There may be those that are uncomfortable with the changing social dynamics that they see as diminishing their position of unearned privilege and comfort. There are positions of disagreement with this social shift that lead some folks to seek out conservatively vestigial social organizations, clinging onto what the church teaches in respect to what it considers to be other sinful behaviors and/or practices that people chose to maintain define the social changes for validation.
Rather than engaging in self-reflection and personal growth, they embed deeper in the church that tells them what others call bigotry is virtuous because "creator god", trying to ‘cover up their biases and bigotry’ since folks like this find it easier to crawl in a hole with other like-minded folks than consider their position is not particularly grounded in ethics.
When we live in a society and don’t fit in with the norms, we look for ways to either fit in or we look for other options.
This was too wordy and smart. Would you be good enough to pare it down to ~two sentences that a faithful Mormon could skim over and somehow have it penetrate their aluminum skull?
- Doc
Donald Trump doesn’t know who is third in line for the Presidency.
I have absolutely no idea what any of you are talking about.
I figured out that someone had changed MG 2.0's rank and I fixed it.
Well done you. There was a problem, an expectation that it would be fixed, and you fixed it. Easy-peasy.
Say, I don't suppose you have considered trying your hand at being a professional Prophet? The field could use those skills, I bet.
I think consig did it. Just kidding. I would think that whoever did it left a digital footprint of some kind. They should be given 50 lashings at the whipping post.