Is Interpreter a Well-Cited Journal?

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Re: Is Interpreter a Well-Cited Journal?

Post by Doctor Scratch »

Interpreter has such “growing reach”—it has managed to extend all the way out to Book of Mormon Central! Wow! Maybe one day they will get cited by the FAIR Wiki???
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Re: Is Interpreter a Well-Cited Journal?

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I guess the same standard applies to make the Heartlander’s work more cited than them all - just look at all the citations at Neville Neville Land!!

And above them all, the CES Letter. OMG!
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Re: Is Interpreter a Well-Cited Journal?

Post by Philo Sofee »

I'm of the impression that Mopologists have no desire whatever to convert people. They don't believe in Christ at all. That is the key to grasping their odd behaviors. They could care less what that Middle Eastern crazy man imagined or thought or taught. They are feeding their own egos with being right. With being valiant against those who are wrong! THEY want to be the light to guide people, not those pesky old men in charge at church headquarters, who know nothing near as thoroughly as they do. Mopologists want power and prestige and people's accolades at how smart they are, and how well they "defend" their interpretations. Forget Jesus, we have brains!

I, for the life of me, can see no other reason for their existence and attitudes. Jesus surely needs no help with the Gospel. The very thought makes reason stare. Jesus has the Holy Ghost as his helper, but Mopologists don't believe in the Holy Ghost's power to convert. It has failed. The world is not listening to it. So they jump in to eagerly earn their celestial reward by helping out the poor worn out lazy learner, and bring forth their own philosophies and knowledge to beat down all other idiots who are wrong. It's why they fight and brag at their own achievements, no matter how inane. The leader of the Mopologists is obviously thinking along the lines of:

"Lookie at me Heavenly Father (sorry mom, we aren't allowed to even talk about you), lookit how intelligent I am! Lookit how I have traveled all over the world and gotten smarter than everyone else! And I gave lots of tours all over too! I can say whatever, and be right, and so I can now ridicule everyone who doesn't believe what I think. Ain't that neato keen Heavenly Father? Are you proud of me? Can I have a place at your right hand while all those I have refuted get only the telestial so I can gloat how right *I* was, and they shoulda listened to *me*? Huh? Can I, Can I? I deserve it you know. I made all kinds of blogs and shared all kinds of cool stuff and evidences and had never missed an article in a super awesome paper I invented myself on the Internet for at least 9,356 straight Fridays - surely a record worth admiring! I did this and guided everyone else to contribute getting the credit myself, of course, in order to convict them who disbelieve me, and prove they didn't have a clue, while I outshone them all. Can I have the glory Heavenly Father? I deserve it.

Oh, and would you mind throwing a bone to all my buddies who helped me out and intimidated and showed how dumb everyone else was who didn't believe our right view? They also supported me and made all kinds of cool blogs showing the insider Mormon apostates (we know they had to be because they didn't accept our truths) stupidity because they didn't support the Book of Mormon as good as we did. We kicked butt on the atheists too Heavenly Father! Oh man we showed them who was right didn't we? I mean you just had to be clapping at our prowess we earned with our Ph.d's, we just know it. So... to all my buddies who published gobs and gobs of stuff, they also deserve at least a chair near our thrones. Maybe a stool? They'll be fine with it, they like me best anyway cause I'm so smart and cool at debating. You and me God, I mean that's what it's all about, right? Our own glory? Our own greatness so everyone will now look up to us and constantly prattle about how smart we are, together as buddies, as teammates. It's a good thing you created me, cause I proved you exist, and horses are tapirs, and the Lamanites lived in Mesoamerica! Ain't I great?"
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Dr. Shades
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Re: Is Interpreter a Well-Cited Journal?

Post by Dr. Shades »

Philo Sofee, have you read Mormon Discussions and Covenants by Mormon Jesus? I think it'd be right up your alley.
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Re: Is Interpreter a Well-Cited Journal?

Post by Kishkumen »

Dr. Shades wrote:
Tue Mar 28, 2023 9:12 am
Philo Sofee, have you read Mormon Discussions and Covenants by Mormon Jesus? I think it'd be right up your alley.
Such a classic!
Philo Sofee
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Re: Is Interpreter a Well-Cited Journal?

Post by Philo Sofee »

Dr. Shades wrote:
Tue Mar 28, 2023 9:12 am
Philo Sofee, have you read Mormon Discussions and Covenants by Mormon Jesus? I think it'd be right up your alley.
Yes! Oh my gosh thanks for the reminder. We need Mormon Jesus some more. I have never laughed so hard as reading that 37 pages. Shades you ROCK.
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Everybody Wang Chung
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Re: Is Interpreter a Well-Cited Journal?

Post by Everybody Wang Chung »

Doctor Scratch wrote:
Tue Mar 28, 2023 3:18 am
Interpreter has such “growing reach”—it has managed to extend all the way out to Book of Mormon Central! Wow! Maybe one day they will get cited by the FAIR Wiki???
Bond was right. The Interpreter has been dead for a long time.
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Philo Sofee
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Re: Is Interpreter a Well-Cited Journal?

Post by Philo Sofee »

Everybody Wang Chung wrote:
Thu Mar 30, 2023 10:33 pm
Doctor Scratch wrote:
Tue Mar 28, 2023 3:18 am
Interpreter has such “growing reach”—it has managed to extend all the way out to Book of Mormon Central! Wow! Maybe one day they will get cited by the FAIR Wiki???
Bond was right. The Interpreter has been dead for a long time.
And Dehlin has demonstrated (DOZENS and DOZENS and DOZENS of times) how FAIR is dead as well and he even gave them a eulogy - Rest in peace FAIR, your washed up.
Dr Exiled
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Re: Is Interpreter a Well-Cited Journal?

Post by Dr Exiled »

To answer the OP question, nope. It's a joke. They believe in magic rocks and making the mundane into fantastic testimony building whatever. That magic pen and the schedule and word changes really sold me ... not. And don't forget Early Modern English .... Early Modern English???? Interpreter loves this nonsense and I am sure there are some there that still believe in the ghost committee, superheros from the Early Modern English period, called by God to write his holy work in the language second only to the pure Adamic.
Myth is misused by the powerful to subjugate the masses all too often.
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Re: Is Interpreter a Well-Cited Journal?

Post by Tom »

Doctor Scratch wrote:
Mon Mar 27, 2023 11:55 pm
But let's step back a moment, shall we? I encourage you to mosey on over to Google Scholar and repeat the exercise (or part of it, anyway) that Mr. Wright used for his "research." Go ahead: click on the citations link for any of Interpreter's "articles." Click on another. Notice anything? Yes, that's right: pretty much all of the "publications" that are citing Interpreter's output are other, incestuous Mopologetic venues: Book of Mormon Central; Meridian Magazine; and so forth. I would be willing to bet that a significant number of those citations were made by Daniel Peterson himself. Furthermore, I bet that "Interpreter" has not been cited by a single reputable academic publication--ever. I could be wrong about that, but in its 10+ year existence, I doubt that a single well-regarded scholar has bothered to cite their work in an admiring light. Again: they can feel free to prove me wrong. But I think it's safe to assume that the vast majority of these citations (if not all of them) are coming from the same incestuous network of Mopologetic-friendly, hardcore Mormon publications.

So the "apparent impact and reach" of Interpreter is actually laughably small--despite the "SeN" proprietor's rather ridiculous enthusiasm. Perhaps he really believed Wright's data? I mean, you wouldn't expect someone who believes that the Book of Mormon is real history to be gullible, would you?
I also took a look at Google Scholar and found several citations to Interpreter articles in Meridian Magazine. I did find an interesting reference to Interpreter as a secondary source in a 2022 paper posted on SSRN titled "Arab Colonialism and the Roots of the Golden Age of Islam."

Dr. Wright should make the results of his citation analysis public in the interest of transparency.
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