jail, are judged by juries with racial biases, and of course do more time for similar crimes committed by other races.

2) He lost his civil trial you daft damned muppet.

3) He went to jail for another crime committed later, so apparently all that affection you speak of evaporated.

Do you ever get tired of being so goddamn stupid that you make a mockery of white men? I’m starting to wonder if you’re a psyop to demoralize white people who post on this forum. Are you JIDF? Are you ANTIFA? Are you a deep state CIA agent working to maintain the global homosexual new world order? Are you agitprop by the Satanic cabal that wants the Clintons back in power?

- Doc
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Re: Systemic Racism in America Exists

Post by Atlanticmike »

Some Schmo wrote:
Tue Jul 13, 2021 6:31 pm
Atlanticmike wrote:
Tue Jul 13, 2021 5:09 pm
Hey Some Schmo, I'm dedicating these songs to you and your progressive beta male friends.
That is exactly what I've come to expect from you. I doubt anyone else here expects you to actually defend yourself, either. It's too hard for you, too much effort. Lobbing baseless assertions and relying on the people you memorize your talking points from to make your arguments is more your speed.

But please, keep telling yourself you're an "alpha male" despite your unwillingness to actually back up your words or think for yourself.
I think you thought this thread was going to go differently huh! I didn't have to defend myself, I put up at least a dozen videos of real Americans telling how you can take your racist critical race theory and systemic racism beliefs and shove them up your ASS.
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Re: Systemic Racism in America Exists

Post by huckelberry »

Tom MacDonald. ridiculous. well perhaps the face tattoos are done with a ball point pen.
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Re: Systemic Racism in America Exists

Post by ajax18 »

1) That doesn’t prove the point you think it does. It actually demonstrates how the system suffers from jurors who have a racial bias. It also underscores how money can secure freedom, so when you’re poor you’re more likely to spend more time in jail than others would - in this case because Blacks are generally poorer they can’t afford the ‘OJ defense’ and go to jail, are judged by juries with racial biases, and of course do more time for similar crimes committed by other races.
Look at the difference between how the capital rioters were treated vs. how BLM protesters have been treated. The capital rioters were unarmed. Some did fight with police but many did nothing more than trespass into the capital building. For that one unarmed woman was shot dead. The officers name is still being withheld. Other nonviolent trespassers have been in solitary confinement indefinitely awaiting trial and being bilked by worthless attorneys.

In contrast, violent BLM protesters had their bail paid by our current vice president. Few if any served more than a day in jail and most of them have had their records expunged at little to no cost to them personally.

The lawyer who doctored an email to help the partisan leftist FBI spy on conservative Carter Page walked away with just a year probation and one year suspension of his law license.

That's the real two tiered justice system that exists in this country and it all depends on which side of the political aisle you are on.
And when the Confederates saw Jackson standing fearless like a stonewall, the army of Northern Virginia took courage and drove the federal army off their land.
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Re: Systemic Racism in America Exists

Post by Icarus »

ajax18 wrote:
Tue Jul 13, 2021 7:38 pm
Look at the difference between how the capital rioters were treated vs. how BLM protesters have been treated.
There is no comparison to the BLM protests except in your own mind. Nearly all the violence from the protests came when Trump loving morons tried to confront them.
ajax18 wrote:
Tue Jul 13, 2021 7:38 pm
The capital rioters were unarmed.
That is a lie. Many of them were armed, and more than we know most likely since the bulk of the crowd was never searched. You're telling me these gun loving idiots who don't believe in gun free zones, that none of them was packing?

Yes, Capitol Rioters Were Armed. Here Are The Weapons Prosecutors Say They Used

"I've talked to officers who have done two tours in Iraq who said this was scarier to them than their time in combat," Robert J. Contee III, the acting chief of Washington, D.C.'s Metropolitan Police Department, said.
ajax18 wrote:
Tue Jul 13, 2021 7:38 pm
Some did fight with police but many did nothing more than trespass into the capital building.
Virtually everyone at the front of the line fought police and were extremely violent. The reason the people in the back didn't fight with them is because they weren't in range you idiot.

And by the way, this was how the police prepared for the BLM "riots" on Capitol grounds:
ajax18 wrote:
Tue Jul 13, 2021 7:38 pm
For that one unarmed woman was shot dead.
She was shot dead because of her own stupidity. She was literally breaking down a barricade into Congress after being warned numerous time they'd open fire. She called their bluff and lost. I only wish they had opened fire on all of the people who fought the police and broke down doors, windows, barricades etc.
ajax18 wrote:
Tue Jul 13, 2021 7:38 pm
The officers name is still being withheld.
For good reason. They don't want any more ignorant knuckledraggers trying to get retribution.
ajax18 wrote:
Tue Jul 13, 2021 7:38 pm
Other nonviolent trespassers have been in solitary confinement indefinitely awaiting trial and being bilked by worthless attorneys.
Good. I thought you were the party of law and order? Nah, we all knew that was BS. Now you're whining because a slew of criminals on your side of the fence are being held accountable for their crimes.
ajax18 wrote:
Tue Jul 13, 2021 7:38 pm
In contrast, violent BLM protesters had their bail paid by our current vice president.
Luckily for us we have tons of video footage of both events. The majority of BLM protesters who were detained were released because the cops had nothing on them. And then Trump authorized the Feds to literally kindnap people off the streets for nothing more than suspicion. Due process out the window.

Federal Officers Use Unmarked Vehicles To Grab People In Portland, DHS Confirms
ajax18 wrote:
Tue Jul 13, 2021 7:38 pm
Few if any served more than a day in jail and most of them have had their records expunged at little to no cost to them personally.
Very few people were serving time because very few people actually broke laws. Your convoluted version of the BLM riots is some Hollywood/FOX News version that just never happened. Weird how the BLM protests stopped and then picked up again every time an innocent black American was murdered by white cops. Ya think there is a connection maybe?
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Re: Systemic Racism in America Exists

Post by Chap »

Atlanticmike wrote:
Tue Jul 13, 2021 8:29 pm
You said terrible grammar indicates stupidity. That's a RACIST STATEMENT!!! Did you know countries with the highest illiteracy rate are almost always people of color???
Ah. It escaped your notice that the topic was racism in America? DrC was of course talking about American Conservatives.

In America, a country with a system of universal free school education with ample opportunity to learn to write correctly, a person who has never managed to master basic spelling or grammar might reasonably be thought to be in general less intellectually favoured than someone who has.

Your reference to other countries is thus irrelevant to the discussion.
That's the problem with this supernatural stuff, it doesn't really solve anything. It's a placeholder for ignorance.
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Re: Systemic Racism in America Exists

Post by Atlanticmike »

Chap wrote:
Tue Jul 13, 2021 9:02 pm
Atlanticmike wrote:
Tue Jul 13, 2021 8:29 pm
You said terrible grammar indicates stupidity. That's a RACIST STATEMENT!!! Did you know countries with the highest illiteracy rate are almost always people of color???
Ah. It escaped your notice that the topic was racism in America? DrC was of course talking about American Conservatives.

In America, a country with a system of universal free school education with ample opportunity to learn to write correctly, a person who has never managed to master basic spelling or grammar might reasonably be thought to be in general less intellectually favoured than someone who has.

Your reference to other countries is thus irrelevant to the discussion.
Thank you Chap for being a gentleman and not insulting me or anyone else in your post. And yes, I know he was talking about conservatives, but that makes it even worse. If he thinks a bunch of some what educated conservatives who might not spell as well as him are stupid, what about all the people in the world that have no formal education, what does he think of them?? Some of the smartest people I've ever met don't have more than a high school education. Some no education at all. A friend of mine owns a multi million dollar businesses and doesn't even have a GED. Just like me, he has his wife or secretary write all of his formal contracts because his grammar is so poor. If I have to submit a contract for a government job or for a business that is accepting other bids I'll have my wife write the contract so it reads better. Basing intelligence off of grammar is a very narrow-minded.
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