NewNameNoah's TikTok harassment allegations

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NewNameNoah's TikTok harassment allegations

Post by drumdude »

Many of us are too old to be on Tik Tok and so we're very out of the loop, but supposedly Mike has been harassing women left and right on the platform:
I’m one of the women on TikTok talking about New Name Noah and my experience with him. He left so many inappropriate and sexual comments on my videos, I honestly lost count. I was terrified. I didn’t know what to do. When he DMed me, I panicked and thought that if I went along and played nice, he’d eventually leave me alone. So many other people saw what he was doing to me. Some reached out to me at the time to let me know they knew what he was doing was not ok. We were all scared. Because New Name Noah is dangerous. He has a large platform and a large following and the misogyny runs deep, even in exmormon men. Turns out, he has done things like this before but he has bullied women into silence. But I’m not letting him do it this time. There is a group he is an admin of on Facebook and he is deleting anyone from the group who speaks out. People have taken their concerns to other admins of the group and those admins have given their names to New Name Noah and he has then sent threatening messages to them, trying to get them to stop talking. I spoke up and said the group wasn’t safe. I had a horrific interaction with one of the admins whom I then blocked and I’ve now been blocked from the group. I’m afraid, for posting this, I’ll be blocked here too. This might even get deleted. But I won’t stop talking. What he is doing, is wrong. He won’t listen. He won’t learn. I’ve tried to talk to him directly. He even called me when I started to speak out. But when he started calling the other women liars and mentally ill, I hung up the phone. He threatened to send me revenge porn of the woman who is speaking up about her sexual harassment. He is looking for personal information of the people speaking up against him. We are exmormon. We left the church because of men like New Name Noah. Men who treated women like objects and never admitted guilt for the things they did wrong. Who gaslit us and told us to calm down and that it wasn’t that big of a deal. I won’t let anyone treat me like that anymore and I won’t stay quiet while he treats other women that way too. ... rassed_me/

Mike has done some defending of himself:

Has Mike finally pushed the boundaries of decency too far? Like Hoffman, he is simultaneously a hero for exposing the church but also seems to be at his core a very troubled person.
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Re: NewNameNoah's TikTok harassment allegations

Post by Meadowchik »

He has already pushed the boundaries too far, several times over.

He planned to film a porn video in a temple.

He threatened to assault McKenna Denson, in a YouTube video.

When called out on an exmo podcast, he launched personal attacks against the critic and harassed her.

And this.

Of course this is just the wide, out-in-the-open public stuff.

I have appreciated his temple videos in the past as a type of whistleblowing subverting the secretive, coercive nature of temple ordinances.

But since then, NNN has consistently comported himself very badly while accumulating thousands of followers who too often defend his toxic behaviour and help him harass his critics.

It's gross and it must stop.

Thanks for posting.
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The chicks love me!

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Re: The chicks love me!

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Shulem wrote:
Fri Apr 02, 2021 8:45 pm
click me
Who's the King, baby?

A. Elvis Presley
B. Michael Jackson
C. Emperor Naruhito
D. Brigham Young (briefly of the Kingdom of Deseret)
E. Joseph Smith (King and High Priest of the World)
Cry Heaven and let loose the Penguins of Peace
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Re: NewNameNoah's TikTok harassment allegations

Post by Dr. Shades »

Screen shots or it didn't happen.
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Re: NewNameNoah's TikTok harassment allegations

Post by Meadowchik »

Here is a webpage that preserved his comments deleted from Reddit: read carefully and it becomes pretty clear despite his denials: ... rassed_me/

If it doesn't load it automatically, this is the reddit url that it preserves: ... rassed_me/

Here is a summary of the TikTok harassment: ... 7740505606

Here is one of the women speaking about her experience, with conversation screenshots: ... copy_url=0

He did deny sending the dick pics, but they were reportedly posted in response to his request to provide them, with his genitals covered with editing.
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Doctor CamNC4Me
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Re: NewNameNoah's TikTok harassment allegations

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

How Mike Norton sends out his dick pics:


- Doc
Hugh Nibley claimed he bumped into Adolf Hitler, Albert Einstein, Winston Churchill, Gertrude Stein, and the Grand Duke Vladimir Romanoff. Dishonesty is baked into Mormonism.
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Poop on his nose

Post by Shulem »

New Name Noah exposed his brown nose Easter Bunny on Mormon talk. Dr. Shades was there! :lol:

Start at the 1:17 minute mark and let it roll. Norton exposes himself!

Mormon Talk Easter Edition (SPECIAL GUEST: THE EASTER BUNNY)
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Re: NewNameNoah's TikTok harassment allegations

Post by Lem »

Meadowchik wrote:
Sat Apr 03, 2021 8:22 am
Here is a webpage that preserved his comments deleted from Reddit: read carefully and it becomes pretty clear despite his denials: ... rassed_me/

If it doesn't load it automatically, this is the reddit url that it preserves: ... rassed_me/

Here is a summary of the TikTok harassment: ... 7740505606

Here is one of the women speaking about her experience, with conversation screenshots: ... copy_url=0

He did deny sending the dick pics, but they were reportedly posted in response to his request to provide them, with his genitals covered with editing.
As an adult woman well into decades worth of interacting with men online and in professional settings, I am having a difficult time with the way these young women are talking about this. They are giving way too much power to this obnoxious person. Maybe it's a generational thing, but I haven't found that showing this much fear without taking action, or talking publicly about how helpless they feel in the face of behavior like this, but then listing how it went on and on without them taking action to be useful approaches.

I am also extremely uncomfortable when I see these young women online, talking in whispery, wavery voices, ending their sentences with an upward note like they are asking permission, casting their eyes down, and shakily whispering 'i promised myself I wasn't going to cry.'

the woman who said she continued repeatedly interacting with Norton, but only because she was hoping it would humanize her to him so that he wouldn't want to hurt her just broke my heart. No, honey, that never, EVER works.

Call the police, hire a lawyer, take out a restraining order, make a voodoo doll and cut off its dick, whatever helps. Take action. See yourself as equal, because you ARE.
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Re: NewNameNoah's TikTok harassment allegations

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

Back in the day, during the exmo-social split off from recoveryfrommormonism NNN had a similar rep with that crowd - anywhere from creep to perv to weird. These guys rarely change, at least organically. They need to be boxed out from social settings because they're emotional vampires with a side of inappropriate horniness.

- Doc
Hugh Nibley claimed he bumped into Adolf Hitler, Albert Einstein, Winston Churchill, Gertrude Stein, and the Grand Duke Vladimir Romanoff. Dishonesty is baked into Mormonism.
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